
Guide to power(Dropped)

A 4 year old kid thrown due to bad luck thrown into a planet filled with monsters that are wayy out of his league,a fateful meeting changed his whole life. "You monster,afterall these deaths you still have such an indifferent face"a lady said. "For my goals I would massacre this entire world an still have this indifferent face of mine"A Teen replied in a calm voice. He then beheaded the woman and confine his massacre "so much bloodlust for one so young he friend's ". .. 1:am a newbie writer so expect some mistakes although I will try not to make too much.

revolt_027 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


At an unknown location in an unknown world climate so horrendous that would make even the bravest man shiver, however...there stood a child no more than 16 years old on the highest peak of the tallest mountain in that unknown world he overlooks everything with dead tried eyes with a sleek black katana on his waist...

Haaa" he exclaimed " at this point issnt it better to commit suicide" IF tiredness had a voice it would sound just like his, however you can see deep his in his dead eyes he's kinda scared to go though with the act of commiting suicide...

The child looked to the sky..only to spot a falling object it was falling so fast that he barely caught a glimpse of it..

Curious to what it was he followed it's trail...only to find that mountains was crushed,trees where pressed to the ground an as he stood there looking from a distance he saw a bright red stone with markings on it words on it however he couldn't comprehend what they meant everytime he tried to read it his eyes would avert an he would have to start over again just looking at it was difficult however as they say curiosity killed the cat.so he begin to approach the stone...as he approached the stone with each step becoming more difficult at 3 steps away from the stone his ears started to bleed,he ignored it an continue walking,the 2 steps away from the stone his eyes started to beled so as his nose and finally at the last step his heart stopped..

While all of that was happening a being was watching an it smiled it heard the teen last thought which was "haa just a minute ago I was scared to commit suicide an yet I still continue walking towards the stone what's the difference between jumping off the mountain an this" he thought then suddenly he got pissed out of nowhere it's like he has different personalities an this one was furious he yelled' WHAT THE FXX DID I DO TO END UP IN THIS FXXING HELL I WAS BUT A CHILD A INNOCENT FXXING CHILD"he yelled even while blood was choking him his last breath he bellowed his thoughts with tears in his eyes.

However never did he thought that someone or something had the power to pause time space an everything with only it's voice

THE voice answerd in a cold an yet calm voice"You did nothing worng child it's just the way the world works If you are weak you get cannot control your destiny,yes it was your destiny to end up here it was your fate because "THEY" decided to send someone here an you where just the unlucky soul that got chosen"it continued

"I pity you child for you have survived and adapted spectacularly just to have them control you to act upon your curiosity"it said

The teen was stunned for he didn't expect such an answer it made all his suffering an all the pain he went through nothing it was just because of lucky...he was furious he yelled at the entity"I SUFFERED ALL THIS JUST BECAUSE OF THOSE BEINGS WHIMS"

The being answered in a even voice not containing even a hint of emotion it said"yes you died because you where weak"it said

'Also because you kept exceeding their expectations of you'it thought

The teen then started to break down in front of the being however it showed no compassion it frown then said in a loud voice containing a hint of anger"repulsive you asked a question then when you heard the truth you started breaking down pathetic"

The teen then tured to the being and asked"so what do you want me to do fight them I know am not a match for them when I can't even look at you everytime I try I feel like my head would explode...plus am already dead" he said calmly it seems like he already accepted the fact that he was dead an weak..

It relied "okay since it seems like you already accepted your fate for this "&#&@£" before I leave grab the stone tight" it said however certain words the teen couldn't quite grasp

An as the being told him he grabbed the stone that was a fingers tip away from him although he was sceptical about what it could do he decided to just trust the being an his instincts...an with that the being but before it left it whispered a "Good luck" that no one heard..

An with that the kid died..

if the book reaches 50 bookmarks I gonna create a discord

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