
Coming Storm

The next Day Zechs agreed to take the Strike Gundam in Perfect Strike configuration, out with Mike and Raven. " I'll see how skilled you are." He said grinning.

They shot off towards an abandoned island off the coast. Keeping near the surface of the water they managed to stay off of the radar. Mike was piloting the Marine Type because he was used to it.

As they approached the island Mike slowed down before stopping.

"What's the matter?" Zechs asked.

Pointing at the sky they observed a group of large robots, as big as the gundams decending on a school at the coastline.

"Those things are called sentinels. Unless I miss my guess that should be the Xavier insitute a school for mutants." Mike said. "Those things will injure or kill their targets and they are rapidly approaching a school."

"Hmm so these kids might be in danger?" Zechs asked.

"But shouldn't we be keeping a low profile?" Raven asked, she wanted to help but was not used to the spotlight.

"Morganrote will not stand by while people are in danger." Mike said resolutley. "Those things are typically unmanned. They should have enough firepower to endager the suits if we are not careful though."

" So we take them down hard, fast, then we vanish." Zechs said. "I'll take the lead from the sky with Raven. When we attack you ambush from the right side with the Marine type."

Acknowledging his orders Mike submerged the Gundam and raised its periscope.

*Ding Mission issued."

1. Defeat all sentinels

2. Prevent any mutants from being captured or killed.

3. Don't kill any soldiers

4. Expose the villan


1. Gundam Exia

2. Lagrange 3 Celestial being base

3. Blue prints GN (Mobile suit gundam)

4. Mass Driver(Gundam Seed)

100000 MP

POV Kitty Pryde

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... CRASH.

Kitty winced even with Logans healing factor that was going to hurt. "Why now of all time why when Professor, Scott, Jean, and Dr McCoy are away?" She asked.

"I know right we could really use their help." Wolfsbane responded.

"It is almost too convenient yah?" Asked Colossus.

"Convenient my ass." Wolverine responded. "They either lured them away, or monitored us till they had a chance."

"Smart Weapon X." A smug voice sounded as a middle aged white man in a military uniform stepped out of the jeeps and APCs that were blocking the road out of the mansion.

"A few words to senator Kelly, asking him to push for more powers for the MRD and sanctions of unregistered mutants is all it took to get them to go to Washington." The man said.

"Trask." Wolverine responded dangerously before taking a step. His claws still extended.

"Now Now weapon X we don't want the school to suffer the crossfire do we?" As Trask asked that the Sentinels pointed their hands towards the school. "Such a shame if some of the students were killed trying to resist lawful detainment."

"Lawful?" Kitty asked indignantly." There is nothing Lawful about attacking a school with robots."

"On the contrary." Trask responded pulling put a paper. "I have multiple warrants and affidavits for the arrest of all of you freaks."

"That not legal!" Kitty responded.

"Maybe not now but when the senator is done and the law is in effect I might remember to give you a day in court to argue." Trask said smugly. "Now be good little patriots and serve your country."

As the beams began to power up, a clear threat. The X Men were considering their options. Fighting here would put all of the students in danger. As they were about to surrender, a sentinels blew up, a pink colored beam blasting it's head apart.

A white Robot with a giant green gun, red backpack, and blue sword on its back appeared weilding a black rifle and red shield.

"ENOUGH!" it bellowed putting itself between the school and the robots.

Trask began to yell at the others to target it.

Then in a loud bang the heads of two other sentinels crashed into the ground a giant knight standing behind them swilding a sword.

Trask turned to the last three to order them and stopped in shock. The blue robot from New York was standing there. Knives out. One robot was down the second was being held up as a shield against the third one that was blasting away trying to destroy it.

Trask saw a harpoon shoot out and impale the last sentinel through the head as the blue one finished off the one it was using as a shield with a giant knife.

"Who are you your interfering with a Goverment Operation." Trask demanded angrily.

"How many government operations involve attacking a shool?" The white one asked sarcastically.

"I am General Trask!" The man responded angrily." I'll have you arrested."

"Good luck with that. Now are you leaving or do we need to thin the numbers some."the blue one said before pointing its rifle at the convoy."

"I'll be back. Those freaks belong to the US Goverment." He said getting in the jeep with as much bluster as he could manage.

When they drove off kitty looked at the three of them."Thank you but won't you be in trouble now?" She asked.

"Not likely especially not when I send the footage of their attack to every news outlet." The blue one said. The other two shot into the air without another word. The blue one dove into the water and vanished



The voice on the TV said.

"Unprovoked attack on a school for mutants. General Teask seen as saying. "By the time it comes to court this will be legal anyway." Referring to the recent bill put forth by Senator Kelly. Neither could be reached for comment."