
Who is the liar?

Ding Nuannuan: !!!!

This mer! 

She was really furious at Yu Mai who was throwing her under the carriage again and again. He was seriously being too much! 

Just wait, once Yu Dong started favouring her, she would really not leave this mer alone. She would have him married off to a sixty-year-old woman or something. 

Even a brothel was too good for a mer like this, what if he won the heart of a rich woman and came looking for trouble with her? 

Wouldn't she lose her wonderful life then? 

She might as well cover up all bases lest this mer come to cause trouble for her! 

With those green tea skills, Yu Mai could really become a threat to her. 

On the other hand, Village Head Gu was surprised upon hearing the words of Yu Mai. She turned to look at Ding Nuannuan with a frown on her face. 

She asked Ding Nuannuan, "Your mother really kicked you out at such an hour?"