
Half me and half...

Determined to take control of her destiny, Luna decides to confess her feelings to her best friend, Tandru. But his unexpected reaction will change everything, leaving her to question where she truly belongs. Trapped between two worlds, Luna leads a double life as she is born with the ability to live alternatively between a modern realm and a medieval one. She awakens to one reality each time she falls asleep in the other. In Timeless City-the modern world, she is a misunderstood girl, misdiagnosed with narcolepsy and bullied for her strange condition and appearance. To make matters worse, her mother has never helped her and only added salt to her wounds. Her only solace is her best friend, Tandru, the one person who has always been there for her. As a child, Luna learned it was dangerous to speak about one world in the other. There was no way to prove her experiences, and people either looked at her strangely or panicked, thinking something was wrong with her. Over time, she adapted, learning to take things as they came, asking few questions, and sharing nothing about her two lives. In Ether Kingdom-the medieval world, Luna is the daughter of the most powerful duke in the kingdom, commander of the royal army. Her parents have protected her by creating a comfortable estate where her condition poses no burden. The duchy has been carefully designed to meet her every need, and though she is monitored from afar, she has a degree of freedom. However, there is no one her age, and she never leaves her father's lands and no one ever visits. As time passes, Luna begins to suspect that her parents are isolating her because of her condition. Luna yearns to escape this divided life. Eager to uncover the truth about the medieval world she lives in, Luna seizes her chance during the night of a grand festival and escapes. But her freedom is short-lived. She's quickly caught by her father’s right hand—River, the vice-commander of the army—who slings her over his shoulder, and no matter how much Luna yells at him to let her go, the tiger of a man doesn't flinch and carries her back. >> "Get your hands off me!" she almost shouted, struggling, so I held her even tighter. "Put this on!" I groaned, wishing again I’d worn the damn gloves. The feel of her warm skin under my arm and palm wasn’t helping my focus. "I'm not taking you home like this!" "You don't tell me what to do!" she snapped, desperately trying to break free of my hold as I struggled with the cloak in my other hand, attempting to drape it over her bare shoulders. "I'm not going home! Let me go, I said!" "Did you really think I got you out of there just to let you wander the streets, almost naked, like a lunatic?" That stopped her. "What did you call me?!" "Lunatic!" "You... You…! Take your hands off me, you insolent brute!" Enraged, she yanked her arm too abruptly and lost her balance. I caught her, wrapped her in the cloak, and threw her over my shoulder. She screamed and struggled, but I ignored it, making my way to the Commander’s house, which, thanks to Braa, was only two streets away. And since the entire population was in the square for the ridiculous festival, no one intervened at the frantic cries of the lunatic. No wonder I hadn’t known Sir Caedmon had a daughter. She must’ve been kept locked away. Strangely, she went suddenly still and quiet. Had she grown tired or gotten worried about attracting attention or realized how inappropriate it was to show up at her parents' doorstep in this state? She didn’t seem to care before. After a few more steps, and I started to get anxious—she was limp. "Hey!" No answer. Seriously?! "Hey, you!" Nothing. A bad feeling crept over me, so I pulled her off my shoulder and into my arms. Her head fell against my chest—unconscious. "Hey! Hey, you!" I shook her, but she didn’t move. Panic surged through me. Had she fainted? Had I held her too tight? Lifting her more securely, I sprinted towards the Commander's house.

Inemin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Take it all, what else do I have anyway?

Her eyes widened but she couldn't give up, "I'm sure they can manage without you, it can't make much difference without a single man..." The words caught in her throat as Caedmon's face and voice darkened.

"We need every man, Luna!"

Tears threatened to fall, and she loathed them. Her father measured her with solemn eyes, then his demeanour softened again and he came up beside her and hugged her with an arm, pressing her face against the cold armour that covered his chest. She felt so small.

"No one can make promises in war, my sweet little Moon, but I will endeavour to return to you victorious and safe, as I always do."

 "A war where if you don't go, you don't know who will survive," her words came out slurred as she spoke with her cheek pressed against his armor, "what is it this time?" She was so used to having these questions answered vaguely that she didn't even know why she bothered. So her father's answer came as a surprise.

 "The Atholians and Tovarans have joined forces with the Rovarthians and are attacking our lands."

 Luna pulled away from the embrace so she could look into his rugged face with eyes that watched her protectively.

 "Three kingdoms attacking one, but what have we done wrong?"

 "We have what everyone is looking for, rich land."

Luna felt her throat tight, "Why so many things change lately?"

He put his hands on her shoulders, looked at her with his piercing green eyes, kissed her on the top of her head and said, "Because you're growing up."

 ─── ・ 。゚☆ *.☽ .* ☆。゚・ ───

Despite the cheerful and open welcome from the first evening, Luna had learned that Uncle Jef was a quiet and reserved man. This was why Luna seemed to gravitate more toward him and opened up bit by bit as she spent more time in their home. After a day's work, he would enjoy lighting a fire in the courtyard, and they sat on sturdy wooden chairs with blankets on their legs. Sometimes, he'd bring corn to roast in the flame, and Aria would bring tea. Even though it was summer, the evenings here were cooler than she was used to.

Uncle's silence sometimes made Luna more talkative. One evening, without consciously thinking about it, she found herself saying out of the blue:

'If we didn't have all the tech we have today, what would doctors or medicine be able to do for us?'

Luna asked this while sitting by the fire in the courtyard, with her chin resting on her knees and her hands wrapped around her legs, looking into the fire. Yesterday, after her father had left, she happened to witness in Ether one of the blacksmiths injuring himself with a hot iron. Helplessly, she had watched as they couldn't offer much help; in fact, they had anointed him with ointments and dressed his wound. But Luna felt there was little they could do. How do they manage on the battlefield with so few medical resources?

Uncle Jef's eyebrows raised slightly and a smile played at the corners of his mouth, but he gave her a serious answer, "What a lovel' question! Well, surely not as much as we can do today. An' if all th' technology were t' suddenly disappear, there'd still be plenty o' resources we could use."

Luna gazed thoughtfully at the flames, and Jef after studying her face added, "But say a disaster left us without all we got today but still with the know-how, well, that'd be tough for a society grown mostly in comfort 'n things taken for granted, yet, there's still plenty doctors could do, ya know? Basic medical care 'n sterile techniques, as well as first aid. Even without fancy high-tech machines, doctors could trust their diagnostic skills to spot 'n handle diseases through check-ups."

Seeing her face light up at the direction the conversation took, he continued, "A lot'll help if they focus on education 'n training along with preventive health care."

Luna nodded slightly deep concentration on her face.

"Was that wha' ya wanted to know? Or ya wanna talk 'bout it from a diff'rent angle?"

"No, no, this is quite good enough."

Two weeks later, Luna mustered the courage to announce, "I've been thinking a lot, and… I've decided I want to become a doctor."

"Med'cine's always a great choice." replied Jef at the same time Aria said, "Luna I think you over work yourself, you are trying to many fields…"

Jef turned to his wife, "If she wanna start on that, we'll make sure to prioritize subjects. Whatcha think, sweethart?"

Luna's sat up and clasped her hands. "Really?" 

Uncle Jef's words weren't empty promises. True to his word, starting the next day, he broth her age-appropriate books filled with medical knowledge. They made a habit of staying in the evenings together , turning pages as if diving into thrilling stories.

With each passing day, they discussed the chapters they'd read, engaging in lively conversations about medical breakthroughs, famous doctors throughout history, and the impact of medicine on society. Their shared exploration of the medical world became a fun and bonding experience, turning seemingly daunting subjects into fascinating tales that Luna could quickly grasp and enjoy.

Throughout the day, Luna engaged in various tasks. Jef taught Luna a lot about gardening, and she began the day by working in the garden with him, discussing better ways to care for plants and promote sustainability. Later, in the kitchen, Aria patiently taught Luna how to cook, generously sharing family recipes and culinary wisdom. In the afternoons, they focused on tailoring, exploring different fabrics, sewing techniques, and designing simple garments. Three times a week, Aria drove her to sewing classes in the afternoon.

At night, she reviewed her lessons and contemplated her caring aunt. Why had she never known about her? Could Ira not get along with such a person? Actually... she could. Luna sighed.

Despite her packed days, she felt a newfound sense of liberation. Being here made her feel like she was experiencing a modern version of Ether with her mother. Through Aria's excellent guidance, Luna began to see the potential impact of her education and development here if applied in Ether.

It was a lovely day in Ailopin, exactly ten days before her vacation ended and only one week before she could return to the Timeless City. Luna woke up early after spending a full day engrossed in her new project from Ether and went to bed there, earlier than usual. 

It was quite hot, leaning a little toward a heatwave. Carrying a basket of freshly picked carrots from the garden, she entered the house, eager to excitedly show her aunt the rich harvest she had worked on all summer.

Spotting Aunt Aria in the kitchen, Luna was surprised to see her aunt on the phone, an unusual thing at that hour. Aria took the phone away from her ear and placed it on the table. She looked at Luna with a serious expression and eyes full of pity, as if she had just seen a sacrificed animal.

 "I need to tell you something difficult, but I want you to know we're in this together."