
Guild Wars

Draco had risen to the top of the world through his exploits in the legendary FIVR game, Boundless. After years of intense conflicts between his guild, Hellscape, and the guild of his former infidel lover, Darkrow, things came to a head when Draco conquered all. Now, nothing stood in his way of total conquest within the highly acclaimed second world of mankind, as he intended to fortify his new empire. Unfortunately, a timely assassination sent him back into the wheel of time for reincarnation, but not even the Gods gave him peace of death. Thrust into the past, Draco realized he'd been given a second chance at life to start from scratch, with all the knowledge of over fifteen years of almost absolute power in Boundless. Now, his path to glory will be far shorter and filled with more bloodshed than Hades could handle. ___________________________________________________________________________ WARNING: If you're the type to be triggered easily, please do not read.

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1259 Chs

Divine Worship Day

Today was the annual day of divine worship in Vita Capital City, a significant holiday where all forms of work and activity were supposed to be halted to give all citizens of the Vita Divine Empire a chance to prostrate themselves in the Divine Umbra Church before the Three Supreme Deities. 

Out in its streets, many citizens were happily on their way dressed in the colors of Umbra. There was a lot of idle chatter about the special meals they would eat with their families once they got home to celebrate this auspicious day, as well as the various blessings and joys they had enjoyed this past year. 

Families, couples and friends grouped together, no one standing out alone on this day. 

Currently, it was the main boulevard of the Vita Capital City that led towards the Rank 7 Church. On this road that was wide and spacious enough for the main worshippers to come and go freely, there was a group of four youngsters who were walking down the street.