
The Black Dragon

We made it to the fourth floor and began to take down the waves of monsters on the floor. I noticed a large magic orb headed straight for Yuki. I ran to her aid then deflected the attack. The magic orb struck a pillar and caused it to collapse. Yuki looked at me.

"Thank you Master." She smiled.

"No problem." I smiled back.

[Yuki's Bond Percentage rose to 69%]

We continued to take down the waves of monsters then managed to defeat the last wave of monsters. We cleared the fourth floor of the tower.

[Floor 4 Cleared!]

We hurried to the next floor of the tower and began to fight the next wave of monsters. I noticed the monsters were healing and used the Guidance of Light to lock onto the healer.

Luna noticed the light and rushed into the wave of monsters then used a Shatter Beam on the healer then a fragment of reality shattered, stopping the monster's time. Sol yelled and slashed down at the monsters from above then an explosion happened.

"Master!" Shelly called out to me as she was getting jumped by multiple water monsters.

I looked at Shelly then dashed over to her aid then switched my element to Thunder and slashed at them, taking the monsters out in one blow.

[Shelly's Bond Percentage rose to 23%]

[Affinity Rank Level UP!]

[Shelly's Affinity Rank: Amicable]

"Thank you, Master." Shelly smiled.

I nodded and rushed back out into battle, defeating the monsters in one blow then we finally cleared out the fifth floor. I sighed and gave everyone potions and elixirs.

[Floor 5 Cleared!]

"The numbers of these monsters are steadily increasing. We are only half way finished with this Tower. The monsters are easy to deal with, but their numbers are hella annoying to deal with." Athena said.

"I agree, but we've got to make it there as fast as we can." I said then walked forward.

[Time Remaining Before Matsuta's Plan is Complete: 3:12:54.9]

"Three hours before Matsuta gets what he wants. I refuse to allow that to happen. Let's hurry to the next floor." I said then hurried forward and the others followed behind.

We made it to the sixth floor and noticed there were no monsters in the area. I walked forward and noticed a person walking forward. I readied my weapon and glared.

"Remember me Shin?" The person smirked then summoned his axe.

I looked at the man then stopped walking. "Step aside Taji. You don't know what you're about to get yourself into."

"Oh I know..and I am more than prepared for the fight because I activate my Field Effect!" He bellowed then the floor shined red and a wall of fire surrounded only me and Taji.

[Yuki, Ophelia, Shelly, Sol, Luna, Athena, and Hikari has been removed from the Party.]

"This field effect is to show homage to the great Yoshimune! This is the Infernodome! All elements that aren't-"

I dashed forward and used my Waking of Willpower to used Shatter Cleave and sliced downward, hitting Taji and the field effect shattered. "This isn't a Player Battle...so killing is allowed. Like I said...you don't know what you're getting yourself into."

Taji fell to his knees and coughed blood as he lost a lot of HP from my one attack. "He didn't even hesitate..."

I looked at Taji then twirled my sword then slashed and he flinched, but I stopped my sword at his neck. I looked at him then sheathed my sword and walked past him. The others quickly followed behind me.

"Wha- Why are you sparing me..? Do you not find me worthy enough to kill me?! Are you making a mockery of me?! I will not allow anyone to make a mockery of me!" Taji yelled and stood up.

I stopped and turned around to look at Taji. "Obviously you don't know what sympathy and pity is. I am sparing you because there's much better things than death in this universe."

"Heh..you take me up for a fool? I'll show you for mocking me bastard!" Taji yelled and ran to me.

I walked forward then dodged his attacks and unsheathed my sword then shoved my sword through his chest. He looked surprised and blood trickled out the corners of his mouth.

Athena closed her eyes and looked away. "Fuck..."

I looked at Taji as I took my sword out of his chest. He fell on his knees and chuckled.

"You didn't even hesitate. Well...I guess my time is up...finally free from this curse.." he said then shattered into magic particles.

"I tried to spare him, but it seems like some people have death wishes." I said then walked ahead. "Let's continue."

[Floor 6 Cleared!]

[Yuki, Ophelia, Shelly, Sol, Luna, Athena, and Hikari joined the Party.]

We made it up to the seventh floor and we heard a roar. We noticed a large black scaled dragon standing in front of us. The dragon roared and spread its wings. I scanned the dragon.

Name: Black Scales Farida

Level: 40

HP: 40,000

Farida had four health bars and had a powerful aura around its body.

"I remember Farida." Yuki said. "She's a gentle dragon..why is she fighting us? She isn't one to fight unless she has to."

"She's likely being controlled by someone. Either way, we have to take her down if we want to progress through the tower." I said then readied my weapon.

Everyone got ready to battle against Farida. I dashed forward and prepared to attack, but she knocked me away through a pillar with her claw. I grunted and stood up. I dashed towards her again then avoided her beam of black flames. I hit her with my Guidance of Light and she roared in pain as the pillar of light dealt more damage to her since she was a Dark Element.

"Farida, I-I'm sorry for this!" Yuki said then hit Farida with a Gravity Shot.

Farida roared and was constricted from movement. Hikari dashed forward and hit Farida with rapid strikes of light, using Flash Rush on her then sidestepped out of the way when Shelly rushed forward with a Cindering Impalement. Shelly yelled and charged forward, slamming Farida against the wall. Farida roared and used her aura to push Shelly away. She roared and spread her wings widely.

"She's stronger than I thought she'd be.." Shelly said as she readied her lance and shield.

Sol and Luna rushed into battle and turned into light then began to quickly strike Farida rapidly in all directions then Luna appeared in front of Farida and summoned multiple portals, allowing Sol to rapidly strike Farida once more in all directions then Sol appeared next to Luna and performed a chiburi. Farida roared in pain as she was hit by a barrage of hidden slashes.

Farida's first health bar was gone and she lowered her head then growled softly and looked up. She flew into the air and charged up a large ball of flames. Ophelia twirled her bow then used Spring Rush on Farida, hitting her with ten arrows then interrupting her attack by the eleventh arrow. Farida roared and fell to the ground then Athena ran towards her switching to her Luminous Mode.

Athena began to strike Farida with a string of light slashes then used Dimension Slash on her. The slash sliced the dimension in two for a second then a light explosion happened, putting Farida in a BREAK status. Farida lowered her head and her weak spot was exposed. I dashed forward and struck her weak spot, making her roar loudly and she fell down. Her second health bar was gone then she began to transform into her human form.

Farida had long red hair with black highlights, black horns that curved around her head, black dragon wings and a black tail. She had no clothes to wear as she used her scales to cover her private areas such as her moderately sized breasts and her womanhood. She looked at us and her fingernails morphed into claws. I scanned Farida in her new form.

Name: Black Dragon Farida

Rarity: Five Stars

Element: Fire and Dark

Weakness: Water and Light

Resist: Earth and Dark

Type: Breaker

Level: 40

HP: 20,000/20,000

MP: 1,214/2,100

ATK: 791

DEF: 340

MATK: 402

MDEF: 534

AGI: 391

LUK: 399

"That's enough, Farida." I said then sheathed my weapon.

She looked at me and glared. "I won't rest until you're dead! Master's orders!"

"We really don't want to fight you, Farida." Yuki said and lowered her staff.

"Yuki..." Farida looked at her then relaxed slightly then shook her head. "No..I have a mission to carry out! I won't rest until I have completed it!"

I looked at Farida and scanned the area then noticed a second person in the distance. It was Sojuro. He walked forward and summoned his sword. He chuckled lightly and Farida looked back at Sojuro.

"We meet again...I see Taji wasn't enough to stop you. I will stop you myself now!" Sojuro yelled and prepared himself for battle against me.

I unsheathed my blade then got in my stance and glared at Sojuro. "Taji wouldn't accept my mercy...I am guessing you are going to do the same. So be it, I'll kill you and save Farida from your grasp."

Sojuro laughed then dashed to me and slashed at me. I parried his attack then hit him with a Full Death Striker then my eyes shined as I struck him with a Divine Culmination. He groaned as he fell on his knees then his weak spot was revealed.

"This power...How are you this strong already..?" Sojuro asked and looked up at me.

I glared at him then struck his weak spot and he groaned then dispersed into magic particles. I twirled my blade then sheathed my sword and looked at Farida. She looked at me and looked down a bit.

[Floor 7 Cleared!]

I walked over to Farida and held her shoulder. "It had to happen this way unfortunately. I wish things could've been different too, but mercy isn't an option for most people."

"I know, but I am more worried about the outcome of the battle...if you lose." Farida looked at me.

"I won't lose. I know I won't. Now go ahead to the Otherworld. I'll see you there." I said.

She nodded and flew off. I walked ahead and the others followed as we headed straight to the eighth floor.