
Guide to power(Dropped)

A 4 year old kid thrown due to bad luck thrown into a planet filled with monsters that are wayy out of his league,a fateful meeting changed his whole life. "You monster,afterall these deaths you still have such an indifferent face"a lady said. "For my goals I would massacre this entire world an still have this indifferent face of mine"A Teen replied in a calm voice. He then beheaded the woman and confine his massacre "so much bloodlust for one so young he friend's ". .. 1:am a newbie writer so expect some mistakes although I will try not to make too much.

revolt_027 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


Berore all hell broke loose.The Skeleton whispered to the kid"Here's what I want you to do kid start running towards the hole they created"

The kid looked towards the hole they created and at the 3 eyed humongous wolves that looked wary of the Skeleton and asked in a jokeful time"Your sadistic jokes really are bad ya know master,even to you won't be so heartless to Send a 10 year old kid into a death trap like that right"(A/N:I forgot how old he was I can't remember if I did 2 time skips.or one I know one was a 3 year time skip and another supposed to be a 6 year one.haaa sorry from now on he's 10 years old).

The skeleton looked towards the kid as if he was looking at an idiot he said in a berating tone"Kid do you see any other holes in this place other than the one they just broke,now stop asking stupid questions and run towards it"

The kid looked at the menacing wolves again,and with tears In his eyes he started running in the opposite direction of the wolves.The skeleton yelled"KID where are you going"He answered in a bewildered voice"Isn't this place directions inverted?".

The Skeleton answered "They broke the barrier so of course that stupid effect is gone"The kid however stopped in his tracks and asked"why "the Skeleton answered in a annoyed tone"kid it's because the mana finally has an exit,now stop asking questions and run if I have to tell you one more time I will throw you there myself"

The kid looked at him with a wronged expression.howerver he started running towards the wolves this time and as if on instinct he used Reinforcement.

As the skeleton watched the kid rush towards the wolves while using reinforcement he smiled an thought ( well at least he isn't stupid enough to run towards the behemoth wolves without reinforcement).

As they looked at the spectacle happening in front of them they where confused,they had this tingling sensation on their necks from everytime they looked at the undead.

However as they looked down they saw an ant running coming towards them their child growed as if to say"he's mine" and with that he pounced at the kid.As they watched him go they felt the tingling sensation get even stronger they Howled.

As the kid was running he suddenly sensed a presence it was coming towards him fast he thought (AHH shii I know I shouldn't have listened to that bastard). However even as he thought that he continued running forward, maybe he accepted his fate or who know maybe he trusts his master that much.

As the wolf swings it's claws it grinned it thought that it finally completed its first hunt however that was only until it heard it's parents Howled it turned it heard only for it to see shock,rage and sorrow.

As the skeleton looked down towards his darling. His eyes gave off a dangerous glint he spoke in an indifferent voice"AHH how long has it been since I stretched these bones of mine"he spoke while caressing his beloved katana,he then looked forward again.

Only to see the child wolf disappear from its parents side,he thought (well that just made everything sooooo much easier).He then took a sword drawing stance and whispered.

Red Crescent sword style:

First sword: Iaijutsu:Jikkō

And with that came a Black crescent slash so fast that even the behemoth wolves didn't even see what happened until it was too late.

As the kid kept running he suddenly heard a :Thud: sound he looked towards it only to see a gigantic head with and ocean of blood coming out of it,he looked up only to see a headless body of the gigantic wolf that he thought would be the end of him.

All went quiet until a moanful howled echoed,It was also filled with mana so when the wolf howled it made the kid take a knee with his hands over his ears, however you could see that it wasn't doing much his eyes and nose bled while he coughed blood.

The Skeleton seeing the kid condition thought(not good)he started walking slowly towards the two wolves which caused the wolves to stop howling.The Skeleton spoke,

In a calm Voice "So how did your pup found out about the rift because I know for certain he came in this area looking for it".

All he got however was a wrathful claw slash which contained light yellow mana as the claw slash touched the air it ripped through an left horrifying aftershocks it touched the ground it left marks so wide you would think multiple earthquakes happened.

As the skeleton looked calmly ahead he thought(I guess I gotta make this quick I only have about 3 more slashes before I fade)he then looked towards the kid and yelled "WHY THE F***K ARE YOU STILL ON YOUR KNEES GET UP CHILD"You can tell he was pissed.

The kid whom heard the yell struggled to get up and he strated running again even with blood coming through his eyes and nose he ran.

The Skeleton who saw the kid who finally pulled himself together smiled an took a sword stance preparing to block the claw slash coming towards him he took another stance and whispered.

Red Crescent sword style:

Second Sword Iai: Waterfall Rend

And with a vertical slash and it shattered the

Claw slash and continued towards the wolves.The sword Slash however looked small compared to the wolves which made their next more the all the more surprising.

They move out of the sword slashes way.the kid however ducked with some hair getting cut in the process he thought (f**king old man is trying to kill me). nonetheless after ducking he heard an alarming sound.

--Booooooooommmmm- as the kid looked up to see what was happening when he did he was taken aback he saw a sword mark so humongous that it literally cut into space he then heard the skeleton yelled again"Bastard do really want to die that badly,run towards the place I cut and don't you dare stop again"

With the behemoth wolves out of the way the kid started running even faster than before,the skeleton the used his movement art, while reinforcing his bones with death ki.

He appeared in front of the mother wolf with you call tell because she was smaller than usual,but still she almost 30 times the size of a human or any other creature.

The skeleton thought (I have 2 more slashes I gotta use a slash per a wolf). however as if to tell him that she isn't an easy target she swiped her claws towards him,as he saw the claws coming towards him his feet suddenly started vibrating fast on the air .An with the vibration came a suprising maneuver he kicked himself off air itself.

As she looked up she smirked and opened her mouth to release a attack,she opened her mouth and condensed mana in her mouth and she released a freezing breath,it was so cold that it froze air itself.As she did a victorious smirk her eyes went wide,when she saw her target suddenly in her nose.

As the skeleton saw the wolf open her mouth and release a horrifying breath his way his feet started vibrating again and with one motion he kicked air and appeared on her nose already in a sword stance he whispered.

Red Crescent sword style:

Third sword:100N gravitas Slash.{A/N:THE n means Newton,gravitas is Latin for gravity}.

As if she already accepted her fate she looked towards her partner and as if pleading for him to take vengeance for Thier child and herself.Her partner Nodded and howled as if to say"go in peace we will reunite soon after I finished making these Bastards pay".

And with a slash so heavy it split the she-wolf into two from head down ,the kid who was watching while running was left speechless he thought (And this isn't even his peak I wonder how strong he was when he was alive). however he shrugged off those thoughts and continued running.

The skeleton then said in a calm voice "Now let's reunite a family in hell after all even to me isn't heatless to keep you apart" however he was thinking something different entirely (ah shii I can only last a minute before I fade).

He looked towards the kid as he saw the kid about to reach the cut he made he yelled "oyy kid stand right there for a minute" the kid turned and looked at him and he somehow already knew the old man only had a min before he fades and involuntarily his tears started to fall.

The skeleton who saw the kid crying said In a slightly sad voice "Making me get all sentimental"he looked back towards the wolf and said in a calm voice "Lets get this over with I have to atleast leave some sayonara gift for my disciple"he continued "And what better gift than your family cores which will help him get a feel of how using mana feel like"

The wolf howled and pounced at the infuriating undead.the undead then took his final sword stance.

Red crescent sword style:

Final form: Sayonara

And with that slash a wide arc of abyssal black ki envelope the wolf and an ear piercing ---booom--- a dust cloud so heavy raised that you can't see anything inside of it.

However when it started to settle the kid saw a lone skeleton standing with its katana stuck in the ground to support its weight to prevent it from falling.the wolf however was nowhere to be seen just a yellow orb in its place where it had been.

The kid hurriedly ran towards the skeleton,he approached the skeleton with tears in his eyes,the skeleton spoke in a low Whisper "kid this is my farewell gift the corpses along with the cores you can use them to get a feel of what mana feel like tho it will only be for couple seconds before it shatters"the kid was about to say something However the skeleton wasn't finished.

He continued "kid I hope you keep your end of the bargain, I will be there in spirit during your journey so save your tears also .....keep quiet until I fade please "the kid tears started to fall even faster however he didn't make a sound as per the old man wish.

As the sun rises for the first time in 6 years.the Skeleton started to fade the top of his body went first then his torso eventually everything was gone. Only thing that left where his trench coat and his beloved katana.

As the sun finally reaches its peak the kid started bawling his eyes out and thought..(Goodbye old man).


1:thats the end of the first arc in the novel.

2:A minute of silence for an eccentric old man please.