
Discovered Pt 2

Mike got up the next day, it was Monday and he needed to get to school. As he rode the taxibike he thought 'I'll have to see about stationing a suit closer to New York just in case an emergency comes up.'

It was a nice thought but he couldn't exactly build a base there. And the suit itself might be venerable if left unattended.

His thoughts were interrupted by Haro informing him that the Medical Nanobots were out of testing and ready for production.

"Finally the four flagship products are ready," Mike thought. "The Medical Nanotechnology, the No Belt Seat, the Automatons, and the Pseudo GN Drives. Together they will make me alot of money."

He decided to call Tony and Reed after school, and talk to Coulson during school. SHIELD was too big of a fat sheep with bottomless bank accounts not to take for everything he could.

'Maybe I could partner with Damage control. The Construction Automatons would be perfect for their work.' Thinking things through he arrived at school.

Walking in all he heard about was the Giant Robot fight that happened. Everyone was wondering where it came from. Theories tanged from alien invasions to secret government agencies. And Mike's personal favorite machine overlords. No one really had a clue. At least until Mike heard over the PA system "Mr Morganrote to the front office."

"Oooooooooohhhhhh" the rest of the students said looking at Mike.

As he entered the office he did not see Phil Coulson as he expected instead Nick Fury sat behind the desk. As Mike sat down in front of him Fury said "Silent Cell protocol". The rooms door sealed shut and the blinds closed automatically.

"Now that we won't be overheard." He continued. "Since when do you have a giant robot suit? AND BEFORE YOU LIE I SAW THE DAMN GN DRIVE ON THE BACK!"

Mike nodded 'Well this is happening sooner than expected.'

"I just completed it recently. It is an underwater exploration and rescue prototype." Mike responded. A bit of a lie, but with some truth to it he did have plans to convert it to that purpose and mass produce them for his future forces.

"SHIELD wants ten of them" Fury stated, "In exchange we will fabricate documents stating you had the proper permits to operate unlicensed military grade technology on us soil."

Mike Shook his head. "They are still in the prototype phase. It will be a few months before they are ready I do have a model that can be ready sooner." 'The guncannon should be harmless enough, or maybe buy Mobile worker blueprints'

"Fine," Fury responded grumpily. "Tell me when they are ready."

Mike then mentioned that next weekend he was going to have a demo of his companies new products on Saturday.

"SHIELD will be there, and I'll even bring along a couple of friends to expand your customer base." Fury responded.

As Mike reached the door he heard Fury say one more thing. "And Motherfucker you flip me off again, I'll kick your ass giant robot or not."

Mike nodded and ran out the room.

After School Mike met with Tony and Reed both agreed to pull strings to get as many potential customers as they could to the venue. Tony offered a office fir the Demo. It was massive and would allow plenty of space for Mike to display the products. Neither asked about the robot but Mike figured that if Fury knew then they knew.

As the week went on Mike kept himself busy. He bought the Mass driver blueprints and had the Construction bots split between building the Archangel and the Mass driver. He got the feeling he would need both before long.

As the weekend approached both Shuuji and Raven stated they would accompany Mkke to the show. He even used points to buy a cargo truck and convert it to Pseudo GN drive to demonstrate the drives capabilities.

***** Hey Guys last of the short chapters I'll go back to regular length here soon. I know Giving SHIELD mobile suits even as low performing as the Guncannon or Guntank can and will probably backfire. But we will see how he handles it.

As a Side note I'm trying to figure out which crest will suit Raven best. I'm thinking Queen of spades, or the Joker. Your thoughts?

Next couple of chapters will be the Expo so look forward to that.

Thanks again for all the support looking forward to hearing from yall.