

Even if everything he was saying were true, the reality that he was still my employer and that everything about the scenario was wrong remained unchanged.

"All those ladies are circling around you, and you haven't had a single sexual encounter with any of them? "Aw, how touching," I grumbled as I made my way out.

He snarled, "It's not that hard to believe," as his focused glare bore into my back.

What do you know? It is irrelevant. I'm sure that was simply a mistake.

That's what I wanted to discuss with you, see? His alluring aroma, which reminded me of honey and sage, engulfed me as he drew nearer. I suddenly had a suffocating sensation, as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the little space. I had to leave this place right now. What had Julia only a few minutes previously cautioned me about? not having him to yourself? wise counsel. I didn't want to see them in tatters in his pocket since I really liked the specific pair of pants I was wearing.

I guess that was a lie.