
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter: 15 Emilia Carwarin

The next day, Arthur teleports back to Helheim with Astrid, Maria, and Anya. He had spent the days with them, sharing stories and laughter but now it was time to say goodbyes. Promising to return soon, he teleported back to the others who were gathered at Dain's smithy in Nelfheim.

As Arthur entered the smithy, all eyes turned toward him, and there was an air of anticipation. The group had been waiting eagerly for his return, wondering about the new weapons that Dain had crafted for him.

Dain began to reveal the weapons one by one, surprising Momo, Vianola and Seraphina, presenting them with pride and precision. Each weapon was a masterpiece, crafted with a touch of dwarven magic.

Vianola's Weapon: Flamestrike Bow

Vianola's eyes widened with amazement as she received her new bow. It was a work of art, with intricate carvings and a string that seemed to shimmer like flames. Everyone could see the fire of anticipation burning in her eyes as she inspected it.

Momo's Weapon: Aetherblade Twin Daggers

The twin daggers that Momo received were a sight to behold. Their blades appeared almost transparent, with a subtle glow that hinted at the magical properties within. Momo's fingers danced over the blades, feeling their balanced weight and potential for combat.

Seraphina's Weapon: Celestial Spiral.

The staff that Seraphina received was a beautiful fusion of magic and craftsmanship. It was adorned with golds, floating orb, and intricate carvings of runes. Its golden aura seemed to resonate with Seraphina's connection to divinity.

Finally, Dain presented Arthur with his new weapon. The blade was a longsword, and Arthur picked it up with reverence. Its hilt was made of dark wood, and the blade seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light. He could feel the power within it, resonating with his magic.

He looked at his friends, a deep sense of gratitude in his eyes. "I can't thank you all enough for your unwavering support and the incredible journey we've had. These weapons are not just tools; they symbolize our unity and shared experiences. I offer them to you as tokens of my gratitude."

The room filled with gratitude, and the group's bond strengthened even further. Each weapon represented not only their dedication to the journey ahead but also the unbreakable ties of friendship and trust that had grown among them.

With their newly acquired weapons and a heartwarming farewell to Dain and the city of Nelfheim, the group was ready to set out on their next adventure. As they exited the city gates, their spirits were high, and the path ahead was filled with anticipation.

However, Arthur suddenly halted in his tracks, wearing a sly smile. His companions turned to him, puzzled and curious, asking what had caught his attention. But Arthur didn't respond immediately. Instead, he made his way towards Ignis, who was part of the group. He stood closer to her, his gaze fixed on her, still wearing that mischievous smile.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable with the attention, Ignis stammered, "What's wrong?" Her face flushed with embarrassment.

Without missing a beat, Arthur responded, "Oh, nothing's wrong. When I look at you, I just get the urge to ride you."

Ignis was taken aback and stuttered, "R-ride me?" Her face reddened even more, and the others began to question the strange statement, "Ride her?"

Arthur continued to grin, not taking the situation too seriously. "Yes, ride you. Why don't you transform back into a dragon and let us ride you to Elfheim?" 

Ignis, with a look of mild disgust on her face, asked, "Why should I do that?" The others were taken aback, discovering her true nature as a dragon.

Arthur persisted, "Come on, don't be so petty. It will save us a lot of time, and as a bonus, I promise I'll make it worth your while later."

Ignis, though initially hesitant, ultimately agreed to his proposal. With a shimmering transformation, she changed back into her dragon form. Her massive wings spread wide, and her body grew to accommodate the passengers. Once everyone was aboard, Ignis took to the skies and soared towards their next destination: Elfheim.

As the group soared through the skies towards Elfheim on Ignis' back, the curiosity of the companions got the best of them. They began to pester Arthur about the revelation that Ignis was a dragon, eager to learn the story behind it. Arthur, not one to shy away from sharing, began to explain in detail everything that had happened on the volcanic mountain, how he encountered the fire dragon, and the reason Ignis had transformed into a human form. Their questions were answered as they listened intently.

Their journey and Arthur's explanation finished in perfect synchrony as they arrived in Elfheim. The sight of the elven city was breathtaking. Elfheim was nestled deep within a vibrant, ancient forest. Its architecture seamlessly merged with nature, with tall treehouses and shimmering bridges woven among the branches.

Arthur, aware of the elves' keen senses and wary of drawing unwanted attention, requested Ignis to land them in a nearby forest, just outside the city. As Ignis gently descended and allowed them to disembark, she transformed back into her human form. Her fiery draconic presence now concealed, the group felt less exposed.

With a sense of urgency, Arthur directed everyone to move quickly. They knew that the sudden appearance of a massive magical presence in elven territory had likely been sensed, and the elves would already be alerted to their presence. The companions followed his lead, moving swiftly into the forest's cover.

Vianola, with her usual optimism and a playful giggle, consoled the group, saying, "Don't worry; I've got this." Her confidence brought a smile to everyone's faces as they continued on their way to the city.

Vianola, leading the group, eventually arrived at the majestic city gate of Elfheim. She stood proudly in front of the guards who had their bows drawn. The elven guards, not recognizing her in her human form, were cautious as they questioned her presence.

With a regal air about her, Vianola declared with confidence, "Please inform your majesty that Princess Vianola Carwarin has returned home, and she has brought guests with her." To emphasize her royal status, she displayed her family crest, a symbol of her lineage and her rightful place in the kingdom.

Upon seeing the family crest, the guards immediately realized their mistake and bowed in apology. They then opened the gates, allowing Vianola and her companions to pass through.

Vianola led them through the enchanting elven city, where the architecture blended seamlessly with the natural world. The streets were lined with luminous flowers and trees, casting a beautiful, ethereal glow. They caught glimpses of elves moving about, going about their daily routines.

As they approached the palace, they were met with an even more stunning sight. The grand palace stood amid a canopy of ancient, towering trees, and it seemed to be an extension of the forest itself.

Inside, Vianola's parents, the King and Queen, had gathered with the elven court, eagerly awaiting her return. Their faces lit up with joy when they saw their daughter approaching, and they couldn't hide their excitement.

The King and Queen stepped forward to welcome Vianola and her guests, eager to hear the tales of her adventures and to meet the intriguing companions she had brought with her.

With grace and elegance, Princess Vianola Carwarin introduced Arthur and his companions to her parents, King Aimer Carwarin and Queen Ellyena Carwin. The monarchs greeted their guests with warmth and curiosity, eager to learn more about these travelers who had ventured alongside their daughter.

As the introductions concluded, King Aimer extended an invitation, saying, "Please, you must all be weary from your journey. Allow us to offer you our hospitality. We've already ordered the servants to prepare rooms for your stay."

The palace, a breathtaking union of elven craftsmanship and the beauty of the natural world, was a testament to the elven civilization's deep connection to their surroundings. The group was led to comfortable quarters, where they could rest and refresh themselves.

Later, everyone gathered at the grand dining table, where the vibrant colors of Elven's famous cuisines adorned the table. As they shared a meal, the room was filled with a lively conversation, with the elves' gentle and inquisitive nature naturally engaging their guests.

The discussions ranged from the story of their travels and encounters to the wonders of Elfheim and the intriguing dynamics of the world they inhabited. The meal became an opportunity for both sides to learn about one another's cultures and backgrounds, forging relationships that would carry them through their shared adventures.

Vianola, her keen eyes and intuition never failing her, couldn't help but sense that something was amiss. During their conversation and the vibrant discussion, her sister Emilia Carwin was conspicuously absent from the gathering.

Unable to shake her growing concern, Vianola gently broached the subject, asking, "Mother, Father, I noticed Emilia is not here with us. Is she well? Where is she?"

Her parents' expressions darkened momentarily, and they exchanged a fleeting glance. Silence hung in the air for an uncomfortable moment. Vianola could see that her parents were trying to hide something, and their answer did little to reassure her.

In a strained voice, they responded, "There's nothing to worry about, dear. Emilia is perfectly fine. She's just outside the kingdom, taking care of some matters. She will be back soon."

Vianola had a gnawing feeling that there was more to the story than her parents were letting on. Their response, coupled with the unease that lingered in the air, only intensified her concern. She decided to leave it be for the moment but resolved to investigate the matter further when the opportunity arose. 

Vianola's concern for her missing sister, Emilia, lingered throughout the evening. She couldn't shake the unease that had settled upon her parents when she inquired about Emilia's whereabouts. Although her parents had assured her that everything was fine and that Emilia was tending to matters outside the kingdom, their expressions told a different story.

As the night wore on and the conversations continued, Vianola's thoughts often drifted to her sister. Her instincts as an elf, especially as a princess, told her that something was amiss, but she decided to respect her parents' wishes and not press further for answers. She trusted her parents, and she believed that they had their reasons for not sharing the full truth with her.

As the enchanting meal and the lively discussions came to an end, Vianola discreetly signaled Arthur to meet her later at a secluded gallery in the palace. She knew that there were matters that required her attention and had chosen to confide in Arthur for assistance.

A few hours later, Vianola stood in the softly lit gallery, the shadows of the sculptures and art pieces casting intricate patterns on the walls. She patiently waited for Arthur, who eventually appeared, taking a few extra minutes to button his shirt.

Vianola, her voice barely above a whisper, began, "You're late, Arthur." Her tone carried a subtle note of playful reprimand. 

Apologizing, Arthur responded, "I'm sorry, got held up with something. What's going on? Why did you call me here?"

Vianola's expression turned more serious as she explained, "I need your help, Arthur. Did you notice something odd about my parents during the meal, especially when I asked about my sister?"

Arthur furrowed his brow, reflecting on the conversation. "Odd? I can't say I noticed anything particular. Why? What happened?"

Vianola shared her concern with a hushed voice, "My parents are hiding something from me, and I want to find out what it is."

Perplexed, Arthur inquired, "Hiding? I don't quite understand. What do you think they're hiding?"

Vianola elaborated, "I noticed their expressions when I mentioned my sister. They darkened as though something is troubling them."

Arthur considered her words carefully. "Alright, I see. So, how can I help you?"

Vianola's gaze turned earnest. "I need your help to uncover the truth. I don't know what we'll find, but I believe you can assist me."

Arthur questioned, "But how can we do it? I'm just a guest here, and if I start poking into things I shouldn't, it could get me in trouble."

Vianola, with a confident grin, reassured him, "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you, and I'm here with you, after all. As for how we'll uncover the truth, well, I think you should figure that out for yourself. I'll see you tomorrow. Good luck, Arthur."

What the fuck just happened here?

With that, Vianola left the gallery, leaving Arthur to contemplate the mysterious task ahead of him and the enigmatic encounter with the determined elf princess.

The following day, Arthur found himself in his room, seated at a desk, engaged in the task of writing a letter. As he penned his thoughts onto the parchment, he summoned an elemental bird, a magical messenger creature, to deliver the letter. With the bird perched on the windowsill, Arthur gently secured the letter to its leg. Then, with a gentle command, the bird took off, its wings carrying the message towards its destination.

As Arthur completed the task and set the bird on its way, he heard a knock on his door. He approached the door and opened it to find Vianola and the others waiting in the hallway.

"Hey, Arthur," Vianola greeted with a bright smile. "We were planning to head to the city for a little tour today. Would you like to join us?"

Arthur raised an eyebrow, curious about the sudden invitation. "What's the occasion? Did something happen?"

Vianola assured him, "No, nothing happened. We thought it would be a nice way to spend the day. We have a few free days here, so why not explore the city together?"

Arthur contemplated the offer for a moment and then agreed, "Sure, sounds like a plan. I've got nothing pressing to attend to for a few days. Lead the way."

With that, they set out for a day of exploration and adventure in the Elven city, ready to enjoy whatever surprises the day had in store for them.

As they embarked on their tour of the Elven city, they found themselves wandering through enchanting avenues adorned with ancient trees, their leaves glistening in the golden sunlight. The city was a harmonious blend of nature and elegant Elven architecture, with intricate bridges spanning serene streams and ethereal music emanating from unseen sources. The air was filled with a sense of peace and tranquility, making it a perfect setting for a day of exploration and discovery.

As Arthur and the group meandered through the Elven city, Vianola led them to various attractions and points of interest. They visited a mesmerizing botanical garden filled with exotic, otherworldly flora. Arthur marveled at the unique plants and their vibrant colors, some of which swayed and danced to the soft melodies of the wind.

Next, they strolled through the Artisan's Quarter, where they encountered skilled Elven craftsmen creating intricate jewelry, delicate glasswork, and exquisite tapestries. The artistry and craftsmanship on display left everyone in awe.

Their journey continued to the Scholar's Pavilion, a center of knowledge and wisdom where the Elves pursued their studies. They explored grand libraries filled with ancient scrolls and books, delving into the history and culture of the Elven people. Seraphina and Arthur shared their fascination for magic and exchanged insights with the Elven scholars.

In the evening, they dined at an open-air café nestled among the treetops. As the sun set, the canopy of leaves overhead bathed them in a soft, golden light. The meal was a delightful blend of Elven delicacies, including dishes made from fruits and vegetables that Arthur had never seen before.

The tour concluded at the Twilight Theater, where an Elven performance featuring intricate dances and ethereal music transported them to a world of enchantment. The dancers moved with such grace that it felt as if they defied gravity, while the musicians played melodies that touched the deepest parts of their souls.

In this magical city, Arthur and his companions not only marveled at the Elven way of life but also formed a deeper connection among themselves. The day was filled with shared laughter, knowledge, and unforgettable memories.

Arthur and Vianola continued their leisurely walk back to the palace behind with everyone else, chatting quietly amidst the serene beauty of the Elven city. The conversation shifted to Vianola's parents where Arthur's curiosity about her family was growing.

As they approached the palace, Arthur noticed Vianola's thoughtful expression. "Vianola, I've been wondering about your family ever since you mentioned that to me yesterday? How is everyone usually like?"

Vianola smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting fond memories. "My parents are loving and kind. They've always been supportive of my decisions and dreams. My younger sister, Emilia, is a bit reserved but incredibly talented in magic. She's the reason I began my journey to explore the world."

Arthur nodded, listening intently. "It seems like everyone is a wonderful family as we saw them."

Vianola's smile dimmed slightly. "Yes, they are wonderful, but something is troubling them. I can sense it. And Emilia... She's been missing from home. She isn't the kind to leave home so easily."

Arthur's expression grew more serious as he thought about the situation. "We'll figure it out soon, vianola. Don't worry."

"That reminds me, did you take care of the thing I told you yesterday?" Vianola whispered, her voice a gentle breeze.

Arthur nodded slightly and replied in an equally hushed tone, "Yes, I've sent a letter to someone. Let's wait for a reply for a few days."

Vianola, still intrigued by the mystery, couldn't help but press a little further. "Is that so? Who did you send it to? Astrid?"

Arthur, keeping his answer guarded, shook his head slightly. "No, it's not Astrid. And it doesn't matter who it is; it's someone I've worked with before, and I trust them."

Vianola nodded, a sense of trust and camaraderie building between them as they shared this secret. "Alright, I won't press you for details. But they'd better do the job properly."

Arthur grinned, appreciating Vianola's understanding. "Don't worry, they're reliable. We just have to be patient and wait for their response."

Soon everyone arrives at the palace. The day's tour had been a wonderful experience, but the weight of their earlier conversation lingered between them. They put on cheerful smiles and continued to enjoy their time in Elfheim.

The next few days passed pleasantly. Arthur explored more of the Elven city and culture, taking in the serene landscapes and learning more about the Elven way of life. The letter he had sent was still awaiting a reply.

Then, one sunny morning, an elemental bird swooped into his room, carrying a response. Arthur eagerly opened the letter, read it carefully, and smiled as he found the answer he had been waiting for. 

In the evening, during dinner with the group, Arthur shared the contents of the letter with Vianola. They had made progress in their quest to uncover the truth. The pair exchanged a determined look, and their shared mission to uncover Vianola's family secret strengthened their bond.

Next day, As Arthur and Vianola wandered the vibrant streets of Elfheim, they finally found the eatery they had been looking for. It was nestled amidst an enchanting garden of colorful blossoms and winding pathways. A wooden signboard hanging above the entrance read "The Emerald Glade."

The interior of the eatery was just as charming as its exterior. Soft, mellow lighting filled the space, casting a warm and inviting glow. The walls were adorned with paintings of serene landscapes, and potted plants graced every corner, giving the atmosphere a natural and tranquil ambiance.

The smell of freshly baked bread and herbs wafted through the air, making the two friends realize how hungry they were. They took a seat at a small, wooden table by the window, with a view of the enchanting garden outside.

As they perused the menu, the aroma of exotic spices and roasted meats enticed their senses. A friendly elven waiter approached, dressed in a crisp, white uniform and bearing a gentle smile. He handed them the menu and asked if they would like something to drink.

After placing their order, Vianola leaned in closer to Arthur. "So, what's the plan? How are we going to find this person mentioned in your letter?"

Arthur glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping and spoke in a hushed tone. "In the letter I sent to the Information Guild in Helberg Kingdom to inquire about the whereabouts of the Carwarin second princess named 'Emillia Carwarin'. The reply I received contained details about a contact person here in Elfheim, someone who might be able to help us."

Their meals arrived, and the elven waiter served them with utmost grace. Arthur thanked him, and once they were alone again, he continued, "We'll need to wait a bit, as our contact should show up any time now. I'll recognize them from the description in the letter, and then we can proceed with our inquiries."

Vianola nodded in agreement, savoring the delightful flavors of the elven cuisine. 

The mysterious figure who had seated themselves behind Arthur and Vianola was an enigma cloaked in shadows. Their attire was subtle yet elegant, with deep, forest-green robes adorned with intricate silver embroideries. A hood concealed most of their face, and their eyes shone with an unusual luminescence that hinted at hidden knowledge.

As the eatery staff prepared their order, the hooded figure projected their thoughts into the minds of Arthur and Vianola, speaking to them telepathically. Their voice was soft and ethereal, carrying an air of secrecy.

"The second princess of Elfheim is missing for a little over two years," the enigmatic figure began, their words dancing within the minds of Arthur and Vianola. "Rumors suggest that she was seen imprisoned by the notorious kidnapping and trafficking group in the Eastern Empire. The details remain shrouded in mystery, but the growing number of reports concerning missing elves has strengthened the credibility of these rumors."

As the figure conveyed this somber information, Arthur and Vianola listened attentively. The truth was harsh and difficult to accept. A heavy silence hung in the air, each word sinking into their minds like a weight.

Finally, the figure finished their message and ended the telepathic connection. "And that is all," they concluded. "As for payment, you may leave it on your table."

With that, Arthur and Vianolarose from their seats and, without a word, departed first.

As Arthur and Vianola made their way back to the palace through the bustling streets of Elfheim, a solemn atmosphere surrounded them. Vianola remained uncharacteristically quiet during the entire journey, lost in her thoughts. The grim truth about her sister's fate weighed heavily on her, casting a shadow over their return to the palace.

Vianola stormed into the palace, her heart weighed down by the heavy news she had received. She was determined to confront her parents, to demand the truth, and to take action for her missing sister.

As she swiftly navigated the palace's grand corridors and climbed the stairs that led to the terrace, Vianola's emotions swirled within her. Her steps were swift and purposeful, her thoughts consumed by a mix of anger, fear, and determination.

Finally, she reached the terrace where her parents stood, overlooking the breathtaking city of Elfheim. The royal couple, King Aimer and Queen Ellyena, were deep in conversation, seemingly oblivious to Vianola's arrival. Their carefree demeanor grated on her already frayed nerves.

Vianola's anger burned brightly within her as she confronted her parents on the palace terrace. Her voice cut through the air, echoing with a mixture of frustration and sorrow. She couldn't fathom how they could carry on as if everything was fine, knowing that one of their daughters had been missing for over two years.

"Look at you two," Vianola shouted, her eyes filled with fury. "One of your daughters is missing, and here you are, talking nonchalantly without a care in the world."

Her parents, King Aimer Carwarin and Queen Ellyena Carwin, exchanged perplexed glances, unsure of what Vianola was referring to. Aimer spoke first, his voice laced with confusion. "What are you talking about, dear?"

Vianola couldn't contain her rage any longer. She moved closer to them, her eyes burning with intensity. "Don't act dumb with me. I know everything. Why did you hide it from me? Why? Do you even care about your daughter? What have you been doing all this time? Huh? What have you been doing all this time?"

A heavy silence descended upon the terrace. The king and queen exchanged another glance, their expressions troubled and conflicted. The truth hung in the air, a secret they could no longer conceal.

King Aimer and Queen Ellyena exchanged solemn glances, realizing that they could no longer keep the truth from their daughter. Queen Ellyena, her voice soft and filled with sorrow, began to speak. "Vianola, dear, we are deeply sorry for not telling you sooner. We kept it from you because we wanted to protect you."

Vianola's fiery anger began to wane as she listened to her parents' words. The pain and worry etched on their faces were genuine. "Protect me?" she asked, her voice trembling.

King Aimer, struggling with his own emotions, continued, "That day separating from Emilia's made us heartbroken. We couldn't bear the thought of losing another daughter, especially if it meant putting you in danger. The rumors surrounding the Eastern Empire's involvement in the kidnappings... We were afraid for you."

The revelation had shaken Queen Ellyena to her core. Tears welled up in her eyes as the truth came to light. King Aimer, her husband, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as he took a deep breath, ready to explain their decision.

"Vianola," King Aimer began, his voice filled with regret, "we kept this from you because we didn't want to lose you to the pain and danger of the knowledge of your sister's disappearance and go look for her putting yourself in harm's way. It was too dangerous. We are trying our best to look for her and I promise you we will find her soon enough."

Queen Ellyena, her composure crumbling, couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She sobbed quietly, her face hidden behind her hands. The king's words hung heavy in the air, his empathy and concern for their daughter evident.

Seeing her parents' genuine remorse and love for her, Vianola's rage subsided. She knew their intentions were rooted in care, even if their choice had left her feeling betrayed.

With a newfound calmness, Vianola inquired, "Tell me, what happened two years ago?" Her voice was steady, a stark contrast to her previous outburst, as she waited for the painful truth her parents had kept hidden from her.

Two Years Ago

A tranquil and harmonious Elfheim kingdom was a sight to behold. Elves went about their lives peacefully, surrounded by the lush, vibrant forests and breathtaking architecture that graced the kingdom. The elves were known for their grace and affinity with nature, and they lived in perfect harmony with their surroundings.

But then, like a dark shadow cast over a sunlit landscape, disaster struck. One fateful day, the peace and serenity were shattered. The sky, once a brilliant azure, darkened as a massive horde of monstrous creatures descended upon the kingdom. Disturbing the idyllic calm, the monsters swarmed through the once-peaceful streets.

These creatures, mutated and grotesque, followed the orders of a dark figure who led them with malevolence in his heart. The once-harmonious kingdom was now a battleground, the elves fighting for their lives against the horde, their homes reduced to rubble.

The leader of the horde, a sinister figure whose features were obscured by a dark hood and cloak, issued commands with an eerie and unsettling aura. His cold, commanding voice sent chills down the spines of all who heard it, and the monsters obeyed his every word without question. Under his guidance, they attacked with relentless brutality, sowing chaos and fear throughout the kingdom.

As the flashback played out before Vianola and her parents, the bitter memories of that terrible day resurfaced, and the weight of their past decisions bore down on them.

The elves, having trained for centuries in both archery, close combat and magic, fought valiantly to protect their kingdom from the relentless onslaught of the grotesque creatures. The streets and structures of Elfheim transformed into battlefields, and the tranquil ambiance was replaced by the cacophony of war.

Elves perched on rooftops, tree branches, and vantage points, expertly nocking arrows and letting them fly with deadly precision. Their bows, intricately carved with the symbols of nature, sent forth volleys of arrows that struck down the oncoming monsters with ruthless efficiency. The distant twang of bowstrings filled the air as elves rained down arrows upon their foes.

Those elves skilled in close combat waded into the thick of the battle. Armed with beautifully crafted, ethereal blades, they danced gracefully through the fight, their movements as fluid as the leaves rustling in the breeze. They slashed, parried, and countered with incredible finesse, their swift, fluid attacks demonstrating their intimate connection with their weapons.

: Elf mages called upon the magic of nature, casting spells that twisted vines, summoned elemental spirits, and conjured protective barriers. The air crackled with energy as they hurled spells at the monstrous invaders, attempting to halt their advance. These mages embodied the essence of the natural world and sought to restore balance amidst the chaos.

The elves, realizing the overwhelming nature of the assault, organized tactical retreats when necessary. They lured the monstrous horde into choke points where their superior marksmanship could be most effective. They defended key locations, such as the palace, with unwavering determination.

The elves knew that the fate of their beloved kingdom hung in the balance, and the struggle to defend it was nothing short of epic. With every arrow loosed, every spell cast, and every swing of a blade, the elves fought to keep their homeland from falling into the hands of the malevolent invader.

I apologize for any confusion. It seems you'd like to continue the story you provided. Let's pick up from where we left off:

As the battle raged on, the elves began to lose ground. Desperation settled in, and a group of loyal elves approached King Aimer. They urged him to escape with his family while they bought time for him to get to safety.

King Aimer, however, refused their pleas. With steely determination, he declared, "If I am going, you are all coming with me. We shall face this threat together or perish in the name of the goddess Isis."

With their king's resolute order, the remaining elves rallied. They fought valiantly, their determination unwavering. Every elf, young and old, skilled or not, took up arms to protect their kingdom and their royal family. The battle was fierce, and the sound of clashing weapons and the roars of monsters filled the air.

As the elves made their tactical retreat, King Aimer led the way, his family close behind. The monstrous horde and the sinister Akatsuki pursued them relentlessly, closing in from behind. The once-beautiful streets of Elfheim were now a battlefield, and the sacrifices of the elves were not in vain. They created choke points and fought with unwavering courage, slowing the advance of their enemies.

During the chaotic retreat, many elves willingly sacrificed themselves to buy time for the royal family. They fought bravely, protecting King Aimer and Queen Ellyena, but in the confusion of battle, tragedy struck. The second princess, Emilia, got separated from her family. It happened in an instant, and the king and queen, devastated, were unable to reach her.

Despite the heart-wrenching separation, King Aimer and Queen Ellyena managed to retreat to a hidden sanctuary in the depths of the lost woods, a remote and mystical part of the kingdom. Here, they regrouped with the remaining elves who had escaped the battle. Together, they began to build a new kingdom from the ground up, determined to preserve the legacy of Elfheim and to do everything in their power to search for Princess Emilia, their lost daughter. 

That's where the flashback ends. Now, back in the present, the Carwarin family stood on the terrace of their palace, the painful memories of that fateful day fresh in their minds. King Aimer, with tears in his eyes, reached out to his daughter, Vianola.

"Vianola," he began, his voice heavy with sorrow, "what we did, we did out of love for you and your sister. We thought that if you knew, the burden would be too much to bear. We wanted to protect you from the harsh realities of the world. We hoped that one day, we could reunite our family and heal the wounds."

Queen Ellyena, her eyes still glistening with tears, added, "We love you both equally, Vianola. Our hearts ache for Emilia, and we've never stopped searching for her, even though it has led to nothing but heartache."

Vianola, though still hurt by the revelation, began to understand her parents' actions. The weight of their love for their daughters had led to a difficult choice, and Vianola could now empathize with their decision.

She asked softly, "I understand but how is it that you guys couldn't find any whereabouts of her?"

The king and queen exchanged a somber look. King Aimer replied, "After the separation, we lost all trace of her. We've sent scouts and emissaries to search for her, but it's as if she vanished from the face of this earth."

Queen Ellyena continued, "We hold onto the hope that she is alive and well, that she has managed to survive and find a place where she can be safe. We have never stopped looking, Vianola. We want nothing more than to reunite our family."

Vianola, though her heart ached for her lost sister, now understood the reasons behind her parents' decisions. The weight of the truth was a heavy burden, but it was one she would share with her parents from now on.

She stepped closer to them and embraced them both. "I understand, Mother, Father. I want to find Emilia too, No I will find Emillia and because I know where to search for her and I am gonna go save her."

King Aimer and Queen Ellyena were visibly shaken by Vianola's revelation. Fear and anxiety gripped their hearts as they processed the dire news about their missing daughter, Emilia.

Queen Ellyena, with a trembling voice, refused to accept the harsh truth. She pleaded with Vianola, "Tell me it's a lie, Vianola. Please, it can't be true. Our sweet Emilia, held captive by those monsters? It can't be."

King Aimer, trying to maintain his composure, pulled Queen Ellyena back gently and embraced her. "My love," he said, "we need to stay strong and focus on finding Emilia. Vianola, is she in immediate danger? Tell us more."

Vianola nodded, her determination unwavering. "I don't know the specifics, Father, but the rumors suggest that she might be held by a group or several groups within the eastern empire. And there is also news of our kins disappearing and I believe it must have something to do with them and it's highly likely they are the same ones who have taken Emilia."

With her parents' blessing and their determination to reunite their family, Vianola prepared herself for the journey ahead. She had made a promise to Emilia, and she would stop at nothing to fulfill it.

Vianola turned to her parents, her gaze filled with resolve. "I will leave no stone unturned to bring Emilia back. I won't rest until she is safe in our arms again. With Arthur, Momo, Seraphina, and our allies by our side, we will embark on the journey to the eastern empire and uncover the truth about her whereabouts. We will face whatever challenges lie ahead and bring our sister back home."

King Aimer and Queen Ellyena, having embraced their daughter Vianola, clung to the hope that she would succeed in her mission to rescue her beloved sister, Emilia. Their hearts were heavy with the sorrow of their past and the uncertainty of their daughters' futures, but they were grateful for the opportunity to be reunited as a family.

As Arthur returned from the terrace, he found Momo, Seraphina, Ignis, and the others waiting in the hallway. Their curiosity got the best of them, and they couldn't help but ask, "Where have you and Vianola been for the past couple of days?"

Arthur chuckled at their inquiry, realizing they might have jumped to conclusions. "Oh, were you all jealous because you thought we were on a romantic date?" he teased, a playful glint in his eye.

Their faces flushed with embarrassment, and they tried to change the subject. However, Arthur was quick to address the matter at hand. He patted them on the back and suggested, "No need to feel embarrassed. We've got more important things to discuss right now. Pack your bags and prepare for the journey ahead."

My Dear Readers,

We are about to enter into the Final stage of our incredible Journey. Thank you all for your incredible love and support. I hope you all enjoyed reading my novel. The next chapter will be the final chapter of this Volume. If this novel receives enough love and support from you maybe it will inspire me to write another Volume of it. So please Like and share it. Recommend it if you like it. And Most of all Save it if you like it.

I love you all.

Happy reading!

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