
Halo & RWBY: The Hero Detained for Greatness

(Rated R18+: Strong Course Language, Sex Scenes, Action, War, Blood & Gore Violence) (This story is not for children.) A UNSC freighter goes into slip space to escape an whole entire fleet of Covenant war ships, while in slip space the ship sustained heavy damage from the attack, they crash into the unknown planet and the only survivor is a Spartan named Lucas who now finds out more about his mother's past, secrets his family kept from him, he will also find love and now has to protect this new world from the The Covenant and other enemies along the way and trust me there is something more horrifying in the universe. (I do not own the characters of RWBY or the Halo characters except for my OC Lucas)

Joseph_Kokai · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 2: Crash Landing

As I started to wake up. I could hear some fire in the back ground, I start opening my eyes to seeing a dead crew member on top of me, while got up I throw the body off me and started to look at my souroundings in the ship, I could see dead bodies everywhere, everyone was dead, even the commander was dead, there was life on board only me, I felt a slit feeling loneliness when walking around finding no one around.

Lucas: Everyone's dead I'm.... all alone

???: Not entirely alone

A voice came from the captains deck, so I went to investigate.

Lucas: Who's there... show yourself!

???: I'm already in front of you

Lucas: Sarah?

Sarah: The very same

Lucas: Oh god it's good to see you

Sarah: The same to you Lucas

Lucas: So what happened?

Sarah: What do you mean?

Lucas: Well I don't remember what happened

Sarah: Oh... you must have black out when the crash happened

Lucas: Wait we actually crash!?

Sarah: Yes we crashed

Lucas: Let me guess the Covenant?

Sarah: Yep

Lucas: *sigh* why did it have to happen to someone like me and who's idea was it to crash?

Sarah: The commander did.... he thought it would look cool... now look where that lead him

Lucas: Lead to his death and several others, so where are we?

Sarah: Were on some kind of planet that is unknown to the system

Lucas: So what do we do?

Sarah: Well there is life on the planet

Lucas: Alien?

Sarah: Nope human

Lucas: Human... if the UNSC hasn't discovered this planet yet then how is there human life here?

Sarah: How would I know... Hmm there seems to be a town near by, maybe you can have a look while over there and see what the people are like on the planet

Lucas: Guess I can do that and maybe while I'm at it, you can repair the ship

Sarah: Sure I can do that... just be careful, we don't know what's out in the woods

Lucas: I'll be fine Sarah.... I'll just grab some ammo then headout... *sigh* I'll be fine do you trust me?

Sarah: Nope

Lucas: I'll be back

I exit through the decks window and then dive down, I start to make my way through the woods, as I continued to walk through the woods things start to look more colourful and then darker again it was amazing, I then contact Sarah.

Lucas: Sarah are you seeing this?

Sarah: Let me pull up the camera.... whoa

Lucas: Whoa indeed Sarah.... everything's so beautiful around here

Sarah: Alright now I'm just jelious asshole

Lucas: Haha right I'll talk later

Sarah: Alright

Sarah then hangs up while I continued to make my way through the woods, I my HUD started to see enemies coming from the left I got the assault rifle ready for what was behind the bushes, but what I then see hits me back, it was some kind of bear or some shit, I take a closer look at it defently looked like a bear but wasn't a bear, I thought to myself what is this thing.

Lucas: Alright papa bear you wanna rumble?

Grimm: *roar*

Lucas: Then let's rumble!

I rushed this beast and but I pushed me back again, the was starting to piss me off, until I tried again this time I had a plan, I tried rushing it again but this time I duck from the attack and then grab my sword and start to stab it in the chest until it fell to it's demise.

Lucas: Wow that was easy hehehe

As soon as I open my big mouth more of those things came running at me, I looked at them and had puppy eyes while had my mask on and said.

Lucas: I should have kept my mouth shut

*2 Hour later*

It had been a couple of hours of fighting these black creatures, but I was able to kill every last one.

Lucas: That.... *heavy breathing* toke long then.... expected, but I kill the fucking things *sigh* alright time to make my way through this death trap and get to the city

I start to run through the forest again, but I am stopped by a Covenant dropship landing next to me, I went through the bushes to see what I was dealing with, I saw 1 Hunter & 5 grunts, it was a patrol.

Lucas: *thinking* it's just a patrol.... hmm should I take the quiet approach or the loud approach?.... loud approach

I then start to running at the Hunter that was charging it's laser canon, as I continued to rush it... I grabbed my granade and armed it ready to explode when thrown, but I wasnt going to throw it. I jump onto the Hunters left arm and I start to climb up making my way to the most vulnerable point on its back, once I got to the back I stuck granade into its flesh, I then jumped off doing a flip in the process, when it exploded the guts and armor went everywhere and the last remaining enemies were the Grunts.

Lucas: Alright who's next!

Grunt's pissed them Seleves and started to run back to the dropship and said.

Grunt: We'll get you for this demon!

Lucas: Try me bastards!

As the Covenant left orbit I laughed my head off, then started to walk again but I am stopped to seeing the town that Sarah was talking about and it was beautiful lights were on everywhere.

Lucas: Hey Sarah

Sarah: Yes?

Lucas: I've found the town

Sarah: Good now... get going and find out as much as you can

Lucas: Will do

Started made my way down sliding down hill to get to the town, but I wasn't aware that I was being watched by someone.

*Unknown Prov*

???: Well this is quite unexpected

???: What's that supposed to mean... there's an alien in Vale!

???: Please came down Goodwitch

Goodwitch: *sigh* I just don't want to get mixed up with the wrong people Ozpin

Ozpin: Why Goodwitch.... have I ever let you down

To Be Continued.....

(Sorry this was a bit of a short chapter but I'll be sure to make the next one longer till next time.)