
Who am I

You might be wondering who am I. I am a nobody. I use to have a lot of friends, soon I realized I was popular. Some people talked bad adout me so I pushed them away. My friend group got smaller and smaller. Until Sammantha and Maddy were left. But Brittney took them and became the popular kids.

What happens to little Isabelle Jones. A little bit if luck happend. Some new kids came and asked to be my friend, me, I could not believe it. So I said yes. They were pretty, skinny, they were perfect. But trying to hide it. When I was in seventh grade I was called fat. I became ashamed of my body. So I wore big shirts, they were down to my nees.

From then we became very close. I invited them to go swimming they were surprised, but said yes. I worked at a pool, my dad runs, it was pretty popular. Even though I tried to hide my body I wore a one piece which was kind of reviling. Please give me feed back