

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


Ahihito kep driving the car at full speed with a specific location in his mind.

With the earlier encounter,he knew that they won't give up this easily and so he had to choose one of two places that came into his mind.

"Not that one...it would be the logical choice but no way in hell I can go there"he looked at the mirror to look at how Akimitsu was doing and it didn't seem to be good.

"I need a bloody doctor right now I could use that for real,you know?"he pushed his fingers deep into his flesh and took out the bullet.

"Waoh Akimitsu calm down!!What the hell you doing?"Akiba shouted amazed at what he saw.

They all turned to look towards Akimitsu who for a moment seemed to be in pain but than a sigh of relief dawned on his face.

"Yeah,this seems better".

Everybody was looking at the wound which had begun to heal itself once again at a very fast rate.

"Now where were we?"Akimitsu attempted to resume the previous conversation.

"Well..."he was gonna say something but than closed his mouth

Ahihito couldn't think of any excuse.

Akimitsu moved a little from his place and bend forwards.His leg was already hurtin bad as it was.

"Listen just tell us-"Akimitsu felt the left side of the car getting hit and him falling almost out the open window before Fumiko quicky grabbed him.

"Akimitsu!You okay?"Fumiko and Akiba were shouting from behind asking if he was fine but he was busy looking at something outside the car.

There were like two cars chasing them.

A bullet nearly missed his head and he came back to his senses to pull himself into the car.

"They've got fuckin rpg!!Did you see that shit!?"Akiba spoke in a tone in which Akimitsu noted a hint of admiration.

"This is no time to be admired Akiba"Ahihito snapped at him.

"There are two cars right now with almost 8 people I think"Ahihito told all of them.

He turned towards Fumiko.

"Can you hold a gun?"he asked while handing her a pistol.

She nodded about to take it from his hand when Akimitsu was thrown over her with glasses pieces falling all over them.

"These pieces of shit!The cars been fuckin hit from the side"Ahihito was trying to drive the car but no avail.

He couldn't drive it and on top of that the gunfire from the back had gotten intense.

"You just focus on driving and take us somewhere safe I'll fuckin take care of them!!"Akiba shouted while he tried to take a shot from the window but he couldn't.

The gunfire was so intense that he couldn't even look outside and Ahihito had to literally keep his head down.

"It's no use I can't take even look a look at the back forget about shooting them"Akimitsu shouted from the back "At this rate they'll have us cornered".

"So what do you suggest?We just keep our heads down while they blow us with bullets!?I ain't takin that chance.We're already in this mess because of you,you do know that right?"

Akimitsu lunged forwards and took him by the collar.

Fumiko attemped to grab him but he pushed her towards the side pointing her to stay down.

"I dare you to say that again!"

Akiba instinctively took hold of his arm and pressed it tightly which was visible on Akimitsu's face

"You better let it go cuz I ain't forgetting this one".

From the look of his eyes Akiba wasn't kidding but Akimitsu wasn't letting go either.

"Who asked you to-"

The car suddenly took a quick turn to the right with all of them being pushed towards the right.


A rocket just went infront of the car and almost hit them causing a big explosion.


Another blast bigger than the previous one just happened at the back of the car while the car barely escaped it and entered a nearby street where it crashed it into a wall.

"All of you get the hell out,the street has been blocked from the back with the rubble they won't be able to enter for the time being"Ahihito pulled himself the driving seat making way for Akiba who was grunting in his seat.

"That was a close one"Akimitsu grunted while being pulled out of the car.

"It was this fuckin close we were this close to were dying"Ahihito held out his index and thumb fingers with a face full of sweat and breathlessness.

He looked like he had just crossed paths with death..

"Guys I think i might need a little help here..."

Ahihito moved towards Akiba to see what the problem was.

Akiba's leg had been crushed.

"Well,this is another thing to worry about".

"Guys this doesn't look good...".

Fumiko spoke from behind pointing towards the sky.

"At this point whats the worst that could happen-"

Akimitsu went quiet midway to see two helicopters circling above.

"We still got that way out the street,don't we?"he said looking towards the escape point.

As if waiting for Akimitsu to say that,the cars which had been chasing them from before suddenly arrived at the escape point with dozens of men coming out of the car.

Akiba looked towards Ahihito with a face of disbelief.

"Ahihito,Iam afraid even you won't have any plan to get us out of this one".