
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

Explanation and next world

"We are in the void. A place that exists between dimensions and worlds."

"Hm? I ... I don't understand?", Satoru was confused. This went beyond what the Six Eyes or his epiphany granted him. But it did not go beyond what the new Hades understood. His epiphany granted through the transcendence that he experienced allowed him to understand what had happened. 

"We are between reality so to speak. Normally it would be impossible to get back but ..."

"Can we? You know how then, don't you?"

"Why do you think so?"

"You were always different Hadesu. I understood that the moment I laid eyes on you. You were always smart enough and strong enough to keep up with me, but not enough to surpass me. At first, I could accept it and thought it was just that way in some cases. But you seemed to always be tying with me in all things. 

I thought that you may just be far too smart for everyone and are trying to make me feel better, but then I understood something. You were probably never truly a baby in mind and soul but only body."

"What are you saying?"

"You are only 17 years old in body but not soul or mentally. You are a reincarnated!"

Hades was surprised that Satoru figured it out, but thinking about his epiphany and growth it was understandable. Hades sighed. 

"You're right. I was not born the first time that day. It was like this ..."


The brothers spent a while inside the void. It was mostly Hades telling Satoru about his life as Hades and his experience as a Greek god. He told him about his family and his decision to leave them and travel to other worlds. 

Surprisingly Satoru was not angry at him for abandoning his family. In his eyes, they were not his family at all and therefore Hades had no responsibility towards them. 

Hades explained that he truly thought of Satoru as his brother and told him that he would like to take him with him to experience adventure in other worlds and live with him and find happiness and someone worthy in other worlds. 

"I would love to come with you brother. It's just that ... I feel like there has to be a change in this world. And I can't leave before that change has been achieved or at least initialised. 

I apologise but I have to decline."

"There is nothing to apologise Satoru. I expected this response from you. I will simply come again when you have achieved what you want and trained the young ones that you think have the power to change the Jujutsu world. 

But remember this, should you have slacked off when I return, as the elder brother I will have to punish you."

"I am the elder brother!!"

"Nope, I am. You know how much older than you I am."

"That doesn't matter how old you are. I laid eyes on this world before you did. Therefore I am the elder brother."

"Well, technically I also laid eyes first on the world as I was actually able to open my eyes."

"Well, I didn't have to open my eyes to see. That's how those who are born with the Six Eyes do things."

"Did you just ..."



"Well then. How do we leave here?"

"We will not leave. You will."

"So you're not saying goodbye to everyone? What about that curse that you took from Toji?"

"Well, I have it here."

Hades touched his belt and the belt transformed back to the hideous form from before. 

"I made it into a belt. That way I can take it with me wherever I go. I might make some adjustments to it though. Coul duse an upgrade."

"Well then this is goodbye?"

"No this is see you later."

The two brothers embraced each other for a while and then Hades concentrated on his powers of boundaries. They had unlocked themselves on their own together with all his other powers.

With a flick of the wrist, a wormhole opened that led back to the Jujutsu world. 

"Use Infinity then you should be able to withstand the forces inside the tube."

"Thank you, brother. See you later."

"See you later Satoru."

And then, Satoru left the void leaving Hades all by himself. 

It was time for him to move on for the time being. He knew that he would come back here for a quick stop to take Satoru with him, but for now, he would leave and get something that he truly believed would fit him perfectly. 

He planned to go to a world that came from a Manhwa in his last life, called 'Solo Leveling'. He liked the story very much, as well as the drawings.

Now, Hades planned to go there for a very particular reason. He wanted to acquire the powers of the Shadow Monarch. It was as simple as that.

He knew that the Monarchs planned to invade the human world, and the Rulers used the Cup of Reincarnation to turn back time 10 years, more than once. But no matter what they did, it always resulted in failure.

That was Hades' window. He wanted the powers of Ashborn, the 'Shadow Monarch,' and would go to that world to acquire them. But he wasn't sure whether he wanted to appear as a human and then get the system from the Architect and Ashborn's power, or whether he should just approach Ashborn himself and have him give him his power.

The problem with asking Ashborn for his power is that he would probably refuse, and that would be a problem for Hades. Hades was certain that he wanted that power and that he would get it. This meant that if Ashborn did not willingly give up his powers, Hades would have to take them by force, which would not be as easygoing as he desired.

The positive aspect of acting like a human and then obtaining the powers was that he would witness interesting things and wouldn't have to exert much effort to acquire them. Truly, it was a difficult decision for him, but he would leave it to chance to decide. First, he had to find the world, and then he would need to get there. After that, he would see what happens once he arrives in that world.

If the Rulers and Monarchs noticed him, he would opt for the direct approach and speak with Ashborn. If they didn't notice him, he would create a human body for himself and then wait for the opportunity to acquire Ashborn's powers.

As a human, Hades would choose a time before Sung Jin-Woo becomes a hunter. He would also instil his human body with the feeling of death and struggle. All of this would attract Ashborn's attention to himself, and Ashborn would see how 'weak' he is and choose him as a host. Should Ashborn decide to take over his body, he would be surprised to find out that he could not, as Hades possessed more than enough power to strip him of all he had. However, he does not believe that will happen. Ashborn is tired of fighting and would gladly yield his position to Hades, which is exactly what Hades desires.

Hades focused for a moment. He no longer had to activate his boundary sight, as he could see boundaries whenever he wished, and no extra movement or concentration was needed. He had truly become stronger, and after gaining the title "the honoured one," his rise to power and enlightenment would be much smoother.

Hades found the world he wanted to go to, and with a pop, he left the void.

Next stop: Solo Leveling

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