
As useless I am!

Yu Dong was shocked by the number of things that he has said before she burst out laughing and hugged Xiao Hua around his waist. " Goodness, I don't think that it's going to work that way, our kids aren't going to sit down and chose what kind of features they want to be born with." 

" I know I will love them nonetheless," said Xiao Hua with a slight nod. " But that doesn't mean that we aren't supposed to work hard, we need to give it our all such that our kids are one of the most gorgeous ones in the entire capital." 

" And how are we supposed to work hard?" Yu Dong hummed as she looked up at his face causing Xiao Hua's face to flush red as he turned his head away and harrumphed, " The one thing that you refuse to do with me, no matter how many times I ask."