
Harrow's Reach: The Rise of a Baron -:- A Release That Witch Fanfic

Synopsis Title: Harrow's Reach: The Rise of a Baron In a world where magic is both feared and revered, a young pharmacy student finds himself inexplicably transmigrated into the body of a baron in a small, rural territory known as Harrow's Reach, five years before the arrival of the legendary figure, Roland. Determined to forge his own path and change the fate of the world, he sets out to gather an army and create a sanctuary for witches—those misunderstood women with incredible powers—while also aiming to prevent Roland from rising to power. Using his knowledge of modern medicine, he successfully synthesizes penicillin, revolutionizing healing in this medieval setting and earning him the financial independence to pursue his ambitions. As he builds his forces by offering food and a silver stipend to recruits, rumors of witches begin to circulate in his territory. His greatest find is Lyra, a young witch with unique abilities, who becomes his first ally and a symbol of his vision for a new order. But the townspeople are steeped in fear, indoctrinated by the Church to believe that witches are evil. To quell their fears, he bravely announces his protection of witches and showcases Lyra's powers, slowly winning over the community. When a witch named Sylvia, who can see magic, arrives with her own agenda, he seizes the opportunity to expand his influence and strengthen his cause. As alliances are forged and challenges arise, the young baron must navigate treacherous politics, the threat of the Church, and his own growing power. With ambitions to unite witches and ordinary folk alike, he embarks on a journey that will reshape the world and his destiny. But with Roland looming on the horizon, can he secure the future he desires before it slips through his fingers?

smsabedin · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Breakfast and Training

Chapter 17:

Harrow stirred awake slowly, blinking against the morning sunlight filtering through the heavy curtains. His room was eerily quiet, and a quick glance at the space beside him confirmed what he had suspected—Veronica was already gone. He rubbed his eyes, groaning softly. Did I oversleep?

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood, his thoughts immediately turning to the events of the previous day. Anna's arrival. The growing community of witches in his town. Harrow's Reach was changing quickly, and he needed to keep up. Still, his thoughts drifted toward Veronica. He hadn't spent much time with her lately. I should make it a point to talk to her, he thought.

Dressing quickly, Harrow arrived at the dining hall, the smell of freshly baked bread and sizzling meats filled the air. The long wooden table was already set, and he noticed the familiar faces of the witches gathered around it—Veronica, Sylvia, Lyra, Elara, and now, Anna, who sat quietly at the far end, nervously picking at her food. They were all immersed in conversation when he entered, but the room fell silent as his presence was noticed.

"Good morning," Harrow greeted with a small smile, walking toward his seat next to Veronica as the head of the family. "I see I'm late."

"You are," Veronica said, her tone neutral, though her lips curved into a soft smile. "But we managed without you."

Sylvia leaned back in her chair, arms crossed, observing him with her usual sharp gaze. "Late nights, Harrow? You're not overworking yourself, are you?" Her teasing tone lightened the atmosphere.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Oi,Oi, give it a break already. You know how busy I was, But I'm here now." As he took his seat, his eyes traveled to Anna, who sat with her head slightly lowered, her hair falling over her face. She looked like she hadn't slept much, her posture stiff and uncertain.

"So," Harrow began, addressing the witches as he helped himself to some bread and eggs, "I wanted us to have breakfast together, get to know each other better. Especially since we have a new addition." He looked toward Anna, who glanced up briefly before dropping her gaze again.

Lyra, who sat next to Anna, smiled warmly at her. "It's alright, Anna. You don't have to be so tense. We are like a family and Sir Harrow is a very nice person."

Sylvia nodded in agreement. "Yes, we've all been... uncertain, at first." She glanced toward Harrow, her tone softening slightly. "But Harrow's intentions are clear. He won't hurt you."

Anna, finally lifting her gaze, looked at Harrow. "You said you know... what I am." Her voice was quiet but steady, betraying a hint of the inner strength she held. "What do you want from me?"

Harrow met her gaze and set his fork down, his expression serious but gentle. "I want to give you a place where you can be yourself, without fear. A place where you can use your powers to their fullest potential—without being hunted or oppressed. What I want, Anna, is for you to be free."

Veronica watched the exchange in silence, occasionally glancing between Harrow and Anna. She could sense the tension still lingering in Anna's posture, the uncertainty of being thrust into a new life without truly knowing what lay ahead.

Anna hesitated, her fingers gripping the edge of her plate. "And... you're sure that's all? You're not like the others who see witches as nothing more than tools? Or a person who wants to leverage their position by handing us over to the church?" There was skepticism in her voice, a hard edge of distrust that only came from years of hiding her powers.

Harrow shook his head. "I won't lie to you. Your abilities are powerful, and they can help me achieve my goals. But I don't see any of you as tools. You're my allies, and I believe that together, we can change how this world treats witches. I want you to be a part of that change. I want to employ you and you can set the conditions but I need your full support and trust and in return you get my protect and a place to call your home. "

Anna's eyes flickered with a mixture of confusion and hope. "Change the world..." she whispered, almost to herself.

Veronica, noticing the shift in Anna's demeanor, leaned forward. "Anna, we're all here for a reason. We've all found something in Harrow's Reach worth protecting. Maybe, in time, you'll see it too."

The table grew quiet for a moment, everyone reflecting on Veronica's words. Finally, Harrow stood, pushing his chair back slightly.

"Let's get outside," he said, gesturing for them to follow. "I'd like to see what all to showcase your powers, Anna."


They gathered in the open field outside the manor, a wide expanse of green stretching beneath a clear sky. The air was crisp, the wind light, and there was an unspoken anticipation hanging in the air. Harrow stood in front of the witches, his arms crossed as he watched them prepare.

Lyra was the first to step forward, her powers always so closely tied to the earth. She placed her hand on the ground, her fingers sinking into the soil. Within moments, the ground began to tremble, small rocks and pebbles lifting as if by an unseen force. A low rumble spread beneath their feet as a platform of stone began to rise from the earth, forming an impressive stage in seconds.

Harrow nodded, satisfied. "Impressive as always, Lyra."

Elara, the quietest among them, stepped forward last, her eyes closed as she focused. The air around them suddenly felt cooler, and as she raised her hand, water droplets materialized from the moisture in the air, coalescing into a sphere that hovered above her palm. She smiled shyly as the water shifted into different shapes before evaporating.

Finally, all eyes turned to Anna.

She took a deep breath, her fists clenched at her sides. Slowly, she raised one hand toward the sky, and a flame was conjured after some effort. The flame was uncontrolled. The warmth of it spread through the air.

"Fire," Harrow murmured, watching the flame flicker in her hand. "It suits you."

Anna looked at him, the fire extinguishing in her palm as she lowered her hand. "I hope it's enough," she said softly, her uncertainty still present but now tempered by the faintest glimmer of hope.

"It will be," Harrow replied, his voice steady. "We'll make sure of it."

As the day progressed, Harrow gathered the witches in a small clearing near the fields. A breeze rustled the leaves of the trees around them, and the sun hung high, casting a warm glow over the scene. Harrow had brought along a few simple tools: a slate board, chalk, and a handful of stones and metal rods he had fashioned for demonstrations.

"Alright," he began, pacing in front of them. "I know this might seem odd, but there's something crucial I want you all to learn—basic science."

The witches exchanged puzzled glances. Sylvia raised an eyebrow, folding her arms. "Science? How is that going to help us?"

Harrow smiled faintly, knowing the leap this would be for them. "Trust me. You're all incredibly powerful, but with some knowledge of how the world works—how matter and energy interact—you can refine your control. You'll understand what you're truly capable of."

Lyra tilted her head, curiosity creeping into her expression. "So... you're saying we can improve our powers with this knowledge?"

"Exactly," Harrow said, encouraged by her interest. "Let's start with something simple." He picked up one of the metal rods and held it up. "Does anyone know what this is made of?"

"Metal," Elara answered quietly, always observant but rarely outspoken.

"Right," Harrow nodded. "This metal is made up of something called atoms—tiny, tiny particles that form everything around us. Your powers, like Lyra's ability to control the earth or Anna's fire, manipulate these particles in one way or another. Understanding them will help you direct your powers with greater precision."

Anna, sitting at the edge of the group, listened attentively but still seemed hesitant. Her experience with fire had always been raw and instinctive. The idea of controlling it through knowledge felt foreign. She glanced at Harrow, her brows furrowed. "And... how does fire work? How do atoms relate to that?"

Harrow smiled, pleased with the question. "Fire is a result of a chemical reaction—combustion, to be specific. When you ignite something, the atoms in that material are reacting with oxygen in the air, releasing energy in the form of heat and light." He drew a simple diagram of an atom on the slate board, explaining how elements like oxygen and carbon react. "With your fire ability, Anna, you're controlling that process. If you understand it better, you can manipulate the reaction more precisely. Make it burn hotter, slower, faster... you have more control than you might think."

Anna looked down at her hands, her mind racing with the possibilities. She had always struggled to contain the flames, but if there was a way to truly master it...

The lesson continued, with Harrow explaining the basic principles of matter, energy, and elements. It was a lot for the witches to take in, but they absorbed it with varying degrees of interest. Sylvia, as always, remained skeptical, though she did seem intrigued when Harrow explained those things but she gave up and did

After an hour or so, Harrow stepped back and gave them time to practice their control over their powers with their newfound understanding. He watched as they spread out across the clearing, each witch focusing on their abilities with renewed determination.

They didn't have immediate results but after a few days the results of their understanding could be seen.

One day Harrow brought everyone to check their progress.

Lyra was the first to experiment. She crouched down, placing her hands flat on the ground, focusing on the atoms in the earth beneath her. She recalled Harrow's explanation of matter being made up of tiny particles, and as she concentrated, she felt the soil shift differently than before. With a low rumble, the ground beneath her feet slowly raised into a more refined, smoother wall than the rough stone barriers she usually created.

"See?" Harrow said, smiling. "You're already starting to refine it."

Lyra looked back at him, her face lighting up with a sense of pride. "It feels... different. More controlled."

Sylvia, on the other hand, was not even attempting to use her powers.

Elara, her usual shy demeanor intact, stood near the edge of the clearing, focusing on the moisture in the air. Harrow had explained how water was composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and she tried to visualize those elements as she called the water to her. The liquid responded, forming delicate, swirling shapes in the air as Elara's confidence grew.

Anna, standing off to the side, hesitated. She raised her hand, summoning a small flame in her palm. This time, though, she didn't just let it burn freely. She remembered Harrow's words about controlling the combustion process. She concentrated, her brows furrowing in focus, and the flame flickered, shifting from a bright orange to a more intense blue—the result of a hotter, more controlled burn.

Harrow watched her closely, nodding in approval. "That's it, Anna. You're doing it."

Anna looked at the blue flame in her hand, a flicker of amazement crossing her face. She had never been able to change the intensity of her flames before. For the first time, she felt like she had real control over her powers, rather than them controlling her.

As the witches continued to practice, Harrow felt a sense of satisfaction. His plans were progressing, and with these witches by his side—now armed with not just their powers, but with knowledge—they were becoming a formidable force.

He knew this was only the beginning.


Due to a category error, I can't get a contract on this novel, so please read the upcoming chapters on my other novel - "Harrow Reach : The Rise of a baron - Original ".

I will keep updating here for a few more chapters but for consistent advanced new chapter updates search it and read it on that book " Harrow's Reach:Rise of a Baron : Original.". And bookmark it please. Thank you❤❤❤❤