
Chapter 1: The beginning

High school. Some see it as a fun place to hang out with friends, some see it as a place to learn, to guide them for the future, and some probably most see it as the way to hell, if it isn't hell itself.

Well, of course for the popular kids it's a place to hang out with friends and make it even more hell for the other kids.

One of the most popular kids is Tyler, Tyler Rider, well yeah as you can see his name is kinda cool but that doesn't give him the right to annoy half of the school with his bullying skills.

It is a friday at school just like any other day.

"So guys, what are you doing the weekend? I guess i'm gonna check my dms and go out with the prettiest girl"

Aaron (friend of tyler) "Didn't you do that last week? And what if your girlfriend catches you?"

"Yea, i guess i did but last week the girls where not that pretty, most of them were stupid or from another country, and even if she catches me i don't care, i am with her just cause she has a reputation and is the prettiest girl in school"

Tyler say mournfully.

Aaron looks at the hallway pinch Tyler and say "Look who do we have here",

Tyler quickly walks and blocks her way "Heading to the cafeteria again, panda bear?"

He laughs with sarcasm.

(He gave her that nickname cause she is kind of chubby and wears nothing except black and white)

Millie (the panda bear girl) gathers all of her forces and respond "Get the fuck out of my way"

Tyler smirk but doesn't move an inch "You grew some balls I see, I like it, always liked a feisty one."

He then opens his backpack grabs a paper out of it and hands it to her aggressively

"Why on earth did i get an F on my homework?"

"You mean my homework?, well i got an F too" hoping he wouldn't ask for her paper.

"Why the fuck didn't you study then?The teacher said it will be half the final exam" a little anger sounded in his voice.

"Hey babe," a girl interrupts them "What's wrong? Again with that girl?" Kisses him, "I hope you are thanking her for an A" Millie freezes and shit she thinks for herself this is bad, he looks her in the eyes intensely "What the hell is she talking about?"

His girlfriend interrupts again "The teacher gave her an A+ for her essay, said it was very good" He couldn't hold his anger and started yelling "WHAT THE FUCK!! YOU GOT AN A+, BUT I GET AN F?? Are you serious?"

Petrified, Millie doesn't know what to say anymore "I... did mine f-first so I-i tried to change f-for you,...I-i'm sorry"

She finished and looked at the ground hoping he would just walk away.

For a split second Tyler thought about hitting her, but his mind couldn't let him, and his hand, his girlfriend was holding his hand. He in that case got the anger out by yelling at her

"You're sorry? I could have done better than you dumbass, I'm gonna make your life a living hell".

And so he kept bullying her and other kids, until the first year of high school ended.