
Chapter 4: a Busy early morning

For the first time in a long time I didn't have any dreams I just l floated in darkness I don't know how long passed but I heard a voice say wake up I roll over opening my eyes the cabin was dark the only light was from the fireplace but even that flame was small so I couldn't see in any of the other rooms I got up stretching my body when I realized something I could see in the dark like if it was day but it was only in black and white and it only goes so fare I pulled on my pants and laced up my boots I quickly opened my dresser and pulled out a black shirt and a zip-up jacket I put them both but I didn't zip up my jacket I walked down my ladder quietly when I got to the floor I walked to the door and walked outside I shut the door behind me it was a cold night I could see my breath in the air I zipped up my jacket and put the huge up and looked up to the sky seeing the full moon if I had to guess it was 3 am and the sun would be rising in 3 hours I yond stretching my arms behind me when I was done yoning I jump down the stairs and started to run in the direction of the training ground I didn't see anyone else out only me and the moon, not even the birds were up yet I ran and it didn't take long for me to reach the training ground I was a bit out of breath running was not my favorite thing to do but I thought y not it's a good night for a run I slowed down when I got closer to the training ground but I was surprised to see another person practicing on the dummies I could tell this person was female but I had to get closer to see her face but this girl had a silver shield in her left hand and in her right hand was a leaf sword I recognized the sword I quietly walked to the bench close by I didn't disturb her I sat down next to two water bottles and simple watch her moves I could tell she had trained hard cuz every swing and stab was clean and Precise and she never left her self open she spun around chopping a dummy head off when the dummy's head hit the ground she seem me watching her she stumbled over her feet and feel I chuckled saying in a calm voice sorry for scaring you but I didn't want to break your concentration besides I wanted to see if I could learn from your she got up patting the sand off her after she walked over to the bench to she put her shield down and shearthed her sword on her hip I got a good look at her she is the lady from the battle with the bugs I used her sword she simple picked up a water bottle and took several gulps out of it after she lowered it wiping her mouth she finally spoke you are one crazy person you do know that there is a Curfew right its not good to be breaking the rules on your first night here I chuckled you definitely don't got any room to talk them dummies could attest to that she shrugged y are you here she asked I shrugged I woke up and could not sleep anymore so I want for a night run and the moon told me to come here so here I am she laughed hearing my words, ok Hunter it's good your here I could use a punching bag come fight be she turned around and started to walk to the fighting ring I took off my jacket but related she didn't leave her sword I had a bad feeling about this but I up my jacket on the bench following her asking what do I call you sense you already know my name it's only fear she chuckled and without turning around she said Layla she walked into the fighting circle and turned to me and under her helmet I see an evil smile a shiver want done my spine when I saw the look in her eyes but I didn't move out of the circle I just stared at her she took her sword off her hip she didn't unsheath it no she swung it around like baseball bat I side seeing that she wasn't going to unsheath it she chuckled saying Hunter I would not be to happy I am going to beat you like them Dummies over there so be ready for an ass-kicking I was about to retort but couldn't cuz she lunge forward at me thrusting her sword at my waist I barely had time to jump out of the way but Layla didn't let up she charged at me again this time she swung her sword to hit my waist again I leaned back rolling on the ground away from her the sword swinging over me as I was rolling I kicked her in the chest but it did nothing do to her breastplate and my foot hurt like hell but I didn't let that affect me lungeing behind her after she swung down to me I kicked again this time I aimed for above her hip there was still armor there but it was a weak spoke I stood up as I did but she just spun around and this time I could not dodge her sword it hit me in the stomach I gasp for air almost leaning forward to hold my stomach but I pushed through the pain in my chest and spun under her next swing and I brought up my fist for an uppercut but it only nicked her chin but I did hit off her helmets strap so her helmet flow off she jumped back I held my waist gasping for air but I locked one eye on her and what I seem shocked me she had shirt fiery red hair but there were patches in her hairline where some of her hair was longer than the rest but my shock faded seeing her looking at me with anger in her eyes but I also seen Insecurity I took a deep breath and stud up straight my chest still burning but I didn't let the pain show on my face I motioned for her to bring it on she was shocked at first but shook her head when I lunge forward she swung her sword to stop me but I ducked under it but that's what she wanted cuz when I got down I seen a boot kick my shoulder which poppet out of place I jumped back holding my arm and gridded my teeth from the pain I was feeling Layla lowered her sword like the fight was over but I charged at her, again and again, this want on for a hole hour till I was out of breath and my body was bruised I lay on the ground trying to catch my breath, Layla, out of breath not as much as I was but still after we both got our breath back Layla put her sword back on her hip and walked next to me I was still laying on the ground looking up at the stairs and moon but I saw a hand stretch out to me I grabbed it with my left hand do to my right shoulder being dislocated she dragged me up and we both walked to the bench in silence we sat down and simply looked up to the sky feeling the cold wind on our hot body's I held my right arm but my face didn't show pain after a few minutes of silence she looked to me and at my shoulder, I can put it back in place for you if you want I shrugged saying I assume you know how she nodded saying with a little smile yea I have had a few dislocated shoulders in the past I shrugged my left shoulder saying y not she nodded and stood up and grabbed it saying this will but she before she finished talking she popped it back into place I gritted my teeth from the pain and I let out what only could be described as a grall there she said letting go of arm thanks I said as I moved my shoulder and clinched my hand it hurt but not as much she sat back down you're welcome I am surprised you lasted that long with your arm like that I shrugged saying I am familiar with pain and how to overcome that pain it's hard but when you learn the way how it becomes easier she nodded I seen something I got up and walked back into the fighting circle I picked up something off the ground and walked back to the bench Layla watch me with wonder in her eyes I sat back down and placed her helmet in the middle of us I didn't even look at the helmet I looked at her she was shocked and I seen sadness spread across her face I ant one to ask things of people but please don't tell anyone about this only my siblings know about this I shrugged saying ok I will do as you say it's your life, after all, I just got this one thing to say I stud up and picked up my jacket I stood in front of her and looked into her blood red eyes you are smoking hot don't let anyone tell you otherwise I walked away before the shock could wear off I started to walk to the Greek cabins it was probably 4:40 am or something like that I walked into the hades cabin to see Raven sitting up in her bed reading a book when the door shut behind me she looked up from reading her book but when she seen me and my condition she throw the book on the bed and rushed up to me asking what the hell happened to you I gave a little smile seeing the worry in her eyes o this I laughed looking down at myself some late night training she glared at me saying you have only been her for a day y and how are you train and this hard I laughed again rubbing the back of my head embarrassed I went for a night run and I found someone training at the training ground and they offered for me to join them Raven was gobsmacked are you a fucking idiot you fought against some your first night here when you haven't even chosen any equipment from the armory are you insane or do you just have a death wish I laughed again embarrassment was written all over my face she side angrily but side again that anger fading y are you here Hunter she asked calming down I shrugged saying I wasn't tired and figured you were up and wanted some company plus I want to start learning how to control my powers she nodded like she understood ok Hunter but don't push your body to fare I laughed saying well it's not my body I will be training but my mind she rolled her eyes and want back to her bed saying try bookshelf three that has good books for beginners I did as she said and walked to bookshelf three the first book title I seen said something like Hade's powers and his domain I picked up this book it was probably 50 pages I sat done on the ground opening the book to the first page. Hades is the king of the underworld in greeek lore he is also the protector and king of the dead which means he rolls over undeath and also has a hand in death it self hades has is also the king of the shadows there for he can move anywhere that has shadows he can also make the shadows attack and other things like that if that doesn't work then he uses his hellfire which is a blue or green flame that can turn skin to liquid and also burneds the soul lastly Hades is the God of riches so his kids can control money and metal to different degrees plus if something that is valuable crosses there path then they will be able to sense it like echolocation it even goes underground this is the easiest power to start out with meditate clear your mind and us your spirit power to expand all around you I stopped reading I rubbed my eyes and got into a meditation position and I closed my eyes clearing my mind and like the book said I expanded my field of view by sending out soul waves that want through the ground and the air and it was like I had radar in my mind I felt many valuable around me even the ground was valuable wow I said opening my eyes as I concentrated on this I looked to the most valuable thing in this building it was Raven's dagger that was resting next to her I could feel the power and valuables on it I didn't know this but my eyes had a gold fire in them I stopped concentrating on the spell all the dots I felt vanished I picked up the book again the next power was shadow movement but it said be careful you can end up in the floor or ins wall but all you had to is invishen where you want to appear in your head focus on it and then step into the shadows when you get better at it you don't even need to step as long as you are touching a shadow you can move I stud up and focused intensely outside the door I stepped into the shadows but nothing happened but I didn't give up it took me several trys but finally like on the 20 try when I stepped into the shadows I felt a cold feeling and my vision went dark for a second I blinked and I was standing outside the cabin looking at the door ok I said to myself I focused to where I was before in the cabin and tried to step into the shadows it only took my 10 tries this time but I was standing in the cabin where I was before Raven looked up to me smiling congrats you don't have to walk anywhere ever again only do short distances at the beginning till you get the hang of it plus you look starting to look pale you might want to head back to the Hela cabin it's almost 6 I nodded to her saying thank you I picked up the book and put it back into its place after that I turned to her saying see you at breakfast she nodded and I tried to shadow walk to the path in front of the cabin it took me 5 tries this time I put my hud up feeling the cold morning wind I started to walk down the path back to my cabin I walked passed the Hephaestus cabin and sitting on the stairs was a man he had a long bushy brown beard his eyes and cheeks where sunken in from the like at the forge his skin looked like leather and his arms where like rocks he was smoking a cigarette he had shark brown hair and let's just say his clothes had dirt and ash on it he looked over to me as I was walking passed he took a drag from his cigarette and blow smoke out of his mouth saying so you are the kid that everyone has been talking about you don't look too impressive to me but I am only a simple smith I stopped and chuckled with arms like that and you only call your self a simple smith please I ant stupid he laughed you might be right about that kid but who am I to say otherwise I heard from Chiron your interested in learning the way of fire and steal so y are you just standing out here do you want to learn or not I hesitated but shrugged saying yes I do he stud up throwing his cigarette onto the ground crushing it as he turned around ok then fallow me boy the forge is waiting I followed him inside the front of this cabin was a sleeping quarter all the beds were full and there was a lot even people were sleeping on the group this man didn't even blink he just kept on walking he didn't care if he walked over someone or not but whoever he stepped on stayed asleep like nothing could wake them I wasn't going to do that so I tried shadow moving to the other end of the room I didn't know if it was cuz I could see where I was going or if it was cuz of the really short distance but it only took me three tries this time he got to the other side of the room as soon as I appeared from the shadows he didn't even blink seeing me appear from the shadows he just opened the door in front of him and walked in I followed and when I seen the next room I gasped cuz it was to amazing this room was huge it was bigger than the hole cabin it was like I walked to a whole new building this room had forges everywhere and power hammers and hanging down from the ceiling were chains that had different tools on them and in the far back wall in the middle was a huge forge and anvil standing in front of the forge looking into it was a huge statue of the God Hephaestus the statue didn't look behind it but it spoke so you brought the boy huh Icarus but I thought you swore never to teach anyone cuz of your blunder with your father Icarus's side well I am just paying off a favor to hades and I swore to him that the favor could be anything so here I am with this boy who is still newly being a half-blood the statue of Hephaestus started to chuckle saying whatever you say Icarus but if you didn't think he had any skill for this you won't be here with him would you Icarus side glaring at the statue but he turned to me and said well kid let's get started you will be my apprentice so come here at 6 sharp if your late I won't wait for you do you understand yes sir I said nothing here put this on he through me a leather apron saying I hope you don't care about those clothes of yours I shrugged saying they can always be washed Icarus smiled evilly we will see about that come we walked to the back right forge it was the second biggest in this place he gave me a slug hammer saying I point you hit ok I nodded we will start with simple stuff first and work our way up from there after that I barely spoke three hours passed of me swinging a hammer and listening to every word Icarus spoke the only time I spoken was to answer a question he asked or to ask a question but it was finally time for breakfast Icarus looked at me all saying ok boy see you tomorrow get out I say the hammer down my arms felt like jell-O my face and clothes had black marks for the metal and forge I walked out of there looking dirty but with a smile I walked out of there cabin and headed to breakfast tired but feeling good.