
Hiring another talent (2)

"Hahaha, this is just something," Song Yixu scratched her cheeks. She didn't mean it to come out like that but it did sound like she was actually showing off. She smiled at Madam Cui and said, "I just wanted to ask if you are doing good, you look sick, Madam Cui." 

"Who does not look sick in these conditions?" Madam Cui offered with a tired voice. "The last time the grain warehouse was opened was three weeks ago and everyone was allowed to take only two catties of rough grains and rice. Do you think that this small amount of grains can last for a long time? My family has so many people, those grains were eaten up in a few days." 

As she finished speaking Madam Cui clenched her fingers around the carving tool and spat, "If that woman was this incapable then she should not have taken the throne. She had only caused trouble for the entire country and nothing more."