
Harry Potter and Adventures of Ashborn

This is Harry potter fanfic harry Potter does not belong to me this is an AU English is not my native language well if I forgot anything then I will add in the future

Krom_Krumps · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Ashborn 2

After staying in this world for one year ar 6 year , at this point of time i don't know what to say since the past life has also become a part of me now so I cannot discard it therefore let's say 6 year , so after six years in this life and one year in which i spent in Library i found some things about this world and my family

first let's talk about the world . in this world people can perform feets which were by any means in my past life illogical , such as transforming a pen in a bird which i asked my elf to do . It was in one word fascinating . People can fly on brooms and most of all people have wands with them and that my friend is straight out of fantasy books .

Dragons are not nonconceptual here , they are real , as real as they can be , there are also fairies , mermaids , and other fantacy creatures .

The wizarding world, also referred to as the magical community, is the society in which wizards and witches live and interact, separated from non-wizarding society. The two communities were kept separate through the use of charms, spells, and secrecy. Wizards are forbidden to reveal anything about magic to Muggle society due to the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.

Muggle or No-mags are people without any magic . They live in mundane world having no idea about us . If there is anyone who performed magic in front of muggles it can be a crime and it is necessary to oblivate their memory . In short we people are secrative

Each country has a form of wizarding government to oversee magical affairs in their territory, such as a Ministry of Magic or a Council of Magic. The International Confederation of Wizards served as a wizarding intergovernmental organisation

Now about schools like Hogwarts and Baxbutons are a place where parents send their children to study and learn magic . If some one from a muggle side has ability to perform magic then school sends someone to their house to invite them to learn magic . Not having contol over magic can be dangerous as it can lead someone to become obscurous and also it can breach the Statue Of Secracy.

Now about my self , I am from a family what they call Most Noble And Ancient house of Ashborn . their are 28 such families . we have lots of power and anything more than that is not necessary for me to tell you ( # shut up you shit , don'ts breach the wall ).

'huh , did someone say something ?' i thought to myself .

well whatever , so yeah I hail from a powerful family that's a good thing for me. a few days ago i celebrated my 6th birthday with Milli , and Cello . Cello is my family's other elf whose main work is tending our garden and taking care of magical creatures in our territory.

I also got a note on that day by my pillow which contained information about my parents not so much but it still had something . It was

Dear Arthur

we sent you this letter because we are not able to meet you . we know you us and we do too but we are stuck here and cannot come to you . it may take us many years to come back or we might not come as well . don't be sad ok . There are few things we wanted to tell you for your feature endeavours those are you must learn occlmancy that will protect your mind and also help in your studies . 2nd is that there will be a gift for you in the basement you will recieve when you are 10 , that will also help you with your wand . 3rd and most important our family has been most divulged in soul arts and that lead to some changes in our bloodline that resulted in making us search for our soulmates . you will feel attraction towards her when you are near and by your 18th birthday you might not live if you guys are not bonded so remember that .

and don't forget to eat on time , sleep on time and when time for Hogwarts come do make sure to make some friends .


Harry and Bellatrix Ashborn

i.e dad and mom

ps: live happily ok . we will make sure we meet you baby so please don't try to find us and if you do please become powerful . we don't want to loose our baby alright .

And that's it . it was emotional for me . I cried hard that day and still read the letter from time to time .

Well onto occlmancy, Occlumancy is the act of magically closing one's mind against  Leggimency . It can prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them. A person who practises this art is known as an Occlumens.

In first part of it we make make our mind empty . Then we sort out our memories and in form of books . second part of occlmancy involves making shield around our mind to detect any probing to our mind the third and most important part is to make fake memories so if people do probing they will only watch fake memories that's it .

"hmm this will be hard , and to make fake memories , well i guess magic really does wonders "



"yes young master"

"get me books on Occlumancy and Leggimency"

"yes young master "

poof !!

and 3 2 1

poof !!

"here young master "

"thanks milli "

"no problem young master"


"let's start then"

well there will be a time skip to his 1th birthday nad then to his 11th birth day

reason is that you guys have already ready read abut occlmancy many times so why waste time . Have a nice day folks

Krom_Krumpscreators' thoughts