

The reason Yu Dong wasn't worried about hunting the stalker was simple —— that woman was going to come out of the hiding hole soon enough. From the looks of it Yu Dong could see that the stalker wasn't just a simple-minded person, she was completely warped up in her own imagination, in her world Xiao Hua was hers and he wasn't allowed to leave her, just look at this letter, not even three hours passed and the woman was already using all kinds of tricks to get Xiao Hua back to where he was, a woman like her did not look like someone who would be able to hold on for a long time, so Yu Dong didn't have to worry about anything, when the time was right she will be able to catch the woman and since she was going to show herself to her why should she even bother looking for her? 

Shouldn't she focus her attention on the new trouble that was going to come her way?