
Guide to tame my villainous husbands

Sequel to Guide to raise my cutie husbands. Mo Qiang, an architect was chosen by the fairy of nature who brought her to the world of interstellar where she was punished to revive the nature that she has destroyed with her own hands while creating architecture that she thought was paving way for the future. Now, stuck with a nature-reviving system in a world full of poisonous gases and intergalactic stuff where she has to start from the very beginning and plant more forest and crops while creating a liveable world for the humans, Mo Qiang was suffering. But it sounds easy right? No! In her path she has three villainous husbands, all three of them want to kill her such that they will be able to marry her capable sister after kicking her away who was trashy and good for nothing. Mo Qiang has nothing against them, in fact, she is more than willing to divorce them after securing her life and raising her favourability in their hearts such that they will not kill her but —— Why are they coming for her now? Hello, you all wanted to marry her sister right? Excerpt: “ Here you go,” said Mo Qiang as she pushed the divorce agreement looking at her first husband who was gentle but poisonous like a snake. “ I have already signed the document of our divorce, you can take a look —-wait, why are you taking your clothes off?” The mer looked at her and smiled gently as he took off his glasses and said, “ Looks like my wife is not happy with me not giving birth to our child, don’t worry I will work hard tonight.” Mo Qiang: “…..” I do not want you to work hard! Take second! “ Take this and sign it,” said Mo Qiang, this time more fiercely as she looked at her second husband who was reading a script for his film. “ I am sure you want to divorce me right? I have already signed —-woah! What are you putting me on the bed for?” She asked while looking at the gorgeous face. Her second husband stared down at her and with a blank expression and voice as cold as water said, “ I have to practice a love-making scene, help me, dear wife.” Mo Qiang: “……” This movie that you are shooting is based on the Zerg apocalypse, don’t lie to me! With whom are you going to make love with? A Zerg? Take third! “ Huff, huff..this is the divorce agreement, sign it... I know that your company does not allow idols to date so here sign it,” she said to her third husband who was practising his dance moves. The mer who was dressed in a loose silk shirt and sweat dripping down his body took a look at the document that she was handing him and then hugged Mo Qiang. A second later she heard his sniffling voice while he peppered kisses on her neck, “ Wife you do not want me? Is that the new idol who attracted your attention, I knew it! I will take care of him!” “Put down that knife will you!” And why is the third prince of the imperial family who hated her to the bones coming after her with flowers? She already has her hands full! ….

fairytail72 · Fantasia
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1083 Chs

A hundred ways to kill

There was no way Shao Hui will ever forget that day if not for Mo Xifeng saving his life, he would have jumped in front of a moving car and then killed himself! Like how dare that woman even dare to destroy the dream that he had worked so hard for? What was more if she had done that because she truly cared about him then he might have not cared about it but she did it out of sheer spite and jealousy.

She was worried that he will start earning a lot of money and go against her, she was afraid of losing her control and dominance over him which was why she deliberately made things difficult for him and got him kicked out, when he almost died she did not even come to the hospital to visit him and left him alone! If not for the fact that his mother-in-law dragged Mo Qiang to the hospital from the gambling den, that woman might not even know that he almost killed himself because of her and even then she only glanced at him and then said,

'What? He jumped in front of a moving car because of me? Please, he jumped in front of that car because I stopped him from colouring my hair green, I am not blind! I can see his eyes wandering around, all right?'

There was no remorse in her voice if anything she only made his blood pressure hike up even more!

When Yin Fu heard Shao Hui's words his expression went a sudden change causing Shao Hui and Xie Jie to turn and look at him with a confused look in their eyes.

" What is it, Brother Fu?" Xie Jie asked in his coarse voice that was similar to that of a man and the reason why he was very much disliked by his wife for sounding and looking like a man instead of mer. " Is something the matter ?" His gaze dropped to the deformed tiffin box that was on the floor and his brows knitted even more as he asked, " Did wife hit you again?"

Xie Jie knew that Yin Fu was cooking chicken soup for Mo Xifeng earlier in the afternoon, he knew how conscious his wife was surely she must have hit Yin Fu really hard when she saw him bringing food for Mu Xifeng whom she hated so much.

He sighed heavily before shaking his head and clicking his tongue. " This is why I asked you not to bring the tiffin to sister-in-law when Mo Qiang was with her, but you deliberately picked the risk. Stay there, I will bring the first aid box that is in the kitchen."

" I am not hurt——"

" There is no need to lie, brother Fu," Shao Hui harumphed as he rolled his eyes and then turned to look at Xie Jie and the deformed tiffin box. " That woman has been like this from the start, I knew that she is like a dog's tail there will be no change in her attitude, no matter how much she pretends!"

" No, what I am saying is that if you want to bring the first aid kit then you might as well bring it for our wife …because I was the…one …who hit her this time," the more Yin Fu spoke the more his voice became softer and softer until it was nothing more than a sound that was similar to that of a mosquito humming.

Shao Hui and Xie Jie exchanged a look and Xie Jie walked over to where Yin Fu was sitting and then placed his hand on the forehead of Yin Fu with a frown as he muttered, " You don't have such a high fever so how come you are daydreaming and hallucinating?"

Yin Fu slapped the hand that was pressing on his forehead and then pulled the pillow that was lying on his bed before hugging it tightly as he said in a flustered voice, " I am not sick, I really went to see wife and then she told me that she does not care whether we divorce or cheat on her. I lost my temper on her and which is why I hit her."

This time even Shao Hui and Xie Jie were shocked, the woman who had always kept a close eye on them to the point where they thought that she was paranoid was giving them a clean chit to cheat. There had to be some sort of trap inlaid somewhere!

" She must have come up with a way to take revenge on me," Shao Hui who returned from the clinic pushed himself off his bed and then placed his leg on the modified cast that eased his pain and made sure that he will not feel any pain while making sure that his bones were setting back on place correctly. " I am sure that she is filled with anger at the thought of suffering in silence because of me and my scheme which is why she came up with a new plan! I am sure that she wants to see us all embarrassed even when we haven't done anything by giving us false security and having us kicked out!"

" She did not seem like she was planning anything," Yin Fu tried to correct Shao Hui but the latter only laughed and said, " You still have some good feelings for her, Brother Fu but I don't and I don't trust her either!"

As he spoke, he limped out of the room while cursing Mo Qiang and her sly thoughts.

Yin Fu watched him leave and then turned to look at Xie Jie and asked with a worried voice, " Do you think she is planning something?"

" I don't know," Xie Jie had always been calm which was why he walked over to his bed and then sat down before picking up another book and flipping its pages. " Only time will tell whether or not she had really changed or not."

But he hoped that Mo Qiang was really changed for the better and this was not another act of hers. Because if it was, he stopped at the page that had a title which read ---- a thousand ways of silent murder while his eyes flickered silently.
