
Chapter 39

I seen the anger on his face, he looks like a different person, well this seems like his true self and the nice boy was a facade to get me.

" Clifford leave me alone, don't you dare touch me" I screamed at him hoping someone would hear me, I readied self to use my magic when I felt something prick my outer thigh.

" dont worry love you'll still feel everything but you wont be able to use your magic on me" Clifford said whole he straddled my legs, I bit his lip when he tried to kiss me causing his lip to bleed, He raised his fist back striking me on my cheek. I felt him rip my robes open then holding both my hands above my head spinning them down with one of his while the other was undoing his pants.

" no one will want you once I deflower you and absorbing your yin body energy, ahh dont worry this drug wont affect either of us" Clifford said while trying to align himself to enter me, I seen a shadow pass beside us and felt Clifford's bodyweight leave mine. I look seeing a demon with wings pinning him against a tree, I didn't fear the demon I only felt the strong pull toward the demon. I watch it throw Clifford through the tree on the opposite side of us and she the beautiful demon is a she. I look closer at her face and its Tai, my heart flutters at the sight of her I scan her body from top to bottom then do a double take at the member between her legs.

" Tai thank the goddess you came" I said as I reached for her and she pulled a blanket from her ring draping it across my shoulders.

" give me one minute love, I cannot let him live I'm sorry for being late" Tai said while about cut over to where Clifford was laying and she stats punching him in the face over and over letting him drop to his knees.

" get up maggot, you dare touch her and try to force yourself onto her" Tai said while slashing different parts of his body with her long talons and then he starts to chuckle while tears run down his face.

" her father agreed for meto take her, I've already paid him andi can pay you as well" Clifford said with a menacing smile, when Tai lowered her hand. He slowly got to his feet then throws a small bag of coin at her feet and limps closer toward me.

(' Fool do you think she will let you have me') I thought while staring at Tais face seeing her anger flare, likes trying to compose herself in front of me.

I watch her slowly approach behind him while she stretched her black feathered wing, then it quickly sliced through Clifford cutting him in half and the top of his body fell to the ground followed by his legs falling over. The look of sheer terror on his face as he tries to gather his intestines like he could put them back in, I look at Tai holding my hand out toward her.

" Tai it's ok someone like him doesn't need to live " I said while she heals my cheek from the punch he gave me and I wipe some blood from her cheek.

" Taki let me take care of him real quick" Tai said then walks over to the body removing all his spacial rings and any items in his pockets. I see a purple flame come out of her hand covering his body and burning it to ash, nothing else burned, not the leaves or ground just him. Tai walks over picking up the bag of coins and then returns to me picking me up in a bridal carry walking us further into the woods. I watch her build a firepit and starts a fire then looks over to me with a sad smile she pulls out some food, but I stand walking overto her wrapping my arms around her waist and she puts the food back up.

" You are beautiful in this form as well" I said while gently kissing her lips and then I lay the blanket down on the ground motioning her to sit down with me.

" Ok let me change back to my human form" Tai sad but o grab her hand shaking my head no to her, I pull her down then lay on my back with her kneeling above me and I start undressing myself.

I hear a low growl which actually makes me smile, I get her cup her hand on my cheek then slowly starts kissing me.

" I want you to make love to me Tai please" I said in a low voice whole biting my lip, I see her shake her head no and I felt tears run down my cheeks which caused to panic.

" I want to dont get me wrong but he drugged you I want you to actually fully be aware when I make Love to you" Tai said I caught the word love not sex and I pulled her in for another kiss.

" Ok will you at least make me feel good and perhaps I can do the same to you" I said pulling her hands over placing them on my chest, then slowly move my hands Down between her thighs wrapping my fingers around her shaft then slowly moving my hand up and down causing her to shudder.