
Get In The Damn Ship

Alexander stepped back from me and then began to change, and all the weapons in the room gathered to him, melting onto him, but somehow not changing how big he got. These damn things made no sense, but this was all just extremely texture graphic. Somehow this thought made watching this absurdity better.

Soon, Alexander like a fighter jet, but with a lot more bells and whistles; his shape was similar to rockets we had used to make missions to Mars, but the project was abandon after a catastrophic failure on the Mars base. A multitude of yellows and oranges cover the plate of the ship, and two slots open up for us. I shook my head; that wasn't going to work; a deal was a deal after all.

"We are going to need two more spaces; I'm expecting guests."

As Alexander shifted, I turned; I could hear the sound of a large group approaching.