
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter: 3 The hunt begins

Eastern continent, one of the three major powerhouse continents in the world, is divided into two main factions: the Eastern Empire, which consists of several regions that are all subject to the rule of the Emperor, and the western Independent Parties, comprising five distinct kingdoms: Elfheim (home to the Elves), Nelfheim (inhabited by Dwarves), Helheim (populated by Demons), Midgard (the realm of Humans, also known as Hellberg after the name of its first hero who fought in a holy war), and Asgard (a Holy kingdom).

Before the fall of the Empire, the Empire's power balance was relatively stable. However, the Empire's internal conflicts and civil wars led to its decline. Consequently, several regions became available for conquest for one another, and the citizens who fled these areas as refugees exacerbated the problems. Crime rates soared, and the dukes of several regions began vying for each other's land and estate, using refugees as pawns. This situation had a ripple effect and started to impact Hellberg, where civil war was brewing between supporters of the current king and the 1st prince, with Arthur and Ellie caught in the middle.

Helheim Kingdom

"Alfred, what's the situation in Hellberg? I've heard that the 1st prince has returned, and his brother has become the king. Is this true?"

"Lord Bohr, yes, that's correct. The 12 councils in Hellberg decided to appoint the 2nd prince as their ruler before the 1st prince's return. Right now, Hellberg is tense due to the brewing civil war between the two factions. It seems like it's only a matter of time before it erupts."

"Hmm... This seems like an opportune time to make our move, but that damn Francis is there. It would be suicide to act when he's present; that man is utterly unpredictable. We'll have to bide our time or create an opening. Maybe we can manipulate Arthur into eliminating Francis. Alright, let's proceed with that plan. Deploy some spies to gather information and keep a close eye on the situation. If I know Francis's character, he'll undoubtedly go after Arthur, and it's about time Arthur starts gathering intelligence."

"Yes, my lord."

Hellberg Kingdom

"Ellie, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better than yesterday, I suppose."

"Here, it's time for your medicine."

"Thank you, but why are you here? Don't you have other responsibilities? Where's Maria?"

"I was just about to leave, then I saw Maria heading towards your room. So, I asked her if I could bring your medicine to you in private," Arthur explained.

"Well, what is it?" Ellie inquired.

"I want to apologize to you again, and I also have some matters to attend to, so I'll be away for a few days. Can you cover for me during that time? I know it's selfish, especially considering what happened to you, but there's no one else I can trust as much as you."

Ellie sighed, then replied, "There you go again, always being so hard on yourself. When will you stop that? Alright, I'll cover for you for three days, but after that, you're on your own. Got it?"

"Thank you, Ellie. And I love you! I promise, once all of this is over, I'll marry you." Arthur impulsively kissed Ellie, leaving her flustered.

"EEK! Don't raise the death flag, you moron! You better come back alive, or I'll personally murder you. Just be careful," Ellie warned.

Amidst the bustling scene, the narrative shifts to another location:

Hellberg Kingdom Slums:

Crows Guild

"So, how is the preparation for the assassination going? Is there anything left to do or change?" Francis inquired.

"No, everything is completed and ready to go. We can commence our operation tonight. We'll gather here for a short briefing after the final bell rings," Red, one of the guild members, responded.

"Alright, you better not disappoint me. Failure will have consequences, and you won't see another sunrise," Francis warned.

As Francis continued with his plans, the scene changed once more:

Liyue Street:

Cat's Tail Tavern

The tavern's entrance bell jingled, and a patron said, "Welcome to the Cat's Tail Tavern. Oh, it's the 1st prince. Greetings, Your Highness. This way, please."

In hushed tones, others in the tavern whispered about the unexpected visit and wondered if the bartender had some special offerings for royalty.

In the tavern's basement, Arthur met with the Black Order:

"Greetings, my lord," Black said.

"So, did you find anything about Arthur or Ellie while I was away?" Francis inquired.

"We did find something about majesty, but there's no new information on Ellie," Black replied.

"What did you find? Tell me everything," Francis demanded.

"Arthur started acting differently one day. Since then, he's attracted public attention, including that of the 12 council members. He has helped numerous people in the kingdom and changed their lives. There are even rumours that he changed overnight, causing controversy."

Francis listened intently and responded, "I see. When I met him in the castle, he did seem different and more powerful than before."

Francis then wrapped up the conversation, "Alright, good work, and make sure this information doesn't leak outside, or you know the consequences."

As the scene shifted again, Arthur spoke to Maria:

"Oh! Maria, why are you still here? I thought you had already left."

"I apologize for my intrusion, Your Grace. It may be inappropriate, but my place is always by Majesty's side," Maria replied.

Arthur then instructed her, "Take care of Ellie for me. I have some business to attend to, and I may not be able to see her for some time. Also, where's the girl I brought last time?"

"She is in the next room," Maria answered.

In the next room, Arthur comforted the girl he had rescued:

"Hey, how are you holding up? I hope you haven't been too uncomfortable here. This situation must be strange and unsettling for you, huh? But I couldn't just leave you alone on the streets, could I?"

The girl, her voice trembling, responded, "No, I'm fine. I'm so grateful for everything Your Majesty has done for someone like me."

Arthur attempted to console her, "Woah, woah, don't cry. Did I say something wrong? Please, don't cry. Can you tell me what happened? Does anything hurt anywhere?"

"No...HICK! No HICK! No, it's just that I've never been this happy before in my entire life. I never thought I would ever get to enter such a big, grand, and important place. It's an honour to be here with you, Your Majesty," she tearfully expressed her gratitude.

Arthur, amused by her emotional response, assured her, "Huh? Is that all? No need to worry about small stuff. Now that you are here, you don't need to worry about anything while I am around. Pick yourself up from the ground, young lady. We have a job to do, and you are coming with me, got that?"

"Yes!" she replied enthusiastically.

Arthur continued, "Alright, I haven't asked your name, have I? So, what's your name?"

She introduced herself, "My name? It's Momo."

"Okay, Momo. I need your help. Can you help me?" Arthur inquired.

Momo responded with unwavering dedication, "Yes, of course. I will do anything you say, Your Majesty."

Arthur, cautioning her, added, "Oh?! Are you sure about that? You shouldn't go around saying such things, you know; people might take advantage of that."

Momo quickly clarified, "No-no, I am only saying this because it's you. You gave me food, shelter, and clothing. I can't thank you enough. I am in your debt, so it's the last thing I could do to repay it."

Arthur appreciated her sentiment, saying, "Hmm. If it's like that, then it's okay, I guess. If that's the case, you can drop the formalities. You can just call me 'lord' or just simply 'Arthur.'"

Momo hesitated but eventually agreed, "Yes, my lord."

Satisfied, Arthur instructed her, "Then, if that's settled, take me to the information guild. I have some information to dig up. You know where it is, right?"

Momo confirmed her understanding, "Yes."

With that, they proceeded towards the information guild. However, a chance encounter was about to stir Arthur's curiosity:

Liyue Street:

Cat's Tail Tavern

As they walked, Arthur saw Francis leaving the tavern and contemplated, Wait, was that my brother? No... It's him; no one else except royals is allowed to wear that crest. So the question is, what was he doing in the tavern and the middle of the day? Why do I feel like something's wrong here? Should I follow him?

Concerned for Momo's safety, a sudden voice pulls him out of his thoughts, "Lord, is there something wrong? Why did you stop all of a sudden?"

Arthur brushed off his suspicions, responding, "Oh, it's nothing. I just felt like I saw someone I knew. I must have been mistaken." 

No, it's not a good time right now. I have Momo with me. If something's wrong here, then I can't put her in danger, like I did with Ellie.

Understanding his hesitation, Momo encouraged, "Alright, we are just about there. We should go now."

Arthur agreed and strategized, "Hmm, I will check this out when I am done with the information guild and alone. Maybe I can look up something at night. It's not a bad idea; let's go with that."

They continued on their way, eventually reaching their destination:

Dawn Winery Information Guild


Arthur confirmed, "Is this the place, Momo?"

"Yes!" she replied.

Arthur was puzzled by the guild's outward appearance, remarking, "But it doesn't seem like much. I thought that a guild dealing with information would be some fancy and luxurious place since information is quite valuable. Why is this shabby, old, and deserted?"

Momo tried to explain, "Uhmm... you see—"

The guild's owner interrupted with a greeting, "Oh, hello, dear customer. It's been a while since someone visited this place. So, what can I get you?"

As the middle-aged owner emerged from the kitchen holding a knife, Momo responded, "A crow hunt by the fox."

Arthur, utterly confused and surprised, muttered, "Say what?"

The owner gestured for them to follow, saying, "Right this way."

 Is it me, or did the mood suddenly change here? For now, let's just go with what she does. 

Unsure about the situation, Arthur whispered to Momo, Hey, Momo, are we in the right place? I'm sceptical about this place."

Momo reassured him, "Yes, this is the most famous and trusted information guild out there. It might look shabby and unsightly and also kind of scary from the outside, but that's just for disguise. What's important is inside. An information guild without disguise wouldn't last very long."

As Arthur and Momo ventured further into the guild through a narrow and dark tunnel, Arthur's thoughts continued to race. Momo, on the other hand, remained strangely composed.

"Why does Momo seem to be acting like it's normal for her? Shouldn't she be scared? Sigh! I have no idea what's going on here. I'm not going to be trapped here, am I?" Arthur pondered.

Eventually, they arrived at a massive door, and Momo announced, "Here we are, and I can only take you this far. Behind this gate, you will find out what you are looking for."

Arthur contemplated his next steps, "Thanks, old man." 

Now, the moment of truth. Is it a trap or something else?

Momo encouraged him, "Lord, you seem worried. Is there something wrong?"

Arthur put on a brave face, assuring Momo, "Haha, no, nothing's wrong, Momo. Now, shall we enter?"

With trepidation, they opened the door, revealing an unexpected sight that would leave Arthur both surprised and intrigued.

After the door opened, the sight before their eyes was a remarkable contrast to the violence that often erupted in a world where differences among the same species led to conflict. In this place, various species coexisted harmoniously, sharing drinks, laughter, help, and even romantic relationships.

Setting aside all their differences, they helped and even dated each other, and it was something straight out of a fairy tale. There might have been a showdown or two involving alcohol and drunk patrons, but overall, everything seemed harmonious. Among all these, one thing stood out the most: a bartender with mind-boggling bartending skills and tricks. He exuded a mysterious yet powerful aura while maintaining a playful and flirtatious demeanour.

"Whoa! What the hell is this place? Dwarves? Demons? Wait a minute… Is that the Elves I see?" Arthur found himself captivated by a passing busty female Elf, his eyes filled with hearts.

"Ahh…! Lord?"

"Ahem! Oh right, what was I saying... Elves and some humans are mages and swordsmen who don't seem to be messing around and can't be taken lightly. But why is this place filled with all kinds of races and powerful people, and how are they getting along so well, despite their differences?"

"Because, everyone here is either an outcast who has nowhere else to go, looking for someone, searching for a job, or selling information. At the end of the day, everyone here needs something."

"I see. But where are we going to find what we came here for?"

"There," Momo pointed towards the counter, "Give him this, he will take you to the VIP lounge room. There you can find what you are looking for." She handed Arthur a thin gold card with a five-star mark in a circle and 'VIP' written on it.

"Huh?! What is this? And how did you get it?"

"I will explain everything later, but for now, would you please go? I will wait for you here."

"You better explain everything later. You hear me."


Arthur followed Momo's instructions, approaching the counter and showing the VIP card. The bartender nodded and gestured for him to follow. He led Arthur to the VIP lounge and asked him to wait for a moment before leaving. Soon, the bartender returned with another card, black and featuring a small glass ball in the middle protruding from both sides.

"Here, take this. Don't lose it. If you do, there's no second time." The bartender handed Arthur an intel card.

"But, I came here for—"

"I know, just release your magic into it thinking about what you want to know, and it will show you. But it's a one-time use, so be careful how you use it. After one use, it disintegrates."

"Okay, thank you for everything."

"Huh? Why are you thanking me? I am just doing my job. Now off you go." The bartender pressed a button on the wall, and the floor beneath Arthur opened.

"HUH?!" Arthur looked downward, a mix of confusion and surprise in his expression. He screamed as he fell through the secret tunnel.

A few moments later…

After continuously falling and sliding through the tunnel, Arthur found himself in an unfamiliar neighbourhood, welcomed by none other than Momo.

"Whew! Man, that was one hell of a roller coaster ride. I thought that was it for me. What the hell was that anyway?" Arthur exclaimed, still trying to make sense of the bizarre journey.

"Oh, Lord Arthur, welcome back. So, how was your trip? Did you get it?" Momo inquired.

Sighing, Arthur replied, "Don't even ask. We will talk later. First, let's go to the inn. The sun's going down."

At the Plum Blossom Inn:

"Hello, how may I help you?" the inn owner asked.

"We would like to stay here tonight. Do you have rooms available?" Arthur inquired.

The inn owner inquired, "Yes, how many would you like, two or one?"

Arthur began, "Hmm… Tw—"

But Momo interrupted, "One room, please." She pouted.

Arthur questioned, "But why? You can have your separate room. Don't you want that?"

"No, I want to be by your side no matter what," Momo insisted.

Arthur appeared confused, saying, "Ehh?!"

The inn owner chuckled, "Ehehehe."

"Owie." Arthur playfully hit Momo on the head. 

"We will have a single room," Arthur said to the inn owner.

"Okay, here. It's room 404."

In Room 404:

Momo was taken aback. "What the… Hell? Why is there only one bed?"

Arthur replied with annoyance, "You were the one who stopped me and said, 'Single.' Why are you surprised now?"

"Hmph! But I thought there would be two beds."

"Whatever, let's get down to business. what's that all about in the guild? You said you will tell me later."

Momo began her story, "Well, it's a long story. It all started when our village was being raided by a bunch of people who looked like knights. The adventurers who were there from the adventurer's guild tried to stop them, but they didn't succeed because many villagers who resisted got killed, and those who resisted got captured and were sold in the slave market. While I was gone on a herb-collecting quest for the guild, they attacked the village, and by the time I arrived, the village was destroyed, and my parents were missing. So, I went to look for them. Since they were leaving, unfortunately, they caught me and gave me a choice either to resist and die there or surrender and go with them. I had no choice but to survive and find out about my parents, so I surrendered quietly. They brought me to a slave house, where there were more than 100 people, including people from my village, but I didn't find my parents. We were trained and mistreated every day. After a few months, they forced us to fight against the empire—"

"Wait, did you just say Empire? Then, that means are you a refugee from the Empire?" Arthur interrupted.

"Yes, my village was in the Helpen district of the empire, and people from the empire itself were used to fighting against the empire. But unfortunately, no one knows who was the person behind it till now," Momo replied.

"Then, what happened after the fight?"

Momo continued her story, "After a long and hellish war with the empire, we somehow won, but it came at a huge price. Ninety per cent of the people on our side were annihilated. After the fight, those who managed to survive were either killed or sold to slave traders, mostly females. I was one of the females who were sold to a slave trader, and after that, I was sold to a noble, but I escaped from there and started living in the streets by stealing from people and shops. And one day, someone came to me offering me a chance to change my life. They took me to the information guild and asked me to collect information, and they would pay me according to the quality of the information. But it all had to be in a secret manner. Soon, my cover got blown because the noble I escaped from caught me. Because of that, I was kicked out of the information guild and had to live my life on the street running from nobles. The only thing I had on me was the Information Guild's fifth-class VIP card."

Arthur finally understood, "Now, that explains everything. How you knew everything and how it seemed like everything was normal for you. And how did you have that card?"

Momo said, "Yes, I am sorry that I didn't tell you this earlier."

Arthur reassured her, "Nah, it's not a big deal. I would have done the same."


As the midnight bell tolled, Arthur remarked, "That's a midnight bell. It's getting late. We should get some rest before tomorrow; we might have to look for a whole city for that guy. We will talk about other details tomorrow. Come and get some sleep, and I am sorry about this blunder."

Momo blushed, "Okay."

Scene Change

Crow Guild

"Has everyone gathered here?" Francis inquired.

"Yes, Lord Francis," Red confirmed.

"Alright, let's start the briefing," Francis began. "Red, go ahead."

Red began his briefing, "Everyone, you might already know why we have gathered here, but for those who are new or unaware, I will explain one last time. We are gathered here to fight for our lord's right, to challenge the old geezers who act like they own the royals and have wrongly bestowed the throne upon the incompetent 2nd prince. For the sake of the kingdom and its people, we are going to eliminate those 12 council members. We must do it covertly, ensuring that no one suspects the involvement of the 1st prince. So, are you all ready to fight for our lord's rightful claim?"

"YES!" echoed the resounding response from everyone.

"Excellent," Francis continued. "Now, let's go over our plan once more. Today, we are going to eliminate the last council member. Each council member will be referred to by their position. Squad 1?"

"Yes, sir," Squad 1 responded.

"Your task is to patrol the area ahead of the others. Ensure that no one is present during the assassination and that no one follows or observes us. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," Squad 1 acknowledged.

"Squad 2, your mission is to access, observe, and collect information on the target. Do not miss any detail."

"Yes, sir," Squad 2 replied.

"Squad 3, you are the main strike force. This squad comprises our most skilled assassins. Your responsibility is to eliminate the target. Only the squad leader will approach the target; the rest of you will assist if necessary. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," Squad 3 affirmed.

"Squad 4, your role is retreat, escape, and cleanup. Ensure that no evidence is left behind."

"Yes, sir," Squad 4 responded.

"Alright, disperse!" Francis ordered.

With that command, everyone quickly vanished, each member fully aware of their responsibilities.

Royal District

The Royal District, an area exclusively designated for royalties and nobles, prohibited entry to commoners without specific permission or invitations from royals and nobility. Nestled in the northeast corner of Heilberg kingdom, adjacent to the castle, it was renowned as the kingdom's safest enclave. However, now, due to the actions of the 1st prince's loyal followers, this once tranquil and secure district was about to witness an outbreak of violence and turmoil.

Red placed a magical orb on a table and infused it with magic. The orb emitted a soft, green glow as Red initiated communication.

"Squad 1, report in. Any unusual activity?"

"No, sir. All clear. We're maintaining surveillance," Squad 1 responded.

"Good. Signal Squad 2 to access and gather intelligence at the 12th council member's residence. Ensure they report back to me."

"Yes, sir."

Red launched a green magical flare into the sky, signalling the teams to proceed.

"Alright, that's the signal. Let's move out."

Efficiently, the group traversed rooftops, poles, and walls, making no more noise than shadows in the night.

"Stop! We've arrived. This place is immense," Red whispered. "Take these communication gemstones; they have a shorter range than the magic orb but will suffice for our needs. Two of you head southeast, two northeast, and the rest follow me."

The 12th council member's manor, like many typical noble residences, was an extravagant building nestled within an acre of well-maintained land. The estate featured a meticulously landscaped garden adorned with fountains, statues, and an array of flowers, and herbs. The two-story manor, adorned with intricate wall carvings and abundant windows, boasted a spacious front balcony with tables and chairs. The property was beautifully illuminated at night with numerous light orbs and lanterns, creating a breathtaking sight.

Northeast Side

"Man, this guy must be loaded. Look at all this lighting and this huge manor," one of them remarked.

"What's it gotta do with us? It makes our job a lot easier since the bigger the mansion, the more openings," the other responded.

Both of them entered the manor through a rooftop window on the southeast side.

"Boss, we're in," one reported.

"Good job. Now, search for the target's location and report back if you find him. Also, be on the lookout for any people inside the mansion," their leader instructed.

"Yes, boss."

Northwest Side

"Look, the lights are still on this side. Should we report to our boss?" one whispered.

"No, first, we should see what's going on; otherwise, he would just chew our heads off," the other replied.

"Okay, there's a tree over there; let's see from there."

They moved to the tree by the window. Whatever they saw was completely shocking and left them speechless. They couldn't believe their eyes. The sight was so shocking that they almost fell from the tree, but they managed to avoid it, helping each other. They witnessed an elderly man with three naked women on a table, engaging in explicit activities. The scene was simultaneously erotic and repulsive, with the moans of the three women audible through the window. The old man seemed to have endless stamina, switching between the women as if he were tireless.

"Bro, what should we do? Should we report back or continue watching?" one of them whispered.

"WHAT?! Are you crazy or something? Who wants to see this disgusting and horrifying scene? I think I'll have nightmares tomorrow. Ugh! I almost puked. Hurry up! Report back to the boss. Tell him we found the target but don't mention anything else; let him suffer a bit as well. Well, at least the old man will have an interesting story to tell in the afterlife after he dies," the other responded.

"Alright, urgh! I think I'm gonna puke as well…"

"Hahaha… Who told you to watch, horndog!"

"Shut up!"

"Whatever, just hurry up."

South Front Side

"Boss! Target spotted on the Northwest side. Your orders?" one of them communicated.

"Alright, good job! What's his situation? What is he doing? Is anyone around?" their leader inquired.

"Uh... umm, how should I put this... I think you'll have to come and see for yourself."

"Huh, what's the matter? Why can't you tell us? Don't tell me you guys got caught?!"

"No, no, it's nothing like that. It's just hard to explain. Even if I say it, you won't believe it."

"Alright, we're on our way. This could be a trap or they might need help, so we need to be cautious. Boys, let's move to the Northwest side but be cautious; this could be a trap."

"Yes, boss."

A Few Minutes Later

"So, what's the issue? Why did you call us? This better not be a trap or a joke," their leader said as they arrived.

"Uhmm… Look for yourself," one of them said, stepping aside.

"What in the flying fuck is this?!" their boss exclaimed, quickly turning away in embarrassment. "Did you call me over to watch this? Is this some kind of joke to you?"

"Uwaa! No, look carefully, boss. That old man is our target."

"Huh?! What are you saying? AH! He is the target, but I think I have to go clean my eyes now. I'll report back to Sir Red; you guys return."

Crow Guild

"Sir Red, we've located the target, and there are no guards or security in sight. Also, the old man seems to be having quite the time," the team reported.

"Huh?! What do you mean there are no guards or security? That's a council minister's residence, not a park. Why would there be no guards?" Sir Red questioned.

"Well, as I said earlier, it might have to do with that."

"What's 'that'?"


"Forget it. Whatever it is, it will work in our favour either way. Take everyone and retreat."

"Yes, sir. I have already sent the others. I will be on my way as well."


In the darkness of the cold, moonlit night, Squad 3 awaited orders to pounce on their prey. There wasn't a single soul that may have survived an assassination by the Crow Guild, especially not Squad 3. They were the most skilled assassins in the entire kingdom. However, the situation that was unfolding would be the first of its kind in their careers.

"Squad 3, are you ready?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then, let's begin the hunt. The target is on the Northwest side. If anything goes wrong, pull out immediately. Do not engage, no matter what."

"Yes, sir."

"Good luck!"

Royal District, Rooftop of Some Noble House

"Guys, you heard right? Let's move."


A Few Moments Later

"Halt!" They all stopped and stood at the entrance gate wall.

"What happened, boss? Why did we suddenly stop?"

"Something's off! Why aren't there any guards? It's too silent, like the calm before the storm. I don't feel good about this. Take this communication gemstone. We will split here and be very vigilant. And finally, you guys cut off all the escape routes, and I will lead the assassination."

"Yes, boss."

Northwest Side

WHAT THE HELL? What's that guy doing? Ughh! Man, what a hassle. I have to kill him in that state. Here goes nothing.


"EEEEKKK!" Woman 1*

"AH!" Women 2 and 3*

" Who are you? And how did you come here?"

" Nothing, you should be concerned about, as you're about to die. SHADOW STRIKE!"

The old man's head flew off, splattering blood all over the room and the three women. The old man's body remained upright, with an intact appendage inside one of the women. It all happened so quickly that no one could process what had occurred after the old man's body fell onto the woman. It was only when they finally came to their senses that they realized they were in grave danger. Terrified, they begged the assassin to spare them, promising to do anything. However, since there had never been a record of witnesses or situations like this before, the assassin turned his back on them and dispatched them with a shadow strike.

"Sir Red, although it was a bit of a hassle, the job is done."

"Good job. You guys get out of there; I will send Squad 4 to clean up."

"Yes, Sir Red!" He took out a communication gemstone. "Guys, the mission's over. Move out."

In the Manor Garden

"Boss, isn't it taking a long time for them? Why haven't we heard from Sir Red?"

"Just wait a bit more; they are just about done right now. You are a newbie, but what you call taking a long time is our normal time. Being hasty and charging straight at targets without knowing them is the worst thing an assassin can do. Look, it seems like they are done."

"Uh! Okay."

"Sorry, guys. I might have done a little bit too much. Sorry for the trouble. You guys can handle it, right?"

"Huh, what do you mean? Don't tell me you made a mess again?"

"Hehe… You will have to judge for yourself."

Just after Squad 3 left, Squad 4 received a message from Red.

"You're up, guys! Don't leave a single trace and don't make it obvious either."

Northwest Side

"Ugh! He made a mess again! Why do I always have to clean up after him? Next time I see him, I am gonna crush his head."

"They did make a mess, huh? I thought this squad had the easiest part of the job, but from the looks of it, I couldn't have been more wrong."

"Well, I wouldn't say it's easy, but it's much better when that guy isn't the one executing. Anyway, stop whining and start cleaning up; dawn is about to break."


Plum Blossom Inn: Room 404


"Uhm… big soft marshmallows, come to Papa!" Arthur mumbled in his sleep.


"Ung…so bright!" Momo slowly opened her eyes* "Momo speaks, half awake."


Momo saw Arthur's hands on her chest, and at the same time, Arthur also opened his eyes.

" ~STARE~"


"Huh? HUH?! I am so sorry, Momo. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me. Uh. You see… I have a habit of moving my hands in my sleep."

" No, no, it's fine. Don't worry about it." She blushed while panicking.

"No, it was my fault from yesterday, so please forgive me."

"It's alright. I don't mind. Uhm… I will go check out if breakfast is ready…" Momo ran off, blushing.

"Sigh! Another day, another blunder. I'd better get ready and do something about it to make up for it."

After a While…


"Lord Arthur, breakfast is ready."

"Alright, I will be there in a minute."


"Man, this meditation is barely increasing my magical power now. I've got to find some other method to increase it, but how?"

"Lord Arthur"

"I am coming; I will think about it next time, I guess."

Inn's Dining Hall

"So, where are we going today?"

"First, we will stop by the market, then we will head to the place where Ellie was attacked."

"Why the market?"

"I need to buy some stuff. I don't get a chance to roam outside often, so I might as well make use of it."

"Okay, when are we leaving?"

"After breakfast. Why? Do you have somewhere to be?"

"No, it's just that…"


"Did you hear what happened in the royal district?" Woman A spoke.

"Yeah, I heard that the 12th council minister was found dead, with his head severed and three dead women, all of them naked," Woman B spoke.

"Right, when I heard that, I got chills down my spine." Woman c spoke.

"Huh? What's up with the ruckus this early morning?"

"The 12th council minister was assassinated with three other women in a gruesome manner last night."



"What?! Why are you telling me this now? It's a matter of royal concern. They must be looking for a king. If I am not there, they might suspect or frame me as the one who did it."

"Calm down, getting worked up won't help you in any way. If anyone who was plotting might already have framed you, returning now would only add fuel to the fire. And you left everything to Ellie, didn't you? I am sure she will handle this."

"Tch! Fine. Today we are finishing our business as quickly as possible and returning to the Castle. Damn it! Francis coming, Ellie getting attacked, and the 12th council assassination? This can't all be a coincidence. I had a bad feeling about this the day Francis came. Is it done by Francis? Or orchestrated by someone else to frame him? Or is the Civil War already starting?"

Town Square Market

"Today's hot news! Today's hot news! The 12th council minister assassinated," the paper boy shouted.*

"Hey, can you give me one?" Arthur asked.*

"Here you go, sir."


Momo, do you know any shop around here that sells magical items?"

"Magical items?"

"Yes, I need something to improve my magical power."

"Magical items are rare, and most of the shops around here don't sell them, or they have fake or cheap copies. But I just happen to know just the shop you are looking for. Hehe!"

"Alright, lead the way."

In a Certain Dark Alley

"Here we are. Presenting to you Ellenor Magic Item Shop."

"Are you sure we are in the right place? This looks kinda sus..."

"Heh? For you, everything looks sus. Stop complaining and go inside."

" Hello, Anyone here? Why is it so dark here?"

"Umm… coming! Wait a moment, please."


A pile of books started to fall.


"Are you okay? Do you need any help?"

" No, it's okay. I am just clumsy; it happens to me a lot. I will be there in a moment/"

A few moments later…

"Phew! Now that's done. Welcome to Ellenor Magic Item Shop. How can I be of service to you?"

From a dark space, a stunning beauty with long ears and curves that even the golden ratio would envy emerged. She held a book in one hand and adjusted her glasses with the other.

"Lord Arthur…Lord Arthur…LORD ARTHUR!"

"Huh? Uh yes… I am sorry. You look so stunning I zoned out there for a second."

"Hehe… Oh please! Even if you flatter me, you are not getting any discounts." She smiled shyly and blushed.*

"Haha, I wasn't trying to get any discount. What I said was true. Anyway, Do you have a defense-type magical item?"

" We have everything that you need, whether it exists or not. Just name it."

 How can you have something that doesn't exist? You are messing with me, aren't you?"

"No, I am not messing with you. And your answer to the first question is; that's…a…secret! So what kind of defensive magic item do you need? Magical defence, Physical defence, or both?"

" Hmm… How much does each cost, though?"

"Magical defence will cost you 200 gold coins, the physical defence will cost you 100 gold coins, and for both types, it will cost you around 500 gold coins."

"WHAT?! That's so expensive. How is anyone supposed to buy one? Are you opening a shop or looting people here?"

"HUH?! If you don't like it, go somewhere else. But before you go, let me tell you one thing clearly; the items here are all genuine. The items you are asking for are even rarer than the magic items themselves. Magic items don't grow on trees, you know

Sigh! Looks like Earth's Asian mom's bargaining trick won't work here. Sorry asian moms I disappointed you. 

"Fine, We will have magic items with magical and physical defense."

"Alright, these are the best and top-rated two-in-one items: the Medusa Shield, Phoenix Robe, Pittara Rings, and Crescent Moon Dagger."

These all seem powerful enough to block any type of physical or magical attack. I think the Phoenix Robe or Crescent Moon Dagger will be best for her. Although I think she can't fight, if I teach her to fight if she doesn't know then, the Crescent Moon Dagger will be the best choice for Momo. I think I will let her decide for herself.


"Hmm… Oh! I am sorry. I was thinking about something. Momo, take one."

"Huh? You are letting me have one? But what about you?"

"Don't ask questions, just pick one. I will be fine."

"Alright, if you say so. I will take this dagger, it fits me perfectly, compared to shields. Also, robes and rings are not my size as well."

"Okay, but do you know how to use it or do you have any martial arts training?"

"Umm… I have a fair share of martial arts training and combat experience."

"If you say so." 

yes! She knows how to fight! Then I will take this Phoenix Robe. Hope that will make up for yesterday's and today's blunders.

"That will be your 1000 gold coins."

"Oh, come on! Can't you give me a discount? I bought 2 magic items."

"No matter how many you buy, the price is fixed."

"Fine. Whatever." 

My 1000 gold coins! Which I saved so painstakingly even though I am a king I can't use money as I please. 

"By the way, we didn't catch your name."

"Hmm. Isn't it polite to introduce yourself first before you ask others for names?"

"Oh! I am sorry. I am Arthur, and she is my escort, Momo."

"I am a High Elf, Ellanor from the Alfheim kingdom."

"That explains the shop name, but why is an Elf from Alfheim opening a magic item shop here?"

"That's a long story, I will tell you if we meet next time. Now off you go, I am busy." She pushed them outside the door and closed it behind.

"Jeez! What's her problem," Momo says.

"Now that we are done here let's go to the place Ellie was attacked."


A few moments later…

"Okay, this is the place. The guild card showed me to look for a magic power residue that was left behind that is similar to what you are looking for and trace it." 

So is it like gunpowder or something? "

It said that Everything alive has some amount of magical power in it even if it is a tiny amount they leave residue wherever they go. The only thing that can erase the residue of magical power is a secret potion that no one knows."

"Yes, that's right. When I was in the information guild, we collected information with the help of that."

"If that is the case then, I will have to first analyze the magic power residue in this dagger that was left behind by that bastard then I have to search for similar residue over the surroundings here then I just have to follow it. But how am I supposed to analyze it and look for residue? No one told me that."

"Uhm… I know how to do it. If you don't mind, I can do it for you."

"Ok, I don't mind but teach me how to do it later."

"Yes, Of Course."

Arthur handed a dagger to Momo that was used to attack Ellie. After analyzing the dagger, she found three traces of residue; one was from Arthur with crimson colour, another was from Ellie with blue as a sky, and lastly an unknown trace of residue with deep dark red, somewhat black. She started to look around, analyzing the area as her eyes were glowing. She saw a faint deep red and black mixed color residue near the corner of the street entering the alleyway. As soon as she saw it, she ran toward it followed by Arthur.

"Momo? Hey, where are you running off to"

"..." Silence, no answer.

"Oi! Momo, will you tell me where we are going?"

"I found it so please quietly follow me! Otherwise, you will distract me, and I will lose it."


"Here we are. The trace seems to head in this direction."

"But? This alley leads to slums and the refugee district area. Why would someone from there with no background whatsoever or any power attack Ellie let alone royals."

"Heh? This might be rude to say but for a king of the kingdom you are dumb, aren't you?"

"Hm. What do you mean?'"

"I mean What I said. As you said, the people from slums and refugee camps have no power or background and that's exactly why they are perfect to execute an attack. Since they have no background or anyone behind them, they are nonexistent and perfect tools to be used by people. This doesn't look like some random attack but planned by someone."

"Must be someone instigating a civil war who is on the side of Francis or maybe it could be himself. Whoever it is, we will find out if we follow this trail. Good job, Momo! I will treat you to a good lunch later. Right now let's follow this trail and see where it leads to."


After an hour of following the trail through the slum area and alleyway, they found themselves in a warehouse, where there were a bunch of people who were walking around like they were guarding or patrolling the area. They hid themselves and decided to quietly observe what was going on. About half an hour later, a carriage full of people in shackles arrives. They decided to move closer for a closer inspection. On closer inspection, they found the carriage with a cell had people from different races, and most of them were females from a mother holding her daughter to a young mature adult and a girl with red hair, fluffy dog ears, and tails who seemed to be the same age as Arthur and Ellie. After seeing this Arthur was furious, so he decided to confront them, and when he was about to leave, Momo jumped in and stopped Arthur.

"Stop! You are thinking of doing what I am thinking right?"

"I don't know what you are thinking, but I am thinking of pummeling them to dust. How dare they try to do this under my rule."

"And that's exactly what I was thinking. Do you even have a brain? Can't you see how many people are there outside alone, who knows how many are there inside? You can't handle them alone."

"Don't worry, I am strong enough to handle these bunch of flies."

"You may be strong enough to handle them. But they aren't. Can't you see they can easily make them a hostage if they can't defeat you? You will just make it worse. Let's think of a plan to save them first. After that, you can pummel or whatever you do to them."

"Don't worry I got a plan. You can just stay here and not get in my way. I can't save and fight at the same time."

"Why am I being saved? I am going too. Don't look down on me

Meanwhile, Arthur continued his incantations:

"Enhance physique boost, Magic boost, greater resistance, invulnerability, dominance, steel body, Enhance Agility boost…"

"Oye Oye, he is still going? Just how many buffs is he gonna add? Who is this maniac? Guy this is bad news I can feel it, we better get out of here alive and inform the boss."

"Shut up! I bet this guy only knows buffs, no need to be afraid of him.."

"But, didn't you see that fireball just now? It was so fast that it hit the tower before anyone could react."

"So what? Are you saying you are scared of fireballs? Bunch of weaklings let me show you how it's done."

"Stamina boost, limit break, holy protection, and greater luck. Phew, that should do it! I feel like a certain character from a Light novel. Anyway, who's coming first then?"

"I will. I am more than enough to take care of you."

"As you wish!"


Arthur dashed forward with incredible speed, appearing in front of his opponent before he even realized it. While his opponent's face was full of surprise, Arthur's face bore a terrifying smile that no one had ever seen. As soon as Arthur got close to his opponent, he saw an opening and launched his fist with full force.


As Arthur's fist landed, a bone-cracking sound echoed, and the opponent in front of him was sent flying straight into the warehouse wall, leaving a long crater trail behind. Finally, the opponent hit the wall with such force that it left a square-foot indentation. After hitting the wall, the opponent remained motionless, as if he were already dead.


"Wha..? The party's just starting, where are you running off to?"

"Anywhere but nowhere near you!"

"Aww… That makes me sad. INFINITY WALL!"

A massive, invisible wall, seemingly endless, materialized in front of all the people who were attempting to escape. With their escape route blocked, they slowly gathered in one place. Among them, a person started to speak.

"Let's not lose hope, guys. Maybe we can't take him on individually, but if we attack him together at the same time, he can't defend and attack all of us at the same time. Then maybe we can take him on."

"Yes, he is right. We should attack him together. Let's go, HAIL HYDRA!"

"HAIL HYDRA!" Everyone shouted their battle cry.

"Hey, come on, guys, that's not fair. 1, 2, 3… forget it! You guys are too many to count."

"Take this, Hiya!" Everyone charged.


"Whoops! Missed me," Arthur dodged the attacks.

"Stop running and fight like a man."

"You call yourself a man while charging at a helpless little old me. That doesn't seem fair. MAGIC MISSILE."

A series of magic circles appeared behind Arthur, forming into energy balls. As soon as all the magic circles transformed into energy balls, they were fired indiscriminately, hitting anything and anyone in their path.

*PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!*

*BOOM!* *BOOM!* 


The warehouse was filled with agonizing cries of pain as the magic missiles wreaked havoc. However, the sound of the explosion seemed to awaken a sleeping tiger, drawing it back to its den. A shadow emerged from the smoke and dust, moving toward Arthur.

A few moments earlier, inside the warehouse:

"What's the ruckus outside? Can't a guy sleep in peace?"

A burly, bald man with numerous scars covering his muscular body came out of a room, holding a cigar in his mouth and attempting to light it with his hand.

"You see, some random guy came out of nowhere and is making a mess outside."

"Huh?! Is that my problem? Stop chattering here and go and deal with it."

"We are trying to, but he is too powerful to be handled by someone like us. Also, there seems to be an invisible barrier that's stopping anyone from entering or leaving."

"Tch! You guys can't even handle one guy properly. Looks like I have to teach you guys a lesson after I resolve this."




He pushed the ground with tremendous force and launched himself into the air, tearing through the ceiling, and then dropped into the barrier, shattering it into pieces. As he landed inside the barrier, he found the place covered in smoke and dust, filled with screams of his subordinates. He slowly walked through the smoke, looking at all the damage and grinning.

"Are you the one who did this?"

"Do you see anyone else standing here? Why, Are you going to cry?"

"Haha… Very funny. You won't be cracking jokes when I am done with you."

"Woo! I am scared… Anything else?"

"Before I kill you, I want to know, Who are you, Who sent you, and what's your reason for coming here?"

"Geez, for someone about to be 10ft underground, you have lots of questions. YAWN! I am busy, so can we get this over with? I will tell you anything you wanna know for every hit you land on me. How about that?"

"Kek! You little punk! Fine deal. Try not to die with the first hit. HAAAAAAAAA!"

The boss of human trafficking and slave trading suddenly released a tremendous amount of aura and pressure. The energy in the surroundings spiked by a hundredfold. The pressure of aura and energy was so great that it even startled Arthur for a moment. After releasing and charging up with aura, his body was covered in cloudy, somewhat transparent air, steaming from his body. The veins on his muscular body popped, and he summoned his gauntlets, which appeared to be no ordinary gauntlets.

"Yikes, looks like I got on someone's nerves. It's not fair that you only got a reward. I want something as well, but only if I beat you. Okay?"

Ugh! He is not listening. I better get serious as well, but first, let's test him.


The slave trader boss launched himself toward Arthur at full speed, cracking the ground beneath him and creating a sonic boom.

Holy crap, how is he so fast? He broke the sound barrier in an instant. PARALLEL PROCESSING and MULTICAST. Alright, my brain is working two times faster and in parallel than normal, and I can cast multiple spells at once. But his speed is still a problem, and I can't rule out his strength either. So, let's try this. EXPLOSION X10.

*BANG!* X5

*BANG!* X5

With each explosion, the slave trader boss dodged it like it was nothing. After each explosion, he got more and more used to it, and the later explosions didn't even faze him.

"Not bad, kid. But this is a piece of cake for me. Is this the best you can do? If so, I will surely be disappointed."

"Tch! I don't care if you are disappointed or not; why should I care? And I am just getting started."

"Kekeke! This is fun. Show me what you are capable of."

"Tsk! Battle maniac. If that's what you want, then take this. INFERNO STORM."

"Huh? Are you planning to trap me here? Lame! AURA PRESSURE. Try something new, kid."


A towering fiery storm created by Arthur, trapping the slave trader boss, was extinguished just like that by the immense pressure from one big clap of his hand.

"Gee, thanks for nothing. Look here, I am half-naked. What am I supposed to do now? Anyway, I gotta admit though; you've got skills. If it were someone else, they would have been toast. Is anything left? If you have, you better play your cards because it's my turn now."

What the hell? He blew that out like it was a candle or something. Ugh! This is so frustrating. He not only has physical strength, but he is an aura user as well, on top of that experience. Even if I have the upper hand in magic, I don't have experience. I doubt I can finish this easily.

While Arthur was occupied in his thoughts, the slave trader boss suddenly appeared in front of him, ready to launch his attack.

"Hey, where's your focus? Am I a joke to you?"




The earth wall created by Arthur was shattered like it was made of glass. As the wall shattered, the slave trader boss's punch landed on Arthur's stomach. He coughed up blood, and a kick to the side sent him flying into the cliff wall beside Momo and the other slaves.

"Damn! If it wasn't for the buffs, I would have been dead just from that."

"LORD ARTHUR?! What happened? Are you okay? Should I come out to help you?"

"NO! Stay back! He is dangerous. I will handle this myself. You take them and get out of here."

"But, What about you?"

"I will be fine. I will catch up with you guys later. Hurry before he comes back."


Momo took everyone and ran towards the forest. Just after Momo and the others left, the slave trader boss approached Arthur.

"You are sacrificing yourselves to save them? How heroic and touching. Sniff!. Now are you going to answer my question or not?"

"Fine, I will answer two of your questions. I can't tell you who I am, but I will tell you that nobody sent me here, and I am acting of my own volition. I came here looking for someone, but I saved those slaves as a bonus. Now, playtime's over, because I also have questions I wanna know, so you better prepare yourself."

"Is that so, let's see what you got."

"You will see, alright. ENHANCE ARMAMENT X10! Haha!"



Arthur boosted his physical strength by pumping magic power through his veins, creating a recreated version of KI similar to the aura. His strength was already buffed by the previous buff, but adding another buff was putting a lot of strain on his body. It gave him enough power boost to match up against his opponent. However, due to his magic power-to-energy conversion, it created a high charge density area, which started to create lightning sparks. At the same time, it gave him a temporary aura. The downside of this technique was it started to consume magic power at an incredible speed. Arthur only had about 5 minutes to finish this fight; if he didn't, he would be completely spent and vulnerable to his opponent's attacks.

"Alright, this is it! This is do or die. I didn't think I would meet someone this strong here, but whatever, I guess. I only have about 5 minutes left, so let's get this over with and return to Ellie."

"Impressive! So you are abandoning your magus pride and going with physical strength."

"I am not abandoning anything, and I don't care about that stuff. I am technically still using magic, and that's the end of it. Now, if we are done, shall we begin round 2?"


"Hahhh!" Arthur made the first move, dashing straight.


"GAH!!" Arthur's punch got blocked and he was thrown away.

"OWW! This is not gonna be easy. Again."


Arthur moved at incredible speed, disappearing and reappearing behind the slave trader boss.

"Take this!" Arthur kicked.



The slave trader boss blocked the kick, slightly pushing Arthur behind.



Arthur deftly blocked the slave trader boss's punch with his left arm and retaliated with a powerful right hook.



Struck in the stomach, the slave trader boss was sent hurtling through the air, his impact causing the ground and rocks to shatter as he finally slammed into a wall.



"Phew! I finally landed a hit. But it's not over yet."

Arthur continued his assault, launching a relentless barrage of punches and kicks at the slave trader boss.



But the flurry of attacks couldn't be sustained for long. Soon, the slave trader boss regained his composure and countered Arthur.



"I am impressed. That was a nice hit, but you seem to be in a hurry and running out of stamina. I wonder if it's related to your form. Let's find out. HAHH!"


The slave trader boss leapt toward Arthur and threw a punch, but Arthur skillfully dodged the attack.


Arthur countered, but the slave trader boss blocked it and retaliated. Arthur dodged the counterattack.



Huff! I am running out of time and stamina. I can barely hold up. I need to finish this quickly with one shot. But I have to use that. What should I do? Or rather, what can I do? I have to find a way to beat this guy somehow. Think, Arthur, think.

"What happened, boy? Are you tired already?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? I can do this all day." Arthur replied, trying to conceal his exhaustion. "The hell I can do. I can barely stand here. But I can't say that to him now, can I?"

"Hmm… Are you sure about that? Cause you don't look like that, though."

"Stop worrying about others and worry about yourself. Let's do one last push with all I have got. HAHHH!"



Arthur mustered all the mana he had left and powered up for one last effort. As he did so, it created an explosion that knocked his opponent back.



As the slave trader boss crashed to the ground, Arthur leapt toward him, delivering a powerful kick to his face. He then grabbed the slave trader boss, spun him in the air, and struck him on the back with a hammer fist.


This is it. It's now or never. Think, Arthur, think. What can you do to take him down? THAT'S IT, I got it.

"Hey, buddy? Feeling good? Since it's my turn, I just wanna ask you one question before we settle this."


"Beat me, torture me, or kill me all you like, but I am not betraying my brothers and comrades. You are not getting anything out of me."

Arthur grabbed him and put him in a joint lock.

"Look here, answer me while I am being nice. Otherwise, you will see hell you have never seen before. I am not gonna kill you or beat you or torture you, but it's far worse than you can ever imagine. Want a taste of it?"

Arthur touched the slave trader's forehead with two fingers, and as he did, the slave trader's boss started to hallucinate and experience his worst nightmares over and over again. He screamed in pain, cried, and nearly lost his mind as he went through it. Eventually, Arthur pulled his fingers away.

"Now, are you ready to talk?"

"Yes, but please don't do that ever again. Anything but that."

Keke, I don't know what he saw, but it scared the hell out of him. I was just trying to show his worst nightmares. Alright, now answer me. Did you try or send anyone to assassinate someone in the central district area a few days ago?

"Yes, I did send someone."

"Was it someone's order or was it all your plan?"

Silence followed.

"Speak, damn it!" Arthur shouted in anger.

"It was someone's order."

"Who was it?"

"I don't know, a person in a cloak came here with an order from someone, with blackmail that if we don't do this, or if word gets out, they will eradicate us from here. I honestly don't know who sent him or who he was. So please believe me."

"I will find out whether you are telling the truth or not sooner or later." 

Well, I do have my guess, but let's hold that thought. Since I got my answer and saved those slaves, my job here is done.

Arthur released him and walked away. As he departed, he heard a shout behind him.

"Where do you think you are going? Our fight is still not over yet."

"Huh, what are you talking about? It's already over. Look up."

When the slave trader boss looked up, he didn't see anything.

"Huh? I don't see anything."

"Look more closely."

As he looked again, he saw something falling at an incredible speed towards the ground. Just then, the slave trader heard a voice.

"Let's meet again if you manage to survive."

As Arthur finished his sentence and walked away, a giant spear made of tungsten struck the ground at Mach 10 speed, creating an explosion equivalent to 11.5 tons of TNT. Arthur had a shield and buffs protecting him, but anyone without protection in the explosion would probably not survive.


A few moments earlier…

THAT'S IT! I got it. I can create a tungsten spear and push it up to space with wind and fire magic and let it drop. The impact force will probably be around 3 to 5 tons of TNT. But I need time, so I need to stall him for a bit. Let's use this chance to ask some questions.

While Arthur was talking to the slave trader boss, he dismissed all the buffs he applied except parallel processing and created a tungsten spear from earth magic with the help of parallel processing. When it was finally ready, he used wind magic to lift it as far as possible. When there was no more sufficient air to use wind magic, Arthur lifted it with fire magic, which doesn't depend on oxygen but rather hydrogen. As the spear was about to reach low orbit, he stopped lifting it and let it fall. While free-falling, the tungsten accelerated every second, reaching its terminal velocity. At that point, it started to heat up due to friction. Finally, when it hit the ground, it transferred all its kinetic energy and heat energy into the ground, creating an explosion comparable to a nuclear weapon. After the explosion, the surrounding area was completely devastated, leaving nothing but a deep crater behind.


Phew! That was one heck of an explosion. It was bigger than I anticipated. Well, whatever. I have to go look for Momo and the others. I at least got a clue behind Ellie's attacker.

A Few minutes before the explosion…

"Miss, where are we going?" a little girl among the slaves asked, her voice trembling.

"Hmm… Where do you wanna go?" Momo replied, her tone gentle and reassuring.



"I wanna go home."

"Okay. We will take you home, but for now, we will have to wait for the big bro, alright? And you can call me big sis Momo."

"Yes! Big sis Momo."


"EEEYYYAAAHHH!" The little girl screamed as the massive explosion rocked the area.

"It's alright, big sis is here. No need to be scared. Big sis will save you, no matter if anyone or whatever comes. But what was that explosion? It worries me. I hope he is okay and comes back soon."

A few moments later...

"HUFF! HUFF! I finally caught up. YO! Everything's good? How did you guys come this far? Man, I am beat. Looks like all the fatigue is finally taking over me. Momo, can you take them all to the Castle? Here, I will give you this." Arthur handed Momo a small badge, shaped like a tear.

"This badge will let you enter the Castle without any objection, and tell them I sent you and them there. I will be following you guys shortly, for now, let me just rest here for a while...l...e." Arthur's voice trailed off as he lost consciousness, his body giving in to exhaustion as he drifted into sleep.

Momo took the badge and held it tightly. "Don't worry, We'll be safe. Rest up, and I will protect you this time."

With determination in her eyes, Momo led the group of rescued slaves towards the Castle, carrying Arthur behind as he lay on her back. While his quest for answers and justice is far from over.


Name: Momo

Age: 16

Weight:42 kg

Height: 5'6"

Constellation: Libra

Personality: Compassionate, strong-willed, protective

Likes: Reading, martial arts, nature, friends

Dislikes: Cruelty, oppression, violence, selfishness

Dreams: Freedom, justice, martial arts mastery

Relationship: Arthur's loyal ally, bodyguard, subordinate

Skills: Martial arts, scouting, spying, assassination

Jobs: Guild's spy, Arthur's escort, assassin

Special Trait: Empathetic

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