
Chapter 22 – Exhausting Night

"Oh? You guys here too?”

That sentence was sent by Mayang when Dhea and Hannan were in front of her. The expressions on Dhea and Hannan's faces immediately changed. Especially Hannan, who really didn't like Radit and Mayang who approached them.

"Did you order? Wanna share table? Would you? Would you like it, so we can talk together," said Mayang cheerfully.

Which according to Dhea is very forced and cheerful. Because the look on the woman's face was very clear that she didn't like her. And, when she glanced at Radit, the man was glaring at Hannan.

Hannan himself chose to ignore Mayang and Radit and continued walking towards the ordering counter. Which of course, is with Dhea who is still faithful beside him.

"What do you want honey?" asked Hannan, when he turned to Dhea.

Dhea herself seemed to be thinking while her gaze was directed at the menu behind the barista. "I just want an iced peppermint mocha and one roll of red velvet .”