

"Hey, how are you feeling Sannie?" Wooyoung said entering the hospital room where his boyfriend San was, they met exactly a year ago, in a defamed area of ​​Seoul.

On that day San had received news that made the world fall on him and wanted to put an end to all this, or at least that was his intent, but later he heard screams and saw a gang of criminals who were surrounding a small and helpless boy "Please, d-d-don't hurt me, I promise I will pay off his debt, but please don't hurt me", he believed that all this would be solved for the best until one of the gang took out a small knife and approached it to his face, but before the older one could do anything, he cut a flap of skin from the boy's cheek. "Hey, leave him alone!" and those kids who were up to 20 years old ran away after hearing San's loud voice. "How are you?" San asked softly for fear of frightening him, the boy slowly raised his face and met the major's gaze and as if it were love at first sight their eyes lit up with a light never had before and their heartbeats increased, "Looks like to an angel "San thought," W-w-well "he spoke stammering" Thanks for saving me, I'm Wooyoung "he said holding out his hand to both shake it and to help him get up from the dirty ground," It feels like being in a k-drama , the helpless guy saved by the hot guy of the situation "thought Wooyoung immediately after," Nice to meet you, I'm San "said the major as he grabbed his hand to help him get up and then grabbed him by the waist to help him balance.

A few months after their friendship began, they started dating and San revealed that he had cancer and was quite advanced, so he wouldn't have much left to live; however, despite this their relationship did not change, rather it intensified even more.

Too bad he had lied to him, always.

"Hey, Woonie, I'm fine, are you?"

"Very well"

"Happy anniversary love"

"Awww, I'm glad that although you are in a hospital and have to take care of your health, you remember these little details"

"They are not 'little details' they are important and a lot, exactly one year has passed since we met"

"And since you saved my life"

"And you mine"

"What do you mean?"

"I should talk to you"

"Your scaring me! Come on, what do you have to tell me?"

"Wooyoung, I'm going to die"


"Exactly one year ago the doctors told me that in a year I would die and the year ends today, the doctors said that in a few hours I should close my eyes forever"

"How ?! I'm not ready to leave you yet"

"Woonie, thank you for the happiest year of my life, really, if you hadn't been in my path that night, I would have probably killed myself."

"Please Sannie don't leave me"

"Woon, I have no other choice"

San took Wooyoung with the little strength he had in his body and brought him over his chest, astride him and then later placed his lips on those twins, giving the life to a desperate and passionate kiss.

After a few minutes, after the lover had wrapped him tightly with his arms, Wooyoung felt San exhale his last breath on his lips, also managing to feel the soul leaving his body and his lips were becoming cold.

The minor squatted on the chest of his beloved clutching the edges of his pajama shirt in his two fists.

Giving life to a desperate cry for the death of the beloved and the only thing he could hear was a beep, that beep that marked the death of his sweet San.