
Harry Potter and Adventures of Ashborn

This is Harry potter fanfic harry Potter does not belong to me this is an AU English is not my native language well if I forgot anything then I will add in the future

Krom_Krumps · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Ashborn 3

magical community of Britain is tricky and confusing as the communities of other parts of world want people to learn magic , to discover , to evolve with time but here things are different as mostly people believe that what written in books is true , they have very less tendency to discover something new , what the are mostly involved is prejudice against the muggles and muggle born wizards . the ministry of magical Britain is the biggest example since the opportunities for muggle borns or with having one of the parents muggle makes it hard for them to get a decent job . they have no rights to say in makings of laws.

these prejudices have increased after the last magical war against the dark wizard voldemort . most of the magical families were his supporters and their agenda was to purge of muggles and muggle born wizards . those were painful times for magical Britain , people died every day , everyone was afraid to even step out of their houses . their were some who stood against them , they were people like serious black , James Potter, lily Evans, Mr and Mrs Longbottem , the Weasley and many more and the one who lead them was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, said to most powerful wizard of present time , the second coming of Merlin , the leader of light and many more titles but in the end he was not the one who defeated the dark lord , no , what defeated him was a child who could not even speak , no one knows what happened there but the Potter family lost their lives leaving young Harry alone , serious black was sent to Azkaban , Petter pettigerw was proclaimed hero and people lives returned to normal or what people thaught ....


in the Ashborn mannor we can see a child around 10 years old was sitting in garden reading book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them .he has long silver hairs which he had tied behind him he had cute face with cheeks inviting everyone to squeeze them . he was reading about phoenix , how when it die it would return from ashes . phoenix was also symbol for the house Ashborn , actually it was a rising phoenix with a tiger like creature , not actually a tiger , it was different , there were no records about the creature not even in the book he was reading and mind you the book was famous having almost every magical creature recorded so it was fascinating to know something like that exists.

"hmm so there are only 5 know phoenix around the world one with Dumbledore , one in America with someone named John Garfield , one in India with someone named Arjun , one in China with an not known owner and the last one was seen in Antarctica there are not many records about it . well whatever now then , milli !! "


"yes young master "

"is the lunch ready "

"yes young master "

"so what do we have" , i asked walking inside the mannor .

"shushi "

"really ? for lunch "

"don't worry young master you will like it just like a lunch "

"well if you say so "

I reached the dining table and sat down . my lunch presented in front of me . i started eating and asked

"tomorrow is my tenth birthday so are you ready to give me my ring ?"

"yes young master i will give you your hair ring tomorrow"

hmmm alright "


and... poof!! she is gone

this appretion is really convinient wish I could do it but no my progress is not this great that I could do it .

i mean all these years I had done as much Occlumancy practice I could do and i am proud to say that I can shield my mind from intrusion , not on the level of Dumbledore but i could definitely know if he did try anything so yes .

i had also taken 2 years training in martial arts , just had to ask milli to transform into my gardian and done , it was easy with my Occlumancy i was learning very fast and am Balck belt now .

i had also studied my 1th and 2nd year books thoroughly and theoritically I can start my 3rd year but i will refrain from doing it since according to my family notes i should be having my 1st magical maturity on the night of my 10th birthday and according to family books i should start meditating more since it will help me with my wand more and after my 2nd magical maturity which will be on my 15th birthday i can also start doing wandless magic and i don't think my predecessors were idiots so there must be a reason for them to write this so I will work on my magical core .

hmm this should be it then...


a few day later

so today is my birthday and am ready to get my hair ring the solve to mystry of dad's study

i had not invited anyone because I don't have any friends but I have my elves right and they love me as well so no worries Arthur you are good

i went to my dining room and saw there were many of my favourite dishes on the table

"happy birthday young master"

"thank you milli"

"we don't have cake cutting traditions wo no cake "

"i went to table and started eating "

"it's good milli , just like always"

"thanks young master"

"after eating was main thing"

"so milli where is the ring "

"here young master "

she presented me a box and inside it was my ring . it was silver in colour and had a rising phoenix with a cat like creature growling , all in all it was beautiful .

after getting my ring i went towards my dad's study and i touched my rigs from on the door and it started glowing , some words i had no idea about started appearing on it , i guess I will learn different languages this year , yeah let's do that , the opened and inside of it was my dad's study , it had shelves with different books a table with many papers or perchments on it and an armchair . it also had a fireplace might work as floo and also a sofa so yeah it was cosy and i like it very much and it's mine now so I will be spending my time from here on . on the table after inspecting it for a while , I found a letter for me form mom and dad .

it was


Dear son

since you are reading this i guess we couldn't make it back for your birthday but don't worry we are alive so take that worry off you . now since it's your birthday we had a gift for you it's inside the box on table ( yeah there was box just didn't tell you guys ) you can open it . it will take 3 days to prepare and after that you are good . there was also something we wanted to tell you , we belong to neutral families and we mostly do not fight against dark lords and such but voldemort was different case and we fought against him . we had friends like Potter , Longbottem, Weasleies and such . The war ferocious and many lives were lost but we did won , our friends Lily and James lost their lives but their son Harry Potter was safe . We were promised by Albus that he will take care of him and if it wasn't for the serious job we had , we might have had adopted him so think of him as your brother and make friends with him . And try to live your life fully alright . we love you .

mom and dad


hmmm Harry Potter could have had been my brother , on i will take care of him . let's check out the gift then ...

writing is hard , looks like I have to make a schedule .. well if find mistakes and have ideas regarding the story then do comment. and if you like to criticize the please don't since will ignore it and you will be only wasting you time ....

good bye ... let's check out what's in for Arthur in gift box

Krom_Krumpscreators' thoughts