

Many beautiful women flock strangely to Alex Maxwell. Alex is charming in his own way, has a friendly personality, and is heir to a wealthy family. Is that all that one needs to seduce a woman? Or does Maxwell uses some underhanded methods?

ElderGrimm · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

First employee

A young couple was having a pleasant conversation while dining at a discreet table of the restaurant. The young woman was casually dressed. She was in a light-colored knitted sweater and black denim shorts.

Despite her apparel, she was not out of place among the restaurant's elegant patrons. She was beautiful, wavy blonde, slender leg, generous line, any onlooker would think she could be a model.

Eliana Carter was indeed a model, featured in many fashion magazines, and well known in the modeling world. But at this moment, she was enjoying her supper with a young man, well dressed in his cotton shirt and dress pants.

Alex and Eliana were having a pleasant discussion, talking about trivialities, joking, and laughing at times. While chatting, they finished their entries and were ready for the desserts.

"What do you like for dessert? I'm thinking about some ice cream," Alex asks Eliana while looking at the menu.

"I hesitate between the mille-feuille and the tartlet," Eliana answered with a troubled expression. She was concerned about desserts.

Alex notices her distress and chuckles. His first impression of her was of a mature young woman, seductive and sensual. But from their many interactions, he sees more of her childish and innocent sides.

Before she makes her mind, Alex instructs the waiter standing nearby.

"I will take the melon sorbet and a tartlet. And a mille-feuille for the lady," Alex said to the man.

The waiter left after acknowledging their command, and Alex turned back to look at Eliana with a warm smile.

"The tartlet is yours, so don't be mad," Alex teased with an amused look.

"Then I will not hesitate. you are the one who pays after all." She confidently retorted back.

"You are surprisingly nice for someone who blackmails others." Eliana teased him in retaliation.

"If that's the case, shouldn't you give me your body," Alex said with a flirty smile.

"You should try again next century," Eliana chuckles at his statement and turns him down gently.

"If so, you must make sure to stay as gorgeous as you are now," Alex riposted.

"You are mine after a century after all." He smiled and looked at her mist gray eyes and embarrassed face.

Shortly after, the waiter came back with their desserts.

At the end of their meal, Alex accompanies Eliana to the exit where the red car is ready. He gallantly opens the door for Eliana Carter and enters the driver seat on the other side.

"Thank you for dinner. I enjoyed it," Eliana thanked Maxwell as he started the car.

"My pleasure," He replied with a smile but kept his eyes on the road.


Eliana Carter occupied a condo on the outskirt of the city. She came here for school and work and lived alone as such, while her mother stayed abroad. Her company arranged for her an apartment in a private property.

Alex pulled the car at the side of two high-rise buildings with sophisticated architecture. Despite the night and the late hour, the surrounding was well lit, but no soul was around.

The twin buildings were isolated, surrounded by a park and no other infrastructure in the vicinity.

"See you tomorrow!" Eliana said as she exited the vehicle.

"You won't invite me for some tea?" Alex joked, looking at Elian leaving her seat.

"Maybe next time." She turned him down with a flirty smile leaning over to look at him over the car's window.

"Shame! Next time then," Alex said in an insincere dejected tone.

"Bye!" Eliana shugged his disapproval with a smile and waved to leave.

Alex admired the back of the beautiful blonde leaving. When she disappeared inside the entrance, he received a call from a number he didn't recognize.

"Hello?" He replied to the call.

"Young master Maxwell?"

"This is Kayla Mathias," Kayala identified herself.

"I am sorry to call you this late young master Maxwell!" Kayla said apologetically.

"Miss Kayla! What's the matter?"

"Yes, your father has given the green light for the new company." She explained.

Hearing the news, Alex couldn't help but give an excited smile. He thought to himself that the game to completely shut down Ryan Doyle had finally, truly begun.

"Your father has also proposed a location for the company's office. But of course, it depends on your decision," She added.

"That is great! And when can we acquire the property?" Alex was jubilant. He didn't think that his father would act this fast.

He thought that he still needed to search for a place to establish his headquarter.

"Oh! The property is already available. If you decide to purchase, It just awaits your signature." Kayla explained.

"Can you make yourself available tomorrow? We could talk about everything in person and visit the location," Kayla arranged to meet Maxwell.

"Tomorrow is Friday, so we still have classes, but I can take a day off," Alex confirmed.

"Great then, I will send you the address by text. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," Alex replies and ended the call.

Just after the call, Alex receives a text from Kayla Mathias, instructing him of the location and time.

Alex starts the car engine, ready to leave. But he notices a suspicious black van coming toward where he is.

After he departed, the black vehicle parks itself where he was. Alex looks at the car with the back-view mirror and sees two middle-aged men in caps and masks in the vehicle. One of them was taking photos of the building from the van's passenger seat.

Arriving at a stop, Alex is about to turn back before the van also leaves in the opposite direction. He didn't push the matter any further.


Early Friday morning, Maxwell arrives in front of a four-story building. It was among similar structures of the same height. The architecture of the buildings presented a mixture of history and modernity.

He was in the middle of the old city's office district. On the ground floor, for some edifice were fancy coffee shops or brand clothing shops. And the upper floors were arranged to be offices for middle-sized companies.

Alex Maxwell enters through the door of the building in front of him. Once inside, he saw a large empty lobby with no furniture. It seemed they recently renovated the interior.

With how large the room appeared, Alex concluded the whole building was the office place.

Alex was pleased. He strolled around admiring the inside and imagining the place being busy with employees.

"Young master Maxwell! You are early," A young woman's voice called him from behind.

Alex turns and sees a stunning young woman appear.

With her red pixie hair and gorgeous navy-blue capelet coat, she was stunning. Her graceful attire made her look like modern nobility.

A robust elderly and a bespectacled woman were following her.

They stand in front of Alex Maxwell then the red-haired beauty introduces the group.

"This is the current owner of the building, Mister Hito," Kayla said, shifting herself to present the man on her side.

"And this is Miss Sully. She is our legal representative for the Maxwell group," She continued, shifting the other side to present the lady.

"Nice to make your acquaintance," Alex addressed both persons with a wide smile.

The two people replied with their greeting.

After small talks, the four toured the premises, with the man as a guide.

The ground floor of the building was the lobby, and the three upper floors were open office spaces with some private rooms. Each floor had two bathrooms and one kitchen space, and an elevator connected all floors.

"What do you think, young master?" Kayla asks Alex about the location.

"I like it," Alex responded with a smile.

Soon after, the group proceeds to the counter of the empty lobby. The legal representative checked the building's documents and prepared the purchase of the building.

Alex Maxwell signs the papers, shakes the man's hand, and the building is officially his. Now he was one step further to his plan.

"Congratulations, Young master!" Kayla said with a cheerful voice, clapping her hand merrily.

"It's thanks to you," Alex said humbly with a smile.

"We took a bit longer than I expected. It is already noon," Maxwell notices.

"How about we have lunch together? To celebrate," Alex invited Kayla Mathias after the old man and the lady left.

"Gladly! Where should we go?" Kayla enthusiastically replied.

The two of them found a restaurant a few blocks from the office building. They shared a table on the inside and started to converse while browsing the menu.

After a while, the waiter came with their respective dishes, and the two started their lunch.

"Tell me, miss Kayla."

"Just call me Kayla," Mathias cuts him.

"Then tell me, Kayla. How about working for me?" Alex said with a determined face.

The sudden proposition surprised Mathias. Her green eyes were wide open as she put her hand on her mouth, fearing to spit out by surprise.

She could not answer immediately.

Kayla looks at the young man in front of her, trying to assess his intention. She sees his serious clear brown eyes and confident expression, and she knows he was not joking.

"Right now, I am working for your father, so I am afraid I can't," She politely declined.

"You are a competent woman, and I would want you by my side." Alex insisted.

"I propose you, 30% increase to your current income," he added.

The offer was tempting, but Kayla hesitated.

Kayla is not scared of her future with the new company, but something else holds her back.

Even though the company is new, it's linked to a powerful group. Furthermore, the owner is no other than its parent company's heir. The future is bright for the emerging enterprise.


Kayla grew up in a strict and conservative household, and she is currently still living with her parents. Throughout her life, she followed her parents' guidance.

For the past twenty-five years, Kayla did not complain. She understood her parents wished the best for her. Kayla worked hard and tried her best not to disappoint her parents. With her effort, she managed to obtain a stable job with a renowned company.

Despite her strict upbringing, Kayla wants to experience a frivolous and luxurious life, hence her collection of exquisite dresses.

Now, a new opportunity appears before her, allowing her to taste more wealth, but she is afraid of her parents' reactions.

"Let me think about it," She said, reflecting on her situation.

Alex sees Kayla wavering and continues.

"If you are not satisfied, then double your income. You will become my chief assistant," He pressed.

The red-haired beauty was deep in her thoughts before she finally conceded.

"All right! From now on, I am under your care," Kayla responded.

She believes her parents would agree if it is a promotion. And she is technically still working with the Maxwell group.

"Let's get along well," Alex replied. He was elated at their agreement.


Now Alex has acquired a company headquarter, recruited reliable personnel, and is one step away from starting the business operations.

He was excited to start the business but was more excited about his initial goal.

Use the company to crush Ryan Doyle.

____ End of Chapter 7 ____

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I will try to be consistent with updates, but for now, I will try to publish a minimum of 2 chapters every week.

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