
chapter one: birth of a new Galactic tyrant

In the beginning all he can think of was how dark and cold it was not seen anything but eventually he did hear something.

People speaking with loud voices as if alerting each other and a loud sound going off over and over irritating him so much wiggling around until finally he opens his eyes glowing brightly at the flashing light making the sound a alarm shooting a laser beam from his eyes blowing it up.

The container of fluid holding him inside burst open the fluid falling to the ground and splashing.

All the electronic devices around the area exploding and the people in the room panicking the force of his power even affecting the Warriors standing guard begin to panic feeling the pressure of the power they're scouters going off until they explode with the young creature inside the container standing there looking around the room his mind still a little fuzzy.

He then looks down at his reflection his skin was blue with white bio armor around his chest, lower arms, lower legs, most of his head except his face, around his waist and down his sides, and the tip of his tail that was sharp and pointy.

He had green like gems embedded in his bio armor in the middle of his arms, legs, waist sides, shoulders, and top of his head was also green markings beside his eyes going down his cheek and his eyes round and purple glowing.

He looked at his hands and then his feet noticing he had three toes on his feet while he had five fingers wiggling them around. slowly information begins to go to his head knowledge inherited to him flashing in his mind.

The frost demons his race and how he was royalty a descendant to the rulers of this galaxy.

The grandson of King cold and his uncle Frieza now the galactic emperor and then finally he remembered his father from the memories cooler was cast out replaced by his younger brother who had greater potential and strength but was more sinister and vicious compared to cooler who is more calculated and tempered but did not have the great strength and potential like his brother.

Just as he remembered this knowledge the door opens up the guards and minions bowing.

The cooler Force right behind cooler with cooler looking at his son with a Sinister smile as he says you're finally awake my son.

He then turns to one of the caretakers who are monitoring his son's development as he says tell me did anything go wrong why has my son awakened so early.

The lead caretaker to monitor coolers son says my Lord as you have commanded we have used mostly your DNA along with your father's and brothers to have all of your family's potential strength and power even enhancing his intelligence we thought it would take longer but the procedure I'm proud to say went better than we could have hoped your son has developed incredibly fast and his power is off the scales I wish I could show you.

the caretaker then pointed around the facility monitoring coolers Sons development with everything destroyed when he emerged from his container.

Seeing this only made cooler smirk and chuckle walking over to his son and grabbing him by the shoulder his son looking with a cold and fierce look.

Cooler just laughing as he says yes I can see it in his eyes he's got the the same potential as my brother no actually even better yet he has the cold and calculating look that I have yes he will be perfect in helping me retake my throne from my brother but he'll have to learn who's in charge.

Cooler than punches his son hard in the gut causing his son to grit his teeth cooler letting him go as he falls to the ground clenching his gut still having the cold look in his eye.

Cooler still smirking says from this point on your name my son is hail meaning that you will hail me and to serve your father for that is why I created you and you will learn your place.

Cooler than called the head caretaker who watched over hail and his development giving cooler what looks like to be a watch with a dial on it and as he turns it up hail begins to wince in pain reaching to excruciating levels causing hail to scream out and veins showing on his body sweating uncontrollably.

A annoying beeping sound echoing inside hail.

when he bends down a red light is coming from the back of his neck deep inside his skin.

Cooler than turns the dial down making the pain go away from hail really heavily on his hands and knees.

Cooler and then crouched down looking at his son as cooler says you have more potential and a much smarter mind than our entire family Hail but make no mistake you were created to serve me your whole reason for living is for my benefit to help me retake my throne.

Cooler than grabbed his son's chin to make him look at him directly as cooler says you've been given the best potential from our family the greatest strength the greatest mind even fused with even nanotechnology to enhance your intelligence but it's also your shackle.

infused to your very bones and spine your greatest strengths and weakness for a it makes you more intelligent more resilient and adaptable it could even heal you and help you maintain your energy to a certain extent.

But make no mistakes if I ever get the feeling you're trying to betray me or just displease me I will make you suffer.

cause you pain with the control device I have to make the Nano machines inside you to harm or even kill you.

never forget who you serve.

Upon hearing this hail slowly closes his eyes calming himself from the pain he was inflicted with then opening his eyes still having a cold look in his eyes but a submissive one as well as he simply says yes Father I understand.

hello everyone this is my first time writing my own story a fanfiction of my own Xenoverse 2 character and if he was in Dragon Ball I most likely will make some mistakes in the writing and perhaps that will be things I write that won't make any sense in the world of Dragon Ball including adding my own things to it for the mistakes I most likely will make writing the story such as misspelling or bad punctuation and such I'm sorry but I will hope you will be understanding since I am mainly doing this for fun for myself but I do hope you enjoy it as I have watched many what ifs for Dragon Ball characters and scenarios on YouTube and recently since starting this fanfic novel I'm making I read a scene in the Multiverse novel which I loved as I am a huge Dragon Ball fan and then I saw I can write my own novel on this app so I thought why not and introduce my custom character love my favorite race the Frieza race as the main character from my custom character from my favorite game either way I'll have fun making this in my spare time hope you enjoy and just so you know I'll also be adding my own things to this series and changing some of the known characters including their power levels to try and make it make sense with my story as I'll be introducing made up and non-canon characters as well as different power-ups and transformations

Chad_Huffcreators' thoughts