
chapter 70 R18 strong violence,sex and rape

Una was livid at that Man for watching her daughter, over the years she has calmed down and shes starting to think that was a mistake. Una knocks on Tais door, she grabs the sheet from the floor and covers the girls up.

" by the divine you take after Lillian to much" Una said waking them up, Larissa and Lucy look at each other and then look away from Una.

" don't worry girls my wife has two wives that are twins, I'm hoping that you both are Tais mates....Well I see a mark on you Larissa" Una said walking over to a chair to sit down. The sisters kept glancing over at the wall, Una smirks at them.

" oh don't worry if he goes back he won't see nor hear" Una said while glaring at the two, Tai cleared her throat.

" Mom I knew he was watching they've told me the truth of everything and until I leave with them, I'm going to do whatever he expects them to do" Tai weakly said looking at her mother, she changes back to her human form and quickly gets up from the bed grabbing some shirts and shorts for all three of them. She throws them each a set and quickly gets dressed.

" Were leaving tonight you two make sure to stick together " Una said mumbling a spell, a white wisp of smoke goes into all three of their chest.

" will be meeting Len, Sia and Emilia at a village near grey stone forest in two days. They've had over half the village disappearing, you'll actually get to meet your other god mothers Kae, Rae and Fauna half way there" Una said as she walks towards the door, she stops and turns to them.

" I have armor that I can give you unless you two have some and pack things you'll want to take with you. I'll wake you up in three hours and give you two hours to pack, eat and shower....I'm going to send a message to Fauna will leave in five hours, the ones that didn't leave in the wagons yesterday will travel with us. Mal has gotten everything ready and already left the house, we have six guards that are here with us and I'll send the message now." Una said leaving the room, they're layed back down in the bed together and Tai kisses both of them.

" here in a little while will go pack your things and do you all have good armor and weapons, if not we have some. Later on I'll get you some rare items ok" Tai said spooning behind Lucy while Larissa is spooning behind Tai.

" yeah we have armor passed down from our mothers great grandparents and grandparents to us. Larissa said kissing on Tais neck, Tai keeps grinding her teeth while nipping at Lucy's neck. Lucy giggles leaning her neck out, reaching behind her grabbing Tais hip.

" Mark me Tai " Lucy said with a shy smile, Tai pulls her in closer and starts kissing her neck. She squeezes Lucy's breast, Larisa reaches around Tai and slides her hand into Tai shorts gently rubbing Her bundle of nerves in a circular motion. Tai does the same thing to Lucy, after a few minutes she slips two of her fingers inside of lucy slowly thrusting in and out.

" ahhh f-fuck faster Tai " Lucy moans out bucking her hips, Tai goes faster and harder even adds a third finger.

" Ohhhhh yes fuck me hard" Lucy moans out while clenching down on Tais fingers, she smiles wickedly at the orgasm that's building up. Tai extends her canines biting into Lucy's neck pumping in her venom for her mark, Lucy's mouth goes into a "o" shape.

" ohhhh ahhhhhh haah ahhhn " (" mmmph ahhhn haah ") Lucy and Tai moan out together, they all three lay there panting hard with smiles on their faces and hold each other tightly. Tai could feel her blood magic that felt ten times stronger after marking these two, when they fell asleep she sneaks up from the bed and gets into the shower. A few minutes later Larissa joins her, they wash each other off and wash each others hair. When they came out Lucy was no longer in the room, Tai finds a note " went to get ready, I love you both" She stores the letter in her ring.

A hour later Una shows up at their bedroom, She gives the two a quizzical look and then checks the bathroom.

" where is Lucy, I told you both to stay together" Una said while closing her eyes and then quickly opening them, she quickly leaves their room going down to the first floor with the other two following her.

" shes close by " Una said when A look of horror flashes across Larissas face she runs down the hall to the door that Luke used last time.

" its locked " Larissa said when Tai puts her palm against the door, the wood blows inward and all the wood splitters. They all enter the stairwell and run downwards in a hurry, blood starts to spill from Tai circling her body and turns into the same armor she wore before. A broadsword starts to build in her hand as the reach a large metal door.

" ow it hurts please stop" Lucy cries out, Tai kicks the door which flys across the room to find Lucy chained to a table bent over with him behind her with his pants down. A loud growl comes from Tai, all anyone seen was blur of red go past Luke then ends up standing in front of Lucy unchaining her in two seconds.

Lucy pulls her shorts up, She runs to Tai while everyone stares at Luke except for Tai who is healing Lucy's wounds.

" you bastard " Larissa screamed she then watches his body fall in three pieces to the floor, no blood left the body only the meat fell down. The sisters stood there staring at the body parts with their mouths wide open, Lucy then looks at Tai.

( " eh I went to far I can't even look in their eyes right now I just lost control") Tai thought while staring at the floor, Una noticed the armor changed shape and some black was now at the end of spikes coming from the shoulders and wrist that was blackish red. The spikes on the wrist extend outward over her fist, to where when she punches spikes will penetrate the enemy or prey.

( " that's convenient to help them bleed out " ) Una thought staring at the new additions to Tais blood armor. Lucy gently kisses Tais lips with wet eyes, Una grabs them and they all head upstairs where the six soldiers was waiting at the door.

Larissa stops at a portrait of her mother,she takes the portraits that's in the hallway leading to the front door. She grabs the family portraits and also ones of their grandparents,the ones of her and Lucy when they were younger.

They all go down to where eight dragons are sitting, the black And red dragon was a full size larger than the rest which was Tais. Tai helps Larissa then Lucy up and she jumps on the back wrapping her arms around both of them and grabs the reins.

They leave the vampire kingdom heading to where Mal is waiting six hours away for them and since they used dragons, they quickly arrived.