
Chapter 1: The start of Oberon Gallagher.

Oberon snapped awake at the feeling of something dripping onto his head. He looked up and realized there was water, dripping down from above him. Taking a closer look at his surroundings he couldn't help but wonder as to how he got in this situation. He was chained to a wall in a dark, damp room. He searched the corners of his mind for anything that could explain what was happening, but he came up with nothing but blanks. He couldn't find anything in his (now) empty mind.

He continued to search but couldn't find any memory of any sorts. Except the new ones created from looking around.

*Crack! Crrrreeeeak*

He heard the loud creak of an un-oiled metal door and turned his head to look at what was causing the disturbance. He saw an odd person staring at him through the (now open) door. The man had crooked yellow teeth, a long nose that looked like it had been broken multiple times, and a balding head. Oberon unconsciously shivered at the sight of the cruel grin the man was sporting.

He seemed to be holding a metal platter of sorts. He threw the metal platter on the hard stone floor, the loud clatter scared Oberon who jumped in fright before being pulled back down by the chain. Oberon took a closer look at the platter and realized it was a tray of food.

The food had now been splattered all over the floor making it much less appetizing than it already was. He furrowed his brows and looked up where the man was, but he was already walking out and shutting the door behind him.

He had tried to ask the man a question but no voice came out. He narrowed his eyes and lifted his hand to touch his neck. He touched the skin and reeled back in pain. His neck felt like it was repeatedly being burned. Over and over. His entire body ached but it was his neck that hurt the most.

He frantically looked around the room hoping to find something, anything to relieve the pain from his neck, but to no avail. Unable to find anything, he just sat there and writhed in pain. Oberon grabbed his sides and rolled around as much as he could to try and ease the pain. Futilely hoping that movement would help. Tears were coming out of his eyes in volumes, he tried to scream, but to no avail. Sound did not come out.

Suddenly, he felt a warmth wash over his body and the pain stopped momentarily. He looked around to find the source of the amazing pain-relieving warmth and found a strange symbol on his arm. The symbol in question had foggy black mist seeping out of it. Creating a shroud around him and relieving the pain.

Though, after a few minutes the shroud seeped its way back into the symbol on his arm and then it seemed like the pain came back tenfold. Oberon blacked out because the pain was too much for his child mind.

-- A few hours later. --

Oberon woke up with a start. The pain came back instantly but it seemed not as bad as last time. This time it seemed manageable. Like a sharp ache in his body instead of the extreme stabbing pain he felt earlier. He looked down and saw that the strange symbol on his arm was glowing. But the mist wasn't coming out.

He tried to move but he found himself restrained down to a table. He struggled futilely to get out of the restraints but to no avail.

"Ah-ah-ahh. We can't have you trying to escape now, can we? Little obscurus?" The crazy man said with absolute delight and tightened his restraints.

Oberon thought. 'Obscurus? What is that?'

"See, nobody has ever found a controlled obscurus like you." He says as he pulls out a pair of pliers.

"I can't very well let you go because you are my golden goose. When the dark lord is revived, he will most definitely reward me! I will bring him the results of these experiments and he will reward me! You're just a little sacrifice compared to what the dark lord will give me. I just know i will surely be rewarded." He said with utter madness. He kept on repeating it like a prayer.

"You should be proud to be an experiment for the dark lord. The results will please him, and you will help him step higher into greatness!" He exclaimed.

The crazy man then seemed to have come to a realization. "Ah! You're just eight years old, which means you won't understand much of what I'm saying. Oh well." The insane man seemed to be absolutely giddy with delight for some reason.

"I have taken the liberty of removing your ability to speak. Your screams would get annoying, so it was necessary. Just be a good little experiment and don't resist." He said as he positioned the pliers at my index fingernail.

'What is he doing? Why does he-' Were Oberon's last thoughts before

* RRIP! *

Oberon thrashed against his restraints in pain. He tried all he could to scream but not one bit of sound came out.

As if to make the pain stop the strange mark on his arm glowed before dying down. Oberon couldn't understand why the mark stopped and didn't save him from his pain. Little did he know the room was enchanted to suck the magic out of him. It was designed purely for obscurials.

The insane man cackled with glee and delight at his pain. He quickly positioned the pliers at another nail before

* RRIP! *

He ripped out a second fingernail. Oberon thrashed wildly, trying to do anything to get rid of the pain. He wanted to make it stop. But the bindings were too tight.

(A.N yo. I really do not want to write another couple chapters of torture scenes so i am going to give a detailed summary and we will move on)

Throughout the next four years Oberon was brought into that room to be tortured and experimented on daily. Anything from cutting off limbs to pulling teeth to ripping out fingernails.

The scars around Oberon's body were horrible. Cuts all up and down his body, broken bones, the works. The man somehow kept coming up with new ways to torture Oberon and push him further and further. There were scars around his fingers and toes from being cut off and regrown. The man hadn't cut off his toes and fingers within the last month, so his nails were stained black from dried blood after being pulled out and regrown. His nails pretty much just grew black now because of all the accumulated damage and dried blood. If he wanted the normal transparent color, then he would have to cut off his fingers and toes and regrow them.

Four years of torture has led Oberon's personality to recede into the corners of his mind. Now all that could be seen is an emotionless facade and calculative intelligence. He doesn't like people at all considering his only experience with one has been torture. But this also led him to have a will of steel. He no longer thrashes when his nails are ripped out of their rightful places. Or when his toes are cut off. He simply glares. The only time he thrashes now is when he is hit with something called "crucio"

Throughout the four years it seemed as though his capturer had gotten more and more careless. Fortunately for Oberon, his torturer never checked the enchantments in the room. Through excessive amounts of use the enchantments that had kept the room a prison for Oberon have worn down. Oberon had picked up a few tricks and perks during the duration of his stay at the Torture cell. From the repeated crucio attacks he has learned to sense the magic within his body and the area around him. He figured out how crucio works and through figuring out how crucio works, he figured out how to sense the room enchantments.

Crucio injects magic into the body, then utilizes that magic to (heavily) stimulate the pain nerves. He found out how to sense his magic through crucio, and then he felt the magic being taken from him and absorbed into the enchantments. After a long, long four years, he has felt the wards and enchantments crumble. Bit by bit, piece by piece, second by second, he has bided his time waiting for the right moment.

Oberon had planned his escape from the moment he was able to be conscious after the daily torture. He had built up quite the resistance to pain and multiple times had stayed awake after the experiments. The madman figured this out and simply stunned him to take him back to his cell. But what he didn't account for was Oberon making a mental map of the facility. He watched and learned as he was taken back to his cell.

Tonight, he was going to break his chains, then he was going to turn into his obscurus form and escape. He promised himself that he would be back to get revenge. After all, Oberon hated this man with all his being. He would kill him one day.

The other two perks (that he knew of) obtained from the chamber were the very useful. Thanks to the enchantments constantly taking his magic, it has continued to grow his reserves. He has also learned how to take control of his obscurus powers. He can shift into and out at will.

What the torturer never noticed is Oberon's highly abnormal intelligence. He was already intelligent, but the experiments increased it severalfold. Oberon had made a plan to escape tonight, but he also made many other contingencies and plans in case that particular one failed.

Slowly throughout the last four years he has used rocks he found to grind away at the magic chains that held him to the walls. Because the room was dark the torturer never noticed. He has corroded the links so much that if he were to give them a couple good yanks, they would break. The chains were enchanted to keep him from shifting into his Obscurus form, by locking off his magic so he couldn't escape. But they weren't enchanted to be any more physically sturdy than normal chains.

(A.N the concept behind an obscurus is pretty simple. What happens is the magic within a child is suppressed. After being suppressed an obscurus forms and the magic explodes out. Oberon is already an obscurus, but his form is more powerful, as the locking of his magic has simply made his obscurus power compound itself.)

Whoever enchanted the chains was a dumbass. They enchanted the links connected to the wall but nowhere else. It's like they wanted him to escape. If someone were to break below those links, then theoretically that would cut off any form of enchantment still connected to the chains around his wrists

So, Oberon set his escape plan into motion and continued to grind down the already structurally weak chains. After a couple hours of quiet, slow grinding, they snapped, and he was free from the wall. Just like he theorized the connection to the enchantments was cut off and he could feel his magic come back into his control.

He slowly walked over to the door as not to announce his presence. It was the reason he didn't just yank the chains out of the wall. He wanted to be quiet. The grinding wasn't the quietest, but it was quieter than just outright pulling. He shifted into a partial obscurus form, just enough so he could fit through the food tray gap in the door. He had loads of magic power, but he wanted to conserve as much as he could, because he had no idea where he was. Chances are, he would need that magic power to get far, far away from here. There was a very small chance that he was in civilization, with people around, it was small, but it was still there. He wasn't going to count on it though.

He quietly walked through the halls on the cold stone floor. Keeping up a partial transformation and hiding in the shadows of the candle-lit corridor. Peeking around corners, and just staying out of sight. He followed a pre-determined path in his mind from the years of mental mapping. He remembered there being a pipe in his torturer's office, which he coincidentally had to pass by on his way back from his torture chamber.

"OI!" he heard a crude voice sound out. Had he been caught? He didn't know but he stopped moving entirely and hid in one of the shadows.

He saw a crude looking man pass by his hiding place and look around the corner.

"I swear i saw something" he muttered.

He looked around a little more before mumbling about his shitty life and how he doesn't get paid enough to guard the obscurus freak.

Hearing that made Oberon panic. If that man was the one guarding him, then he would soon find out that Oberon wasn't in his cell.

Oberon quickly continued on his path and found himself just before the hall with the office in it. He remembered what the crude guard said and went into the hall. He turned his arm into a long tendril of obscurus mist and suffocated the flames on all the candles in the corridor. The candles being snuffed out attracted the attention of his torturer. He opened the door to look into the hall and Oberon slipped right behind him, sending a tendril out of his obscurus form, grabbing his heart, and ripping it out. He was trying to escape, and as much as he wanted to make his captor feel much more pain, he didn't have the time. He quickly dragged the body into his office and snuffed out the candles.

The experiments gave him some unnatural genetic perks. One of them being night vision. In the activation of night vision his normally violet eyes would flash yellow, before going back to violet.

He shifted back into his human form, activated his night vision, and quickly started looking around the office. He identified the pipe but also looked around the office for anything useful. After finding nothing he shifted back into his full obscurus form and gave up control. He wanted to lash out indiscriminately because there could be important things that he just didn't know were important and he wanted to destroy them.

A minute passed by, and Oberon retook control. He flew through the pipes and used a new skill he found he had. The skill led him through the pipes, making many different turns, somehow not hitting any dead ends, he went through a pipe that led him into a weird room with many machines.

Oberon looked behind him and saw a male and two females, just staring at him. Two were adults, one looked to be a child of about the same age as Oberon.

They all shrieked in horror and Oberon ran. He found a door that led out to the city. He shifted to his human form and burst out the door, running as fast as he could. He dashed down an alleyway hoping he wasn't being pursued but before he could get far, he was pinned down to the ground by many people.

He looked up in hatred at the people pinning him down and saw a long-haired old man before blacking out from both exhaustion and being stunned. Little did Oberon know; he was releasing and using extreme amounts of magic as he was fueling his flight in the vents. He was tens of miles away from the torture chamber. His magic attracted every auror around for miles, as well as Dumbledore himself.