
Chapter 5

"So, to sum up. After I ran away you were adopted by the fricking King and queen!! Then the Asauteranians decide that you are their long lost daughter and come to claim you. You guys have a long discussion and then you decide to stay with the Claendalians. But the king and queen were still scared that someone might try to harm you so, they decided to keep you away from the eyes of the public. For safety reasons. And now you are a princess." I summed her pretty long speech. I wasn't exactly enthusiastic to know about all this. We were pretty good friend

"Now that you sum it all up like this it feels pretty nonexistent." She said skeptically.

I grinned sheepishly. Hey, it was not my fault that I liked things short and crisp.

"You should have told me." I said. I was hurt. She knew me in the foster home. She was my best friend. I finally told here what I was troubling me during the entire conversation.

"What?" she asked.

"That you were here. That you were adopted. That.... that you were a princess. We used to share everything... You were the only person who knew that I was running away. You were the only person who knew about me becoming a hacker. You gave away our friendship to be a princess? You also told the foster home that I ran away?! Just like that?! We just talked for a month but then you disappeared. Without a trace. And suddenly the police are swarming my apartment. That was not something you do to a friend." My voice got louder with each sentence. I was angry. Oh no, I was beyond angry. I was filled with boiling rage. But that emotion was mingled with hurt, betrayal.

"I'm sorry." She said. Her eyes pleaded me to forgive her but how could I? I wasn't ever betrayed by anyone. The time for formality was over. Our friendship, our connection everything between us was now reduced to ashes. 4 years of friendship transformed by 2 years of betrayal.

I shook my head. "No I'm sorry Ms. Clementine. Please brief me my duties."

She looked at me like she wanted to say something but stopped. She looked at me. Her eyes were filled with hurt. Very much like the time she had stopped contacting me. Although my hurt stayed around for almost half a year. Hers was quickly masked by sense of duty. She took out a tab and scrolled through it. When she reached what she required she started reading each point and then explaining it to me. My duties seemed pretty simple. I just had to program a few things and then get access to the Asauteranian royal documents and basically find out what their plans were like for us and then get a VIP tour of the palace then have dinner then sleep. After she had told me all that. She walked out of the room. But not before she shot me lingering look. I took my place on one of the state of the art computers and started typing away.