
Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Yu Dong , a cultivator from the zombie apocalypse transmigrated over to another world after she died fighting a mob of zombies - the moment she opened her eyes , someone told her that her wife was giving birth - Yu Dong was stunned , she hurriedly reached to touch her chest , to check whether or not she was still a woman - the two perky mounds told her she was - instantly she looked at her bottom , she wanted to check whether or not she was a ‘ real woman ,’ but before she could - she was hauled to where her wife was giving birth - and what she saw made her want to pass out again - Because her wife was a man ! And she didn’t have just one wife but three ! Yu Dong looked at the man who was groaning on the bed and nearly blacked out- whatever at least she didn’t have to chop zombies for living , right ? - Cover not mine email at fairy0tail072@gmail.com to have it removed

fairytail72 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1698 Chs

Good kids should go to sleep.

Yu Dong's move was just as swift as Chen Ying's, she was once an officer who had to fight a mob of zombies, and yet she came out of that mobbing alive so what was a single Chen Ying? She immediately dodged the attack and even took Xiao Hua and Fang Chi with her making sure that the two of them were completely protected by her. Chen Ying wasn't a skilled fighter thus, Yu Dong only needed to smack her palm against Chen Ying's wrist using the latter's strength and pace to deviate the direction of her attack. Her hit was light but due to Chen Ying's uncontrollable speed, the latter stumbled back with a shocked expression on her face. 

She expected Chen Ying to try and attack her again but Yu Dong seemed to have underestimated Chen Ying, who not only did not attack Yu Dong or Xiao Hua but instead she turned around and headed towards Li Hanjing who was still standing on the threshold.