
Hades: The true ancestor

Alexander Wells was a big fan of Nasuverse Franchises and their Games and anime works. One day, when he was coming home from his job on a rainy day, he ended up getting hit by lightning and died. When Alexander opened his eyes again, he found himself in a nasuverse-like world in the body of one of the True Ancestors, a few centuries before Arcueid was born and destroyed the True Ancestors in his fury. the cover is not mine if the owner wants me to remove it, just comment on the reviews

Hades_magic · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Alpha Stigma

09th century BC, Greece

Sunbeams shone in front of a large mountain on the outskirts of Athens, the most populous city-state in Greece.

The mountain was a quiet and calm place with feathers, the sound of wild animals letting out their screeches and the noise of the source of a river as its waters flow down the mountain.

with form the sun lit the mountain little by little, a boy who was lying in the middle of a big huddle of animals opened his eyes slowly

The boy was Hades, a reincarnated soul and one of the True Ancestors. Beings that were created from the opposing force of the world to eliminate threats to the same world

The only difference from the boy who was lying among the animals and true normal ancestors was that the boy was not connected to the planet

He learned this some time ago when he ended up trying to do a projection spell by creating a wooden bow and arrow to hunt some animal in hopes of slaking his blood hunger that had grown a lot in the few years he had gone without drinking blood.

The bow and arrow he made were quickly undone the moment he failed to provide magical power for both of them.

Which wouldn't make sense according to Hades' foster mother, who saved him when he was a small child and gave him a name. True ancestors should be part of counterforce

So their magic should not be denied by Gaia. The Bows and Arrows he created with magic should continue to exist.

It was pretty shocking, but on the bright side, Hades realized he didn't have any kind of mental control over him. He lost a privilege that the green ancestors had, but gained another, as it did not affect his power as a true ancestor.

"Good morning" Hades yawned raising his arms in the air and looked to the side and saw the worried eyes of the beautiful woman sitting on a rock "Mother, what happened?"

The woman named Rhea took a deep breath and forced a fake smile and looked at her adopted son tenderly as if this was one of the few times she could see him.

"It's nothing," Rhea replied gently and lifted the stone towards her son.

She knelt in front of her son and to be at the same height as him, and touched his face lovingly. She tried to keep as much of the sadness she was feeling hidden

She couldn't see it, but Hades felt her agony and placed his hand on top of her hand, carefully looking into her eyes.

He couldn't bear to see that sadness in his adoptive mother's eyes, not when she was the only kin influence he'd had in both of their lives.

"Mom, seriously, what happened?" Hades asked worriedly

Rhea was taken aback by her son's wit for a single second, and a sad smile formed on her face. She knew this day would happen eventually, She just didn't prepare for it

little drops of water will fall from her eyes and fall on Hades' face, He widened his eyes and tried to question what happened with a strong feeling of anger inside him

'who hurt my mother'

Hades' eyes for a second glowed a crimson red mixed with a strong blue that makes up the pentagram that was drawn in his eyes.

Hades' fangs grew, and a slight growl died in his throat as he felt something soft pressing against his face, taking his vision.

"Hades, dear, it's time for Mommy to go away" Rhea spoke in lamentation

"You abandon me anymore, what did I do? Is it my fault you're crying? I'm sure I can fix it," Hades cried in panic. He didn't want to lose his mother figure. He finally got one in this lifetime, and he wasn't about to lose

Hades had to fix what he did to hurt his mother and stop her from abandoning him. He didn't want to be abandoned again

Hades' eyes widened as Rhea hugged him and kissed his forehead

"Little Hades, you didn't do anything wrong" Rhea spoke sadly trying to calm her son "only, I've reached my life limit"

"Like this?" Hades asked, not understanding his mother's words, and then he widened his eyes, "you were hurt when you found me"

Rhea froze for a second and frowned as she saw that her son guessed her condition so easily.

"I tried to protect my other children from my husband's wrath, and he cursed me," Rhea said with a bit of hate in her voice.

Hades was surprised to see this side of his mother. She was always a kind woman who couldn't seem to hurt an ant

Seeing this summer of her so angry left him baffled by how well he knew his new mother.

"So, are you going to die?" Hades spoke, looking down. Once again he would be left alone in this world

"not exactly, as a deity, I will be revived in purgatory, but, not as the same goddess. I am today, all my memories will be erased" Rhea said remembering the many times her children were killed by Kronos and relived without any memory again and again

She caressed Hades' face very lovingly and lightly looked into his eyes

"This new goddess may end up being born today as thousands of years from now, little Hades, don't waste your time chasing one of my reincarnations. It won't be me" Rhea spoke with pain in her voice, yes, those deities that continued reborn after Kronos killed them weren't her children, and they didn't care about her, they just used her the many times she desperately tried to save them

in the end, the gods that were the Reincarnations of her children were just strangers who were being hunted and had the opportunity to use a Titan like her

the many Reincarnations of Zeus and Poseidon sometimes tried to get into her pants and forcibly Zeus managed to get Rhea to give birth to a nymph

She didn't want this to happen to her son. Not when the person who could use it in the future is her reincarnation

"Hades, promise me you won't go after my Reincarnation" Rhea spoke firmly as she continued to caress Hades' face and look into his eyes

"I promise," Hades said looking straight into his mother's eyes, "if this new Rhea isn't you it has nothing to do with me"

"That's good, with that I can live happy" Rhea spoke with a sad smile and the light that surrounded her got stronger until in seconds her body disappeared completely "remember my son, I love you"

"Goodbye, Mother" Hades spoke, letting tears fall from her eyes.

He looked up at the sky and fell to the ground on his knees, feeling all the strength in her body drain away and her body starts to shake

"Hahaha" Hades while lying on the ground began to make slight laugh sounds. But instead of a happy smile were the tears of despair falling from his eyes in a wild way

soon the light giggles started to turn into laughs and without the strength to get up Hades fell and face the ground

"Hahahaha" Hades continued to laugh as his body thrashed on the ground.

He was like a fish out of water, struggling in despair. Every time he struggled, a bang shook the mountain

Hades' laughter slowly began to turn into roars of fury and pain-causing all the animals around the mountain to run scared as far away from there as possible and the animals that were sleeping along with Hades looked at him in fear and tried to get closer his

To try to calm his master, and then it happened amidst Hades' crying and laughing. He opened his eyes and instead of his normal blue eyes, there were frightening red eyes with a bright blue pentagram drawn inside them.

"HAHAHAHAHA" Hades laughed harder activating his magic circuits causing several huge magic circles to appear around him

"I don't save anything" Hades yelled to the world and the magic circles around him pointed to the animals that were trying to calm him down.

In less than a second, and energy beam was launched from the magic circles towards the animals and hit them precisely, exploding the entire place where the animals were

"Wow, that was almost~" A male voice hummed excitedly from the smoke leftover from the explosion

When the smoke began to settle, the silhouette of an old man could be seen in front of a small group of animals that were cowering in fear behind him.

"You are a very different True Ancestor" The man spoke raising his blood-red eyes towards Hades "Those mystic eyes, shouldn't exist in this world~~, but it's too wild"

The crazed Hades for the first time looked at the old man and showed his despairing smile to him, still laughing

"Analysing existence, complete analysis, the dead apostle... #$#@#$" Hades spoke through his laughter of insanity and the magic circles that had been around him began to coalesce and become a "failure to complete the enemy's existence, Restarting analysis, Failure, failure, failure, using all magic power to destroy the inexplicable enemy"

The magic circles started to gather energy and to glow a strong blue

"That's not good if blowing up will take the whole mountain" The old man spoke narrowing his eyes "Alpha Stigma is very dangerous"

The old man then raised his hand and created a barrier around Hades

"Don't think you can defeat me, dead apostle, you are a lesser version of me" Hades spoke in a distorted voice and the magic circles multiplied starting to create black rays around him "disappear, disappear, you worm"

"then you appeared Stigma demon" The old man spoke amusedly showing his sharp fangs to Hades "You need to calm your temper"

The magic circles that were gathering energy reached their limit and in front of them, a ball of blue light formed that was pointed at the old man.

"You are very dangerous," The old man said seeing the energy balls and raised his arms "The boy is a true ancestor, so he will recover eventually"

"Die" Hades yelled in his crazed voice and the balls of light shot a beam of light towards the old man.

"You die~" The old man hummed and clenched his hands causing the barrier surrounding Hades to compress and crush Hades and the magic circles "hope to see you again someday boy, without the demon's influence"

The remains of Hades will fall to the ground, wetting the forest with blood.

The animals that had once been trying to calm Hades began to cry as they watched their master die. Then a wolf started to growl at the old man

"I see, you loved your master" The old man spoke with a happy smile as he looked at all those animals that seemed ready to attack him "I like loyalty, so I will help them"

The old man snapped his fingers and the blood around the forest began to pool in one place on top of a rock.

The animals came close to the rock, sniffed it, and stared over and over as if hypnotized.

That stone smelled of their master. The animals approached the stone and lay down around it as if they were lying around Hades

"I've never seen carnivores and herbivores in the same place as a herd" The old man exclaimed, sitting on another rock in front of the animals

"I think it's time for me to go" The old man spoke and took one last look at the stone where Hades' blood was pooled "your body and spirit were destroyed, you are a True ancestor so both body and spirit go If you heal, the Stigma demon is not immortal as you are...

The old man stood up, gaining the attention of the animals and raised his hands showing that he had no intention of fighting

"I Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg declare, Hades Stigma as the 7th of the 27 ancestors of the dead apostles" Zelretch yelled at the top of his voice and then turned away

"In a short time the forest will drink his blood and turn into something monstrous" Zelretch spoke, clapping his hands to his chin, "but that's good, people focusing on the forest will make them forget his existence"

"Goodbye Hades Stigma, once the issue is resolved" Zelretch stated "it's time to get back to my timeline"

Zelretch spoke these words and his body glowed disappearing from the spot in a burst of light leaving the animals that now had all red eyes lying beside Hades