

Zhou Di received a note with a hotel room number on it. Following the instructions, he came to the hotel and found Yang Zaihua waiting outside in casual clothes. As soon as he approached, Yang Zaihua smiled warmly and promptly opened the door. Zhou Di shot him a glance before he stepped into the room. When Zhou Di saw Yang Chen, he immediately rushed into Yang Chen's arms, embracing and kissing him tightly. Yang Chen hugged him back and reciprocated his kiss, but they both felt the tears steaming down on their lips. Zhou Di apologized, saying:

"I'm sorry, Chen Ge, so sorry! I betrayed you. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry, Chen Ge. It's my fault, my fault."

Yang Chen chuckled and replied:

"What's the matter? Why are you so upset? Tell me how you betrayed me and what you have done wrong again?"

"I got married and made love with someone else on my wedding night. I betrayed you. I should have cancelled the engagement for you but I didn't. I went against my heart and my original intentions. I was wrong."

"No, my baby, you didn't do anything wrong and you don't need to apologize to me. Neither of us have more choices and we both have more concerns so it's not your fault and nor is it mine. Don't carry all the blame on your shoulders because it is our responsibility together. So, let's bear it together, Okay? I just have one requirement: Don't shut me out."

Zhou Di looked at Yang Chen and said:

"You know my answer, right? It will never change. Chen Ge, I love you!"

"I love you, Dizi."

The two of them were already sweating profusely on the bed and Zhou Di was particularly tired so he didn't want to move anymore but nestled lazily in Yang Chen's arms and asked weakly:

"How long can you stay here?"

"Just one night. I'm here to tell you that I might be unreachable for a month or more, maybe even 20 days."

"Why? Where are you going?"

"Go west."

"Is it dangerous?"

"I'm not sure. But the first person I have to meet is the one whose 30,000 soldiers were wiped out by me. He barely escaped with his life thanks to the sacrifice of several guards."

Zhou Di exclaimed in surprise:

"Then he will skin you alive. No, don't go. It is too risky. Please!" But he saw Yang Chen staring at him helplessly so he asked suspiciously, "Why do you have to go there?"

"I have to go for the sake of our hundreds of millions of compatriots."

Zhou Di looked at Yang Chen in a daze and whispered:

"It is an important mission. Yes, you have to go but what can I do for you? I...I can go with you. Yes, I will go with you."

Yang Chen hurried responded:

"No, I can't agree with you. It is too dangerous. You have to stay here."

"Please, Chen Ge! Let me go with you. If you go there alone, I will be worried to death. Please!"

"I won't go there alone and Zaihua will follow me."

"Why can he follow you and not me? Chen Ge, last time you also told me that it was too dangerous when I went the north, but we came back safely. If this time is the same as last time, it is no problem for me to go with you."

"But this time it is completely different. The Chen family has a score to settle with us many times, but there is some level of friendship between us. However, the Feng family is completely different story because it seldom for the Feng family to contact with three of us. If they want, they won't hesitate to kill me. That is why I don't want you to follow me. It is really too dangerous so no one is willing to follow me except Zaihua this time because his life has been tied with mine. We....."

Suddenly Zhou Di slapped Yang Chen on the face and then buried himself in Yang Chen's arms, saying with a muffled voice:

"You're letting Adjutant Yang accompany you to possible death so what about me? Don't you want me by your side? Chen Ge, if it is too dangerous or you can't come back, I want to be with you. If you die there, I want to die with you."

Suddenly Yang Chen understood Zhou Di's meaning and was deeply moved by his words. He embraced Zhou Di tightly, speechless, feeling a strong desire to merge with him, even to the depths of his soul.

Due to Zhou Di's insistence, Yang Chen had to adjust his plans and decided to stay in Yucheng for an additional two days. He lent Zhou Di his car and asked him to spend time with his family, especially his wife, for those two days. Yang Chen would wait for him in the villa for two nights, but he made it clear to Zhou Di that he wouldn't wait for him if it was impossible for Zhou Di to arrive on time. Additionally, Yang Chen arranged the military uniform for Zhou Di to act as a guard. Concerned about the cold weather in the west and worried that Zhou Di couldn't adapt, Yang Chen also prepared the military coat, hand stoves and other warm clothing for Zhou Di.

Actually Yang Zaihua was puzzled as to why Yang Chen insisted on bringing Zhou Di along to the west this time. It was not only dangerous but also a long journey. Unlike their previous trip to the north where they needed disguises and false identities. Zhou Di's skills had helped conceal their identities well last time, but it was unnecessary this time. On the contrary Yang Chen needed to be more conspicuous. Yang Zaihua asked:

"Why do you let Mr. Zhou come with us this time? It is too dangerous."

Yang Chen chuckled and replied:

"Because both of us are crazy right now but maybe he'll change his mind."

Yang Chen's intuition was correct. When Zhou Di faced his elderly grandparents with white hair and his virtuous and gentle wife, he indeed regretted his stubbornness. A deep sense of guilt surged up within him once again. He suppressed his emotions, trying to spend as much time as possible with his grandparents and leaving all his money to them. He treated his wife gently, presenting her with an exquisite and expensive bracelet he had made himself from the leftover scraps of a carved pornographic statue.

Zhou Di spent one and a half days peacefully with his family but it was a day filled with discomfort and guilty for him. He told them casually that he would be gone for more than 20 days, reassuring them, and then, laden with guilt, reluctance, and sorrow, he walked out of the door.

When Yang Chen looked at the pornographic statue, he couldn't help but be amazed. It depicted two figures, one with Zhou Di's childish face and the other resembling Yang Chen's handsome and heroic visage. In the sculpture, Zhou Di lay naked, one leg draped over Yang Chen's waist, the other leg slightly bent, one hand resting on Yang Chen's arm for support, biting his lower lip with eyes seemingly misty but filled with deep affection as he looked at Yang Chen. And Yang Chen, clad in a thin rob, knelt between Zhou Di's legs, his body leaning forward with the robe covering their lower bodies, his mouth slightly open, appearing to thrust forcefully into Zhou Di's deepest place while also leaning down to kiss the bitten lips. His other hand was intertwined with Zhou Di's, conveying a sense of great force. The sculpture was carved with remarkable expressiveness, vividly depicting every little detail.

Yang Chen held Zhou Di in his arms and lightly kissed his cheek, saying:

"How beautiful it is! I love it so much."

Zhou Di responded contentedly:

"This is the best piece I am most satisfied with carving. This exquisite jadeite is simply stunning. I don't know whether the statue is a priceless treasure or not but I am happy as long as you like it."

"Regardless of whether it is a priceless treasure, in my heart, it and the person who carved it are my priceless treasure."

"Chen Ge, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I used the fragments to make a bracelet for my wife. Could you be angry?"

Yang Chen smiled:

"I'm not a stingy person. Of course you can make anything for her. Okay, tell me what kind of person she is and let me know more about my love rival."

"She is a good woman, gentle and virtuous. She is filial to my grandparents and has an average appearance. She is not beautiful but very elegant."

Yang Chen said:

"It seems my love rival is quite formidable, which makes me feel a sense of crisis. In that case, I might need to be a little more vigilant and treat you well at most."

After saying this, he slipped his hand into Zhou Di's clothes, his breath heavy as he kissed Zhou Di on his neck.

"Don't be jealous, I..."

Zhou Di's words were interrupted by kisses. 

When Zhou Di woke up again, he found Yang Chen wasn't in bed so he called out softly:

"Chen Ge."

Yang Chen's voice came from the outer room:

"I'm here."

Zhou Di dressed and walked out of the bedroom, seeing Yang Chen leaning over his workbench and drawing something. He approached and saw Yang Chen sketching a box. Zhou Di asked:

"What are you drawing? A box?"

 "Yes, for our statue. Look, the base of the box is made of solid wood with four legs. On top, there is a glass cover. Then I'll add a kind of hazy small lamp inside. Outside the glass cover, I'll make a detachable wooden box. Here, we can make a removable wooden cover with a small lock outside the glass cover. Once it's locked, it can't be opened. If you want to see inside through the glass cover, just move this wood cover. I think it will have a unique charm when the hazy lamp is on."

"Chen Ge, thank you!"

"Your statue is our secret and there are only you and me who can watch it and enjoy it."

"Yes, just you and me." Zhou Di kissed Yang Chen on his neck and then continued, "Chen Ge, I used the fragments to make more than a bracelet. There's also a ring, two pairs of earrings and a Maitreya Buddha pendant. I'm thinking of taking this pendant to an auction to try my luck. You can take these jewelry pieces because there are many women in your family so you can give them as gifts."

"Very considerate, thinking for your husband! You begin to help me to give my favor to the people. Good boy! But I thank you for them. We can take this pendant to the west where there is an auction house. Let's pray for our luck there."

"Just follow you."

Later Yang Chen gave those jewelry to his mother and two ladies as New Year's gifts.