
A Reckless Captain


"Stop laughing, Zhao Yunlan... I fail to see the fun in this situation." Shen Wei said, as he sat back over a rock, with the wet captain still in the water, apparently enjoying himself at his expense.

"You are too serious, my Prince... you said they stole a piece of the magic compass, then why don't steal it back?" Zhao asked as he swim closer to the Prince.

"It's heavily guarded, back in the human Imperial Capital. My father already try and failed..." He said, while he gather his long hair at one side, to get rid of the excess of water, twisting it, as the happy Yunlan watch him with open admiration, probably whishing his robes were white instead, so he could see more flesh under the fabric. Seriously, it was almost writing all over his face, the pervert, Shen sighed.

"My Prince, your father provably acted when the Imperials were expecting it. Royal guards and assassins have a certain air that's easy to identify, even by a low guards. The Imperials had strong magic too and more than one type of puppets. To be honest, I doubt the piece is in the Capital right now. It will be too risky, even if heavily guarded. I bet they had moved to a remote, yet safer place with a replica somewhere inside the Imperial's palace, as bait." Shen Wei ponder on the thought for a moment.

"We can't be sure..." He finally said.

"Oh yes, we can." Zhao smiled devilry.

"How so? We are even been chase by Imperial airships right now." Zhao smile widen.

"Exactly. It's dark outside, barely visible if we keep our airship among clouds..." The prince arched an eyebrow.

"You don't mean..." Zhao laughed, because he knew the smart third Prince had got his silent implication.

"Yes, we can sneak in their airship and find the location. They had a magic network that connects the airships with the palace. Many secrets lies in the waiting for those who seek them." He admitted.

"You are seriously as mad as your crew, get out, the water is definitely making you losing your mind." Shen Wei said as he stood again, ready to transport them back as soon as the danger lover was back to his feet, but then, the whole place tremor and Shen Wei felt as his center of gravity was once again lost and begin to float up at the same time Zhao Yunlan was pull out of the water as well by the invisible force.

"Oh, come one, not again... You are all insane." Shen Wei whisper. Being the only two living mixing, that didn't belong inside the scroll, the outside world only affected their bodies. Zhao spread his black wings once more and catch the wet Prince, gladly pulling him toward his cold body. He notice the third Prince was still hot from the fever, but a bit more healing will low it further.

"Shen Wei..." Zhao put a hand on his lower back to keep him in place, then summoned his healing magic to help him, closing his eyes in concentration for a moment. "It's a good opportunity. You will not carry the scroll with you, just in case something goes wrong, but I assure you, we can do this without been caught..."

"You have done it before, right? I had the feeling that's why you know so much about their connection with the palace." Shen asked curiously, feeling the warm magic working wonders on him as they slowly floated.

The dragon protecting the scroll eyed them as they move up, he recognize the Prince blood as he had been there before, but the one holding him was a stranger, yet he smelled the blood of something old and powerful long lost in time, from where gods and immortals walked the world.

He wonder, if he should stop him if the man attempted to touch the scroll, because his blood was not exactly forbidden inside his protection, more like he was also a guardian way before the dragons were entrusted with the location of the pieces. Also there was something else the young Prince may want to know, before it was too late...

"Maybe... I'm not a saint, you know... I had my fair share of mischiefs." Shen sighed, still when he looked back at him, his hand moved on his own accord to remove a wet lock of hair from the Captain face. He had never felt an attraction for another man and he wasn't planning to begin now, but maybe it was because of his healing magic acting over his body, that there was something very alluring in Zhao Yunlan's dark eyes, as well as his mischievous smile. He knew he was staring at him for longer than he should and that been mesmerized by a playful Captain will only add more wood to his flame, still...

Shen Wei moved his head down a few centimeters closer to Zhao's, as he was a bit higher than the Captain, but then a huge dark figure behind Yunlan pull him back to reality. Shen Wei wasted no time and held Zhao protectively with one of his arms over his shoulders and another bellow the open wings, as the dragon was now too close to them.

The Captain looked back with surprise for the unexpected hug and found the menacing dragon way too close. Then Zhao retracted his feather wings, which disappear inside his back. They were floating up anyways, so he remained still, allowing the Prince to deal with his kind.

"He is not here to steal the scroll, back off. I do not wish him any harm." Shen Wei hissed angrily holding him closer, as his eyes turned a shade darker of red and he displayed his own strong wings, bigger than Yunlan's, half embracing them. His wings were made of flesh with no feathers in sight, like that of bats, but with multiple colors that almost shined under the sun, impressing his protege. A second later, the Prince gather a huge amount of his internal power, probably ready to strike, if the dragon dared to touch them.

"Shen Wei... maybe we should go now." Zhao whisper in his ear, then looked back. He wasn't afraid, because he had faced angry dragons before, but he was concerned that the Prince would not be allowed inside the scroll anymore because of him. Then there was a strange sound coming from the guardian of the scroll, he recognize as the dragon's language and soon after the two of them keep the throaty sounds back and forth for a few minutes. Then the dragon bowed his head and moved away and Shen used his ice magic to get them out of the scroll.

Once they were back inside his now really mess up room, the Prince gently put him back to the floor, his beautiful wings also disappearing inside his back, but contrary of what he expected, Shen didn't let go of him immediately, as he was almost sure he would. Zhao stared at his beautiful face, with concern as he was frowning, apparently lost in thoughts.

"My Prince... as much as I enjoy you holding me this thigh, I'm a bit concerned about what happen." It was then than Shen Wei focus back on Yunlan and hastily let go of him, backing away from him while blushing like mad.

"Oh... I... my apologies..." Shen apologize, making Zhao smile.

"Don't apologize, I honestly don't mind, but what happen? Are you in troubles because I was there too?" He ask him. Shen Wei took the scroll from the floor and toss it to the air, then a small fire salamander came out of nowhere and swallow it, disappearing along with the scroll soon after.

"No, you were not consider an intruder, it was... something else." He said avoiding his gaze, with a bit of a blush and Zhao wonder just what the dragon told him. Then the door open and Zhu Hong was quite surprise to find both the Prince and her Captain all wet.

"What the hell, did the two of you took a shower together in times like this?" Shen Wei blushed even more.

"What is it?" Zhao ignore the comment and urge her to say what she came to tell him.

"There is a huge storm ahead of us and can't be avoided. This can really turn ugly for all of us." Yet, to Zhao Yunlan, Captain of the Black Fury, it was not a problem, but a rare opportunity. He smiled, approaching Zhu and passing an arm over her small shoulders.

"Ah, Zhu Hong, this is just perfect, right my Prince?" Zhao turned his head to look at the wet beauty, who arched an eyebrow.

"You are set on doing it? That's just reckless." He said before sighing.

"Reckless is my middle name... tell Lin to go straight to the storm and to slow the speed just a bit."

"Wait, what are you planning now Captain?" Zhu asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"A welcoming party, of course..." Zhu rolled her eyes.

"Not again... are we boarding the Imperial airship? Last time we were almost caught." Zhu remained him. Shen Wei, smirked despite himself, he knew they had done it before.

"Ah... that was the damn cat fault... anyways, this time only the third Prince and I will board their airship, you guys only make sure to keep ours in one piece."

"Easier said than done... it's a storm after all." She said.

"We have done worse... go and tell Lin we are going out, I have the talisman with me." Zhao said, moving to take the Prince by the hand and going out his room. He guided Shen Wei back to the small deck at the back of the ship. Once out, both of them could see the approaching airships, mostly because of their red lights, but soon, dark clouds, charged with reddish lighting and a strong wind, engulfed all the airships. Zhao looked at his Prince, which had those red bewitching eyes back.

"You are quite powerful, but will you be able to fight if necessary?" Shen Wei, smirked.

"I was ready to fight one of my own. A few puppets are not even worth mentioning." Zhao laughed, pulling the Prince closer, then taking him on his arms.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Shen protested, totally taken by surprise to be back to the Captains arms, bridal style.

"Sorry my prince, but I only had one talisman, so we need to share it." Zhao said as a bluish light begin to shine from inside one of his pockets.

"Zhao Yunlan, you can't possible fly holding me like this, I can fly on my own, there is a storm around us, let me down!"

"No can do my Prince, where's the fun in doing that. Hold on as tight as you can, this will be a bit messy..." Zhao said as he begin running over the remaining of the obsidian desk.

"Wait, Yunlan!!!" But he open his wings and jumped out of the airship, while the magic of the talisman worked over them, making them blend with the night. Shen Wei simply closed his eyes and hold on to his neck for dear life, as Yunlan glide at top speed toward the Imperial airship. He only hoped to see another day, because the reckless Captain was in a league of his own. Something he had failed to find out before it was too late.

AN: 😂😂 Oh, Shen Wei, you are in for such troubles, yet you will also enjoy the ride at the same time.