
Harem Insanity

In a world where the protagonist's journey is threatened by a more capable adversary, the World's Will takes drastic measures. They orchestrate the demise of this formidable rival, masking it as an unfortunate accident, while the true hero, brimming with untapped potential, lies wounded before onlookers and society. But what if this man received a warning in advance? How would he react to this impending danger, and more importantly,How could he withstand the relentless assault of the world's will, determined to hinder his ascent? Armed only with a system that assigns missions, devoid of any powerful skills or items, he faces an uphill battle for survival. Follow along as our protagonist grapples with adversity, displaying resilience and determination on a treacherous journey. Can he defy the odds stacked against him, or will he succumb to the World's Will conspiring for his downfall? Discover the answers in this captivating tale of courage, wonder and lust~ ------------------------------------------- Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN! So if you wish to give me money for my hard work then join my patreon. Patreon Link patreon.com/The_Ghost165

The_ghost · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 3:- Tutorial(1)

An extra chapter today due to hocopa_YT review on the fanfic.





A cold and unemotional voice sounded with every word said in mechanical precision.

'Forget about this gift, tell me why I'm going to die this soon??'


'Will it make me understand my situation?'

{... Yes Host}

'Ok then I accept the tutorial!'

{Villain Harem System tutorial initiated!!}

{Host Kim Jun-seo, in every world their is a heavenly child chosen by the world laws also know as protagonist by Earthlings. These heavenly chosen or protagonist depending on the world have many benefits due to it but one trait that they all share in common is...Luck. Immense Luck and Fortune!!}

Yeah, I get that as I read that in webnovels where a cultivation protagonist gains strongest scriptures, methods, items, pills, and more. They gain the favor of every one face slapping their enemies and gaining countless women.

{Host, the other traits depend on the limits of the world itself! Like if it's a higher tier world where becoming even a god is possible then he will have endless advantages but if it is a low tier world like yours where there are not even martial artists and people relay on technology then only a few helpful traits are given and those include Luck, Powerful body, More Stamina and enhanced vitality.}

Okay~ Though that seemed short but it contained whole lot of information, I need to grasp and understand so let's start from the very starting.

There are other worlds, other than earth which anyone with even a speck of intelligence and living in internet times can tell.

'Like aliens and area 51! Anyone can tell that something fishy is going on in there with the high security around it and a lot more places like that.'

'But lets keep shower thoughts for later.'

Though the interesting thing is that, this system seems to classify all these worlds into tiers. Worlds which allow a being to transcend to godhood falls into higher classification of this tier and world like mine or Earth, same thing, falls at the very bottom of the list.

But this confirms a sad and harsh truth but also relieving in some kind of way, and that being, there are no superpowers on Earth.

I dread the day when every being walks the roads with powers beyond today's imagination, no matter if worthy or not.

*Cough* Dc, Gothom *Cough*

But more than that I'm disappointed at the fact that I can nothing be more...than a weak human, no matter how tirelessly I train my body or mind.

'That is not disappointing.... It's heart-breaking.'

A glimmer of excitement which had shot up in my heart due to all these novel things died as my eyes regained a dark black calm eyes.

Though as the system seems to say that even in this pathetic world, the chosen ones all have got a gift and not one or two but a whole bundle of it.

{And host anyone with more potential than the heavenly chosen one's are killed by the World's Will!! This is where you and your death come in. Due to you being in close proximity of a protagonist with more powerful traits, the World's Will perceives you as a danger to the opportune life of the protagonist.}

{And thus how all beings better than protagonist's have ended in this world... You too share the same fate, one of just being an 'Accident'!!}




The world seemed to still as I could not perceive a single sound as my ears seemed to still. I could feel my heart beating against my chest, loud and clear, in anger and in helplessness.

My only fear, ever was dieing as an unknown and weak person, one without any power whatsoever!

My eyes had widened in surprise as my hands clenched tightly unconsciously with my shaking legs now still due to the sheer anger I was feeling.

The veins on my arms showed themselves as I continued to clench my first in attempt to calm myself but failing fabulously at it.

I was just a normal person who had a normal childhood with no tragedy that plagued these so called protagonist so much. I had my own dreams, ambitions, feelings, thoughts and more.

I wanted to become a big businessman with enough power that if I will a person to die, he will die and NO I was not thinking this was a game or novel. I was ready to face hopeless situations, people who would try to push me down, betrayals and more.

I wanted to sleep on a big and soft bed with countless naked beauties wrapped around me with deep love in their eyes.

I wanted to feel the pressure that comes when you risk something in your company and it becomes successful.

I wanted to do so much... So much!!

And Yet all I could do today was despair...depair at the fact that the very world wanted to kill me for something I had nothing to do with.

"So what do you think~" the red-hair teen next to me asked a question which I could not even register probably in my mind.

I turned my face to him as I looked at him with a cold face with despair and anger filled deep black eyes as I gave the response which he deserved.

"Mind your own business"

I returned to my thinking not wanting to interest myself in that stupid person's reaction but if someone looked closely.

The red-haired teens eyes had widened in fear as his hair on his arms stood up instinctively at the presence of a predator as he flinched even at the mere action of Kim Jun-seo's head turning.


Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN!

So if you wish to give me money for my hardwork then join my patreon.

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