
Halo: My Path to world Domination

This story was made for practice so if there are any mistakes in my writing please inform me. ( I write as a hobby so don't expect a lot of chapters) ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dement_ia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1

*Cough! Cough! Cough!*

A young man was on the floor in the slums coughing out blood as he lay on the ground cold and dying.

He was sick and had knowwhere to go as he was an orphan whose parents had died due to a car crash when he was 9 and so he had to live with his uncle who would abuse him quite often and so,when he turned 14,he ran away from home.

But things didn't work out and he got sick when he turned 15,and was now laying on the slums dying.

"Why..." he spoke his last word before everything went black.


[Halo System Downloading]


[Halo System Downloaded]

"Grngh...ack,where am I?"

The man opened his eyes only to find himself in a cave.

[Greetings User #77356 also known as Joseph Winston.

I am your designated system ID code 5509834 also known as the Halo system]

"Whose there!" the man now known as Joseph Winston got up and searched his surrounding looking for the mysterious voice he was unfamiliar with.

[As stated earlier,I am you're designated system and I am here to assist you whichever way I can.]

"Alright then,where am I?" He spoke as he started walking around in the dimly lit cave.

[You are currently on Planet ID 56227 also known as Garinoe. Planet Garinoe is full of multiple species such as dwarves,elves,humans,dragons and so on.

Planet Garinoe is also a world that applies to the swords and magic rule.As for where u are located on planet Garinoe,your on the northern side of the demonic continent where danger always lies ahead]

The system hinted mainly on the last phrase as Joseph stopped in his tracks and felt something breath on him from above.

As he slowly looked up,his eyes met a pair of 2 ten inch long fangs and yellow slitted eyes.


the mysterious creature leaped towards him as he dodged to the side and started running towards the shining light at the end of the cave.


The creature slammed into the cave wall next to Joseph and quickly headbutt into him.


He flew into the air and out of the cave as the creature now appeared properly in the sunlight revealing it to be a 10 meter long snake with it being a meter wide.


When all of a sudden a giant griffin like creature appeared and grabbed the snake flew into the air Taking it away.

"Bloody hell!" He shouted aloud before realizing he was naked and was surrounded by cold snow.

"System,help me out over here!" He said as he was freezing from the cold.

[Affirmative,Please choose ur faction so that I may summon the beginner gift package.]









*Warning! The faction You choose may not be changed unless certain requirements are met*]

Joseph had played Halo a few times before his parents died when he was young and had only completed Halo odst and Halo 3 and so without proper knowledge,he decided to go with the UNSC Since he was a bit familiar with them.

[Faction chosen. Opening Beginner Gift Package.]

As a bright light emmited from the Hud type screen,the system spoke out.

[You have gotten:

1x ODST Armour

1x M90 Shotgun

10x boxes of 8-gauge magnum


10x M6C 12 round magazines

20x Pasta type MRE's

50,000 SP

5x Gun summoning card

5x Unit summoning cards

1x vehicle summoning card]

"Wow." Joseph might not have known much about Halo but he knew that was a lot.

"System,how do I equip the ODST Armour?"

he spoke out as he started shivering from the cold about to collapse.

[Think or say 'Interface' out loud then scroll Down and tap on Inventory,once it's opened,search for the ODST Armour and tap on it and once you do that,just think of wearing/equipping it and you will be wearing it,This also applies to all ur other inventory items.]

Without wasting any more time,he quickly did as told.


[Name: Joseph Winston

Age: 15

SP: 50,000



Health: 100/100

Hunger: 100/100

Thirst: 100/100

Stamina: 100/100






he stared at the screen in surprise and wondered what SP meant before opening the inventory


1x ODST Armour

1x M90 Shotgun

10x boxes of 8-gauge magnum


10x M6C 12 round magazines

20x Pasta type MRE's

5x weapon summoning card

5x Unit summoning cards

1x vehicle summoning card]

[Equip: 1x ODST Armour

1x M90 Shotgun]

As he tapped on both those items and thought of equipping them,I bright light shined on him causing him to close his eyes and as he opened them,what greeted him was the ODST Helmet Hud.

As he looked down,he saw the Black ODST Armour on him with the M90 shotgun on his hands already loaded.



That's it for chapter 1,and to all the people that had been waiting for the story to start,I'm very sorry it took so long,In all honesty,I forgot about the story and was mainly focusing on school or games.Aight that's it,peace out