
You have to do it

Yu Dong was surprised and then she was delighted. "That's great, it really calls for a celebration!"

Aunt Wang's smile widened as she rubbed the back of her neck. " Yeah, yeah don't worry I will call you and your family at my house for dinner after three months have gone by," then she took a glance around the surroundings once again and emphasised, " Just don't tell anyone yet, wait for the pregnancy to stabilise a little."

The villagers all believed in superstition, they feared the evil eye and for that reason alone they will hide any good news until it was secured perfectly. Aunt Wang was the same she wanted to hide Uncle Fu's pregnancy until it stabilised, Yu Dong had no problem with it. After all, she wasn't a blabbermouth and wouldn't carelessly tell others about someone's business to anyone else. " Don't worry about it, I won't tell anyone. Don't you know already? I don't have any friends in this village to talk with anyway, who am I supposed to tell?"