
Harry Potter and Adventures of Ashborn

This is Harry potter fanfic harry Potter does not belong to me this is an AU English is not my native language well if I forgot anything then I will add in the future

Krom_Krumps · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


The universe is big . I knew this all my life as I was a scientist and it was always an intriguing thought about someone else living in our universe but i never expected that there would be another universe and I would get the chance to live there . So yes folks this is my story of being reborn in another world a filled with magic and creatures straight out of fantacy novels , a life full of adventures , a story of love , a story of Ashborn.


I was never good with people , basicallly an introvert so i never had many friends . as i was an orphan i always knew there is no one in the world who is waiting for me anywhere so i dedicated all my life towards studies and became a well known scientist . It during one of the tests, there was a blast and i died . so this is all i am going to talk about my past life since there is no meaning to it so yeah i died and reincarnated in the world i was familier and not so familer with, the world of harry potter


POV- Arthur

it has been a week since i was reincarnated in this world or so I think , it feels like I was in this world all along just had an extra set of memory now . I am 5 years old now and as far as my small mind can remmember i have seen my parents face only once and even that is a foggy memory so i guess i am an orphan again. now you will be thinking where i am so folks this place is huge mannor with only people living are me and my house elf Milli ( yeah house elf was the reason i guessed that this is world of harry potter and since I had seen only first movie as I remember so having advantage of knowledge regarding cannon is not for me). I have decided that in this one year I am not gonna do any anything other that let my body develope . i will only try to do some extensive research about this world and also try to find about my family as well . It will be hard snce i am in body of a chlid and my brain right now is curious one and the only thaughts coming right now are playing and adventuring , so yes it will be hard .

"Mill" !!


"yes young master do you want something ".

i have already asked about my parents from milli but all she said was that she is not aloowed to speak about it and house elves take their orders very seriously so i didn't ask about it any further .

"milli take me to the library "

"yes young master"

so she showed me the way to the library and in between i appriciated the view of my mannor

( i am not going to talk about how beautiful that is sinc it willl halt your imagination so folks imagine how beautiful it can be and that will be it)

when i reached the library i was amazed by the shear amount of books ,there were thousands of thousands of books , tomes etc. welp good for me

"thanks milli you can go now "

"ok young master . if you need anything please call milli"


and she is gone . that really is convinient , iwill surely learn it in the future

hmm lets see what do we have here ....

Well this is going to be the story . And one thing i forgot to add is that mc is not harry potter fan he had read some fanfics and that's it so he has not very good idea about the story. Well if you find this story good then please comment and if you think it's not good then still thanks but don't dirty the comment section . And since I am new to this thing i will take time to get used to how to make the story more good

ps: if you find any plothole ignore it for now since I am new

Krom_Krumpscreators' thoughts