

Shen Li and Ye Liu had nothing to say to Chu Chang when he told them that he wished that Mu Ran was a bit childish. What he said made sense after all Mu Ran was a child without a mother, it goes without saying that she will be far more sensible given the circumstances she was living in, when compared to other children. 

Thus, they were a bit at ease when he changed the topic, after all, what were they going to say in case the matter was dragged on a little more?

Shen Li heaved a sigh of relief inwardly as he looked at Chu Chang and answered, " Yes, Dong Dong, sent us here." He showed the documents that Yu Dong has given to them and showed them to Chu Chang before he continued, " Dong Dong, said that she wants us to take over the strawberry sales matter with you. Since she is busy looking for a storefront in the town."