
H20 Prophecy

Everything started from a single structure of a drop of water. Building up to the creation of life anew from the beginning of time and to the end of time. As life start to take it courses, destiny and fate ties together weaving it's unforseen prophecy of legacy that weaves with emotions and desires. As passing of time is inevitable so does the growth of the inhabitants of the world. Unfolding the pages of the prophecy set in stone for atonement and unity.

K_SilentProject · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1.7 : Hiro's Breath of a New Dawn_2

One day, Hiro received a summons from Doctor Sato. Accompanied by Takeshi and guided by Ron, an escort guard, Hiro made his way through the vibrant market to the clinic. The air was alive with laughter, children's voices, and the cheerful hum of villagers living their lives without fear. For Hiro, this lively atmosphere was a stark contrast to his past, a reminder of the world beyond the battlegrounds he knew.

Takeshi noticed the shift in Hiro's demeanor, a shadow of uncertainty crossing his features. He understood the weight of Hiro's experiences and the jarring juxtaposition of his past with the present. Takeshi's protective nature stirred, reminding him that Hiro was a child standing on the threshold of a new reality.

Amidst the bustling market, the aroma of delicious food wafting through the air snapped Takeshi back to the present. An involuntary smile crept across his lips as he dragged Hiro towards a food stall. With the enthusiasm of youth, Takeshi led Hiro on a culinary journey, unveiling the island's flavors one bite at a time. Their laughter echoed amidst the scents and colors, a duet of discovery that painted vibrant strokes across Hiro's heart. Takeshi's enthusiasm brought him to various food stalls, introducing him to a variety of flavors. Hiro found himself swept away by Takeshi's infectious energy, laughter and camaraderie echoing through the market's symphony.

In the midst of their culinary adventure, Takeshi spotted a familiar figure—Kaya. She moved through the market with bags of food, engrossed in her own errands. Takeshi's joyful shout drew her attention, and she turned to see her friends waving to her.

Kaya's surprised reaction led to an unexpected coughing fit, a result of her hastily swallowing her food. Takeshi rushed to her side, concerned etched on his face. Kaya's coughing subsided, and the three friends stood together—a scene that was both familiar and heartwarming.

Mr. Ron, the escort guard, observed their interaction with amusement. He shared a piece of Aquora's gossip with Hiro—a hint of Kaya's affection for Takeshi and their roles as temple apprentices. Hiro's outsider status made the information all the more intriguing, and he listened with curiosity.

As Mr. Ron explained, the scene shifted—the coughing Kaya, Takeshi's reassuring hand on her back, and Hiro's observant stance. The dynamics between the two friends were painted before Hiro's eyes, revealing layers of history and emotions.

Hiro's understanding and empathy cast a subtle harmony over the scene, his presence a reminder of the unity they shared. Amidst their camaraderie, Hiro's role evolved from an observer to a participant, his connection with the village's inhabitants growing stronger.

Their gathering was interrupted as Mr. Ron announced the need to proceed to Doctor Sato's clinic. Takeshi and Hiro bid farewell to Kaya, their laughter echoing as they left. Hiro's time in the village continued to unfold, marked by shared stories, unspoken emotions,and newfound friendships. The trio made their way to the clinic, their steps guided by the anticipation of what awaited them.

As they walked through the bustling market, Takeshi and Hiro listened to Mr. Ron's explanations about the village and its residents. Hiro's curiosity was piqued, and he absorbed the information like a sponge, eager to understand the intricate tapestry that was Aquora. Takeshi nodded along, occasionally interjecting with a playful comment or a knowing smile.

Before reaching the clinic, Hiro's excitement was palpable. He was ready to meet Doctor Sato and learn more about the mysteries that awaited him. However, his enthusiasm was met with unexpected news—Doctor Sato was not at the clinic. Kaya spoke to them "Dr Sato? She's not in her clinic at the moment actually, I met her during my shopping and she said that she needs to go to the temple for an urgent matter and pass her massage to you guys to meet her there when I get back to the community hall." Takeshi's disbelief was mirrored on Hiro's face, and Kaya's explanation only deepened their confusion.

"Are you telling us we came all the way here for nothing?" Takeshi's frustration was evident, his disappointment evident in his tone. Kaya's explanation about Doctor Sato's absence only fueled his exasperation.