

Mammy Cao was really efficient. No one knows what she did or how she did it, but somehow the messenger who was supposed to reach the Big River Village in ten days arrived in five.

Once he arrived at the Big River Village, she immediately rushed to the Yu house and went to look for Yu Dong. 

At that moment, Yu Dong was watering the plants that were growing in her garden. When she noticed someone rushing inside, she raised her head, as she did not know who this person was. 

"Excuse me?" she asked the messenger. "Who are you and why are you in such a hurry?" 

"I am from Apple City," the messenger panted; she was nursing a stitch in her waist. "Mammy Cao.. Mammy Cao asked me to come here. She asked me to tell you that something happened to Master Fei and he was injured gravely…she had asked you to come quickly as Master Fei's condition is not looking good."