
Chapter 14 She must have gone crazy to have forgotten you too.

Li Fengchang was touched by the words, as Zhang Ma continued to speak, "Miss Mi has a pure heart. When she wants to be kind to someone, she gives her all without any scheming. She's a good girl, and whoever marries her will surely bring happiness to the entire household..."

"Zhang Ma," Li Fengchang suddenly cut in, stopping Zhang Ma's ramblings, "go busy yourself."

That was his temperament: always indifferent and aloof, disinclined to speak more than necessary. Zhang Ma had been at the Shuiyue Restaurant for five years and naturally knew his temperament, so she stopped speaking, smiling as she said, "I'll go to the kitchen. If you need anything, sir, just call for me."

"Hmm." Li Fengchang responded in a low voice, bowing his head to eat.

The meal was more or less the same as usual. After eating Zhang Ma's cooking for five years, he had almost grown accustomed to it.

But today, for some reason, he just couldn't muster an appetite.

After a few more bites, he finally put down his chopsticks and glanced at the bowl of pork rib soup. Thinking back on Zhang Ma's words, and despite typically disliking greasy food, he uncharacteristically ladled a bowl of it and set it before himself.

Chewing slowly, he found it wasn't as bad as he'd expected, but truly he had no appetite and only drank a few sips before setting the bowl aside.

He called for Zhang Ma to clear the table and then trudged upstairs.


After finishing the paperwork, it was already past eleven o'clock. He turned off the desk lamp, shut down the computer, and Li Fengchang carried his cup down the stairs quietly.

It was only when he reached the empty living room that he remembered she wasn't home tonight.

Li Fengchang turned towards the kitchen to pour a glass of water, and, as if possessed, found himself standing in front of Mi Shen's bedroom door.

The moment he pushed open the door, a thought flashed through his mind: could she have sneaked back because she was unaccustomed to staying at someone else's house?

But as the door swung open, and his gaze swept across the room, he saw only the silvery moonlight streaming in through the window to reveal the neatly made large bed without the familiar slender figure.

Li Fengchang stood silently at the doorway for a moment, just about to close the door and leave when a small black shadow darted out from inside the room.

"Daxiong!" Li Fengchang called out sharply, and the shadow immediately scurried back to his feet.

It was a corgi with soft fur, yellow on its back and white on its face, neck, belly, and limbs. Mi Shen had found it on the roadside in the winter when she was thirteen and named it Daxiong.

She had always adored this corgi, taking great care of it. The dog that was no bigger than a palm and trembling from the cold in the snow, was now over ten pounds.

Li Fengchang squatted down, gently stroking Daxiong's fur on its back, as if with a hint of exasperation, "She must be having too much fun, to have even forgotten about you."

Even though he said this to Daxiong, he himself felt a slight discomfort.

Daxiong rubbed its fuzzy face against his palm, as if offering comfort, Li Fengchang curled his lips, his smile cold and clear.


In the camping site amidst the mountains.

At this time, everyone had settled down for the night, and the surroundings were tranquil. Only one tent still had a dim light shining through.

Mi Shen was sprawled inside the tent, furiously writing to finish her homework.

Suddenly, her nose tingled, and she sneezed—

Mao Beibei rolled over and looked at Mi Shen's profile, "How much more do you have?"

Mi Shen stretched her neck, took a deep breath, "Almost there, almost there."

Beibei blinked, "Really, Li Fengchang is something else. Always assigning you so much homework, not afraid of tiring you out."

Mi Shen frowned, "Don't slander Li Fengchang; he's been really good to me."