
Handsome Hero

The story is written about a person who accomplishes many impossible things in his life. Some aspects of his life are highlighted in the story. How he made his life career beautiful, if anyone wants to be like him, but you need to read this book. The protagonist has some extraordinary features in the story which is why the story calls him a Handsome Hero. Reading the story can change a person's life. The whole story is about the rise of a human being. The protagonist did some good deeds to make life beautiful and good which was beneficial for everyone. The difficult things in the story have been made easy to stay good. His name is W. Dr.W Very sincerity person. He doesn't do bad things, he does what he likes, his childhood, student life was all great, but some bad things want to consume his life, the story is about how he avoids it and builds a beautiful life.Dr.W is very good man. author's note :- Social Account & Contact info: #Discord account :@Soft_heart#6019 Server link : https://discord.gg/Ss5X5eu4 #follow Author instagram :@_soft_heart____ Subscribe YouTube :Soft Heart Twitter :webnovel_writer. 25 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per month 50 power stones_extra 1 chapter per week 100 power stones _extra 2 chapter per week 250 power stones _extra 3 chapter per week 500 power stones _extra 4 chapter per week 800 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per day 1000 power stones _extra 2 chapter per day 5000 power stones _extra 3 chapter per day 8000 power stones _extra 4 chapter per day 11000 power stones _extra 7 chapter per day. ..................... _______________ Author : I hope everyreader read this book very quietly & Another speceh author's think the book very popular near to the reader.

Soft_heart · Literatura e Livros
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Everyone loves freshness, you need to know how to make your own life if you want to stay fresh. There are some good things to remember in life. According to W, Dr. W spends a fresh life.


According to W, life has to be built fresh. So it has some simple advantages, in fact if life is not fresh. Life seems to be fake, so he said this to some of his friends, they also agree with him. Now let's talk about some freshness -

Wash your hair regularly. Freshness has a large part to do with the way your hair looks. Greasy hair doesn't make for a good look on anybody. Though rinsing your hair in the shower each morning is recommended and feels good, you may not need to use shampoo as often as you think. Everyone's hair has its own set of needs, so rather than sticking to a single strict guideline, it's best to listen to your body's indicators and do what seems best.

The amount you shampoo your hair should depend in part on your lifestyle choices, most specifically how physically active you are. The more physically active, the more often you should clean your hair.

Overwashing with shampoos is a bad idea as well. Although no one will ever hold a value on hygiene against you, you can inadvertently remove healthy natural oils out of your hair (and skin!) by overdoing it on the hair cleaners.

Eat well. Eating well is something everyone knows they should do, so it is lamentable that few follow through with it. Nonetheless, it should be made a priority if you want a fresher look. A healthy diet is manifest in virtually every part of your body, from the hair to the skin and everything internal. Although each person's diet should be custom-tailored to match the needs of their body, there are probably some things you eat regularly you know you could do without.

Cutting out 'empty calories' (like soda) and replacing them with healthy alternatives will transform your appearance by itself in as little time as a month.

Eating well has a considerable effect on your mood as well as your appearance. Being in a chipper spirit will make others perceive you as fresher than they normally would otherwise.

Take care of your health.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Take vitamins

Drink plenty of water.

Exercise for an hour everyday. Do cardio, exercise your legs, abs, butt and even your arms.

Launder your clothes regularly. Even if you've had the best sleep of your life and a long shower to boot, you won't look fresh if your clothes are a big mess. Giving things a 'sniff test' doesn't always cut it. Instead, you've got to put different regulations on different pieces of clothing.For example, in the case of jeans and most pants, you can wear them over the course of several days before they begin to lose their stretchiness. Tops should be laundered much more frequently however, as natural body odour is most concentrated from the torso upwards.

If you're prone to sweat or body odour, washing your bedsheets as often as once per week is a good idea. Pillows and comforters can be done a few times a year.

Act perky. If you've got your chin up and your head invested in whatever you're involved with currently, people are bound to perceive you far differently than if you're looking glum and hate the world. Of course, it's never enough simply to want to be in a good mood. Knowing how to bring out the best side of yourself is crucial. Be mindful of the way you're feeling, and don't be afraid to laugh.If you're in a good mood, you'll have a positive impact on the way others feel when they're around you.

Laughter is the easiest way to improve your mood. If no one's around to make you laugh, read a comic or watch a comedy. Seeing the lighter side of life can have a transformative impact on the way you feel for the rest of the week.

Eating dark chocolate has been proven to alleviate the stress hormones in your body. A few pieces should be enough to evoke a noticeable effect.

Smelling good and feeling clean from the time you wake up in the morning until you get home at night is easier said than done. If you have to rush from place to place during the day or the weather isn't cooperating, it can be difficult to stay fresh on the go. But when you start with the right routine, bring a few essentials with you and take time to freshen up every few hours, you can keep that fresh, just-stepped-out-of-the-shower feeling all day long.

Jump in the shower. To stay fresh, start your day by cleansing your body. Your unique body chemistry will determine how often you need to bathe. Many people take a shower every morning, but if you play sports or live in a really humid climate, twice a day might help you stay fresher. If you live in a temperate place and your skin is on the dry side, every other day might be best. No matter what, aim to bathe often enough that you smell good and feel clean.

Being clean doesn't necessarily mean using the harshest cleanser possible. Use a soap that's good for your skin type and doesn't dry it out too much. Choose a body wash or bar soap that's gentle enough for everyday use.

While taking a shower most days is recommended, you may want to wash your hair less often. Washing your hair every day can dry it out and ultimately damage it, since it strips your hair's natural oils. To stay fresh .

Use body powder to absorb moisture. If your skin tends to feel a little oily or sweaty as the day progresses, try applying body powder after your dry off from your morning shower. It absorbs extra moisture, keeping you feeling fresh. You can bring a small bottle of powder with you so you can reapply during the day.

Apply it to areas that tend to feel less than fresh, like your feet, armpits and so on.

You can use baby powder or make your own body powder by simply mixing together cornstarch and your favorite essential

Wear breathable fabrics. Lucky for us, polyester went the way of cassette tapes several decades ago. The synthetic fabric was known for being itchy and uncomfortable because it wasn't made out of natural, breathable fibers like cotton or even wool. Although thick, heavy polyester isn't commonly found these days, there are other synthetic fabrics that have a similar effect. When you wear airtight fabrics that don't allow fresh air to circulate near your skin, you can end up sweating and feeling sticky.

Check your wardrobe for synthetic fabrics that might not be allowing your skin to breathe. Make an effort to wear more cotton and other natural fibers.

Another way to stay fresh is to layer your clothes so you can change things up to suit the temperature.

Take care of your feet. If you're worried about your feet sweating or smelling, take extra care to wash, dry and powder them every morning. Wear shoes that are appropriate for the day's weather. If you wear heavy boots in the summer, your feet are going to sweat, which leads to odor and an unfresh feeling. Whenever possible, wear a pair of socks to absorb extra moisture.

Have a separate pair of shoes for

Keep your breath fresh, too. The best way to keep your breath smelling good is to have proper dental hygiene. Floss once a day and brush your teeth in the morning and at night using a toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association. Be sure to see a dentist every six months for a deeper cleaning to remove the buildup of tartar, which can lead to bad breath and more severe dental problems.

Using mouthwash is a good way to combat bad breath. Rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash a few times a day to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Drink water often. Aside from brushing your teeth, there's no quicker or better trick for freshening your mouth. Having a drink of water rinses away food particles that can build up in your mouth and cause bad breath.

Change your clothes if necessary. If you're physically active during the day, you might want to bring a few essential backup items you can change into. That way you won't have to deal with that icky feeling that comes late in the day when you've been wearing the same thing since 8 am. You could even keep a tote bag in your car with a few items so you'll never be without them when you

Freshen up your hair. Wind, rain, and general rushing around can mess up your hair and leave it limp by midday. Bring a comb or brush with you so you'll always be able to fix your hair if you need to. You may also want to bring a small bottle of hair spray or gel to help it stay neatly in place.

If your hair tends to look a little greasy by mid-day, try dry shampoo. You just sprinkle a little on the spots that look greasy, let the powder sit for a few minutes, then brush it out.

Another trick is to put your hair up into a bun or ponytail to instantly give yourself a fresh new style for the remainder of the day.

Have a shower or bath once a day.

If your hair is greasy wash it everyday with shampoo and apply conditioner. If your hair isn't greasy wash it every two days.

Wash your body with a refreshing body wash.

After you get out of the shower/tub moisturize. Rub lotion in appropriate areas.

Wash your face. First with a scrub then a cleanser and finally apply a moisturizer.

Brush your teeth and floss your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each. Try to brush your teeth after each meal if possible, but at least floss.

you want to start fresh, it helps to have a sense of purpose. Spend some time trying new activities and learning new things. Figure out what you're good at and what you like! For example, you might try:

Rock climbing



Playing an instrument



Playing sports



Use sanitary wipes to quickly cleanse yourself. This might be helpful if you're in a humid climate and don't have time for a second shower. Be sure to use unscented wipes, since the scented kind has a strong smell. Wipe where necessary, then reapply deodorant and you're good to go.

Brush your teeth after lunch. If you tend to feel less than fresh after lunch, start bringing along a travel toothbrush and toothpaste so you can quickly clean your mouth and feel better right away. A travel-sized bottle of mouthwash is also handy to bring. And when you don't have these items handy, you can always pop a breath mint or a piece of peppermint gum.

Avoid dousing yourself in perfume or cologne. Using a light application of perfume or cologne on your pulse points makes you smell fresh. However, spraying loads of it on mid-day to mask the smell of sweat is not a good idea. You'll make matters worse if you try to cover up unfresh smells with strong floral or earthy scents. It's better to find a way to take a quick shower or use cleansing wipes if you don't have time.

Stay away from strong-smelling foods. If you tend to get bad breath after eating onions, or your skin smells like garlic a few hours after consuming spaghetti sauce, choose what you eat a little more carefully. Stick with lighter foods like salads, fruits and vegetables, especially on days when staying fresh is a priority. Eating these foods has the added benefit of keeping body odor to a minimum.

Know which foods give you indigestion, too. Common culprits are beans, greasy foods and cruciferous vegetables.

Spicy foods may make you sweat more than usual.

Don't neglect your personal spaces. If your bedroom, car, and other places where you hang out aren't clean, it's going to affect the way you smell and look. For example, if you have a messy bedroom and never hang up your clothes, they might smell a little stale and look wrinkled. Here's what you can do:

Put away clean laundry right away, and keep dirty laundry in a closed hamper.

Wash them regularly. If that doesn't help, put damp tea bags in your shoes overnight to deodorize. Wearing socks also may help with sweat. If none of these help, and you are sweating for no reason, consult your doctor to make sure your feet are functioning properly.

Jump in the shower. To stay fresh, start your day by cleansing your body. Your unique body chemistry will determine how often you need to bathe. Many people take a shower every morning, but if you play sports or live in a really humid climate, twice a day might help you stay fresher. If you live in a temperate place and your skin is on the dry side, every other day might be best. No matter what, aim to bathe often enough that you smell good and feel clean.

Being clean doesn't necessarily mean using the harshest cleanser possible. Use a soap that's good for your skin type and doesn't dry it out too much. Choose a body wash or bar soap that's gentle enough for everyday use.

While taking a shower most days is recommended, you may want to wash your hair less often. Washing your hair every day can dry it out and ultimately damage it, since it strips your hair's natural oils. To stay fresh .

Wear deodorant. Did you know that 2 percent of the population doesn't have the gene that causes body odor?Those lucky people don't need to use deodorant, but the rest of us use it to prevent body odor

Use body powder to absorb moisture. If your skin tends to feel a little oily or sweaty as the day progresses, try applying body powder after your dry off from your morning shower. It absorbs extra moisture, keeping you feeling fresh. You can bring a small bottle of powder with you so you can reapply during the day.

Apply it to areas that tend to feel less than fresh, like your feet, armpits and so on.

You can use baby powder or make your own body powder by simply mixing together cornstarch and your favorite essential

Wear breathable fabrics. Lucky for us, polyester went the way of cassette tapes several decades ago. The synthetic fabric was known for being itchy and uncomfortable because it wasn't made out of natural, breathable fibers like cotton or even wool. Although thick, heavy polyester isn't commonly found these days, there are other synthetic fabrics that have a similar effect. When you wear airtight fabrics that don't allow fresh air to circulate near your skin, you can end up sweating and feeling sticky.

Check your wardrobe for synthetic fabrics that might not be allowing your skin to breathe. Make an effort to wear more cotton and other natural fibers.

Another way to stay fresh is to layer your clothes so you can change things up to suit the temperature. Instead of

Take care of your feet. If you're worried about your feet sweating or smelling, take extra care to wash, dry and powder them every morning. Wear shoes that are appropriate for the day's weather. If you wear heavy boots in the summer, your feet are going to sweat, which leads to odor and an unfresh feeling. Whenever possible, wear a pair of socks to absorb extra moisture.

Have a separate pair of shoes for

Keep your breath fresh, too. The best way to keep your breath smelling good is to have proper dental hygiene. Floss once a day and brush your teeth in the morning and at night using a toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association. Be sure to see a dentist every six months for a deeper cleaning to remove the buildup of tartar, which can lead to bad breath and more severe dental problems.

Using mouthwash is a good way to combat bad breath. Rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash a few times a day to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Drink water often. Aside from brushing your teeth, there's no quicker or better trick for freshening your mouth. Having a drink of water rinses away food particles that can build up in your mouth and cause bad breath.

Change your clothes if necessary. If you're physically active during the day, you might want to bring a few essential backup items you can change into. That way you won't have to deal with that icky feeling that comes late in the day when you've been wearing the same thing since 8 am. You could even keep a tote bag in your car with a few items so you'll never be without them when you

Freshen up your hair. Wind, rain, and general rushing around can mess up your hair and leave it limp by midday. Bring a comb or brush with you so you'll always be able to fix your hair if you need to. You may also want to bring a small bottle of hair spray or gel to help it stay neatly in place.

If your hair tends to look a little greasy by mid-day, try dry shampoo. You just sprinkle a little on the spots that look greasy, let the powder sit for a few minutes, then brush it out.

Another trick is to put your hair up into a bun or ponytail to instantly give yourself a fresh new style for the remainder of the day.

Use sanitary wipes to quickly cleanse yourself. This might be helpful if you're in a humid climate and don't have time for a second shower. Be sure to use unscented wipes, since the scented kind has a strong smell. Wipe where necessary, then reapply deodorant and you're good to go.

Brush your teeth after lunch. If you tend to feel less than fresh after lunch, start bringing along a travel toothbrush and toothpaste so you can quickly clean your mouth and feel better right away. A travel-sized bottle of mouthwash is also handy to bring. And when you don't have these items handy, you can always pop a breath mint or a piece of peppermint gum.

Avoid dousing yourself in perfume or cologne. Using a light application of perfume or cologne on your pulse points makes you smell fresh. However, spraying loads of it on mid-day to mask the smell of sweat is not a good idea. You'll make matters worse if you try to cover up unfresh smells with strong floral or earthy scents. It's better to find a way to take a quick shower or use cleansing wipes if you don't have time.

Stay away from strong-smelling foods. If you tend to get bad breath after eating onions, or your skin smells like garlic a few hours after consuming spaghetti sauce, choose what you eat a little more carefully. Stick with lighter foods like salads, fruits and vegetables, especially on days when staying fresh is a priority. Eating these foods has the added benefit of keeping body odor to a minimum.

Know which foods give you indigestion, too. Common culprits are beans, greasy foods and cruciferous vegetables.

Spicy foods may make you sweat more than usual.

Don't neglect your personal spaces. If your bedroom, car, and other places where you hang out aren't clean, it's going to affect the way you smell and look. For example, if you have a messy bedroom and never hang up your clothes, they might smell a little stale and look wrinkled. Here's what you can do:

Put away clean laundry right away, and keep dirty laundry in a closed hamper.

Wash them regularly. If that doesn't help, put damp tea bags in your shoes overnight to deodorize. Wearing socks also may help with sweat. If none of these help, and you are sweating for no reason, consult your doctor to make sure your feet are functioning properly.

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