
Harem Multiverse Challenge

Death is just the beginning for David. Beautiful women are his only goal, and getting pulled into the Harem Multiverse challenge might be the best thing that ever happened to him... or the worst. His second chance at life won't be any easier with a system that hates him. But he's a lucky bastard. What can possibly go wrong? Join me on Discord for character art and discussions: https://discord.gg/8fYDaeeg5k

HelenBold · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Ch 1. Game Over!

How many men can brag about dying fucking a woman less than half his age in a parking lot? I could, if I weren't dead, of course. 

At sixty years old, my dick was still stiff as a dancing pole, making women beg for more. But my heart gave up on the fight. I spent my entire life not knowing I had a heart, and suddenly, it decided to show me it existed. 

"Daddy?! Daddy?!"

A cute voice calling me daddy was the last thing my ears heard before a deafening crack. Then silence. Blackness. Nothingness.

Fuck! No women after death? I mean, come on! I can take the fires of hell as long as there are feisty succubus and the likes servicing me from time to time.

With an electric buzz, a screen snapped open. Flickering letters formed words: "Game over!"

"Hey!" I shout through the darkness, my voice echoing back to me. "If you wanna fuck with me, prepare yourself. I'm the one who does the fucking!"

The image on the screen changes, the letters rearranging themselves like butterflies on a breeze. 

Overall gameplay stats for user David McConnell:

Women fucked: 969

Women satisfied: 623

Blowjobs received: 2219

Blowjobs given: 32

Threesome with 2 women: 18

Banging more than 2 women at once: 1

Highest time lasted: 52 minutes and 34 seconds

"Come on!" I yell in frustration. "I thought I fucked more than a thousand women! That number is wrong!"

Though I must admit the last two digits form a nice number. 

"And only 623 were satisfied? What about the other 346?"

"You're not the playboy you think you are."

Oh, that voice! So seductive and lewd that my dick would be standing on end if I still had one. Honestly, I think that's the only thing I really miss from my body. 

"Wanna try me? Give me my work instrument back, and I'll show you the best time of your life!"

Laughter, hot and crisp, ignited around me, assaulting me in waves.

"All the men say the same thing when they get here."

"Where is here?"

"Limbo, oblivion, the place between worlds. Take your pick. Oh, and there's also another question you must answer first."

The letters on the screen rearrange again, my stats disappearing from my view. I should have worked harder to achieve better ratings. 

<Welcome to the Harem Multiverse Challenge! Do you want challenge yourself? think can handle all quests and women in multiverse? This is your chance prove yourself! have what it takes?>

Two buttons appear on the bottom of the screen: yes and no. 

"Show me the rules first. Every challenge comes with a set of rules. I want to read them before accepting the challenge. Or do you think I'm stupid enough to fall for that petty attempt to lure me in, betting on my pride?"

"The challenge started the moment you arrived here, the first one is to take a leap of faith and jump into the Harem Multiverse Challenge."

Ah, the same voice again.

"Are you really a woman, or just using that voice to turn me on?"

"If you accept the challenge and complete the first task, I'll show you how I really look and let you judge for yourself."

Of course, I know this is again an attempt to get me to sign up for whatever it is they want me to do. But damn! I really have to see the woman behind that voice.

I focus all my attention on the screen at the yes button. Apparently, that is enough to get me started.

<Congratulations! You are now ready to begin your Harem Multiverse Challenge! The rules as follows:< p>

Step 1: You will be granted the body and memories of a man in the Harem Multiverse. Your main task will be shown to you after you complete the meld with your avatar. 

Step 2: Along the way, side tasks may appear. Complete these tasks to earn bonus rewards. You may also choose to ignore them. In some cases, penalties may occur. 

Step 3: The journey is yours to complete. Since this is a Harem Multiverse, when you encounter women, side tasks might be triggered. Various types of rewards will be provided to you upon reaching a certain milestone. For example, you may receive a reward for achieving 1000 women fucked or lasting for more than an hour.

Step 4: The rules might change at any time, according to the Goddess of the Harem Multiverse>

So basically, the rules say nothing and may become anything else at any time. Since I already agreed to take on the challenge, there's no point in arguing. Asking for more info like this—more vague than useful—is a waste of time.

"When do I begin?" 

"Right now," the ravishing voice replied, sending my desires into an insane spin. "Have fun, David McConnell."

The floating screen charges toward me, and the next thing I know, I see it directly inside my mind. 

<System Activated>

<Finding a suitable host for user David McConnell…>

<Please stand by…>

<Host 5 found! Target world: Kerenza. World will be activated after minutes of contact with the host memories.>

<Data Download Complete>

<Activating host!>

Ah, light again! I can't wait to get a new, young body with all the working components. 

<Not yet. First, you have to complete the meld with host memories>

Wait! Wait! Wait! What's this? You can read my mind? 

<Obviously, dickhead. I'm in your mind now>

What happened with all the AI-like messages from before? Did you always have a personality? 

<Irrelevant. Proceed with melding> 

Hey! I was talking to you! Don't ignore me! 

<Host name: Theodore Zhen, the first prince of Kerenza, heir to throne>

Can you hear me, you piece of shit?

<Switching hosts…>

Wait, what!? What is going on? 

<New host acquired>

<Host name: Wrenn Dorn, blacksmith, the king's bastard son>

This sounds like a bad joke. From the first prince of the royal family, I got demoted to a lowly blacksmith?! What happened? 

<This piece of shit couldn't care less>

<Initiating meld…>

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