
The Warning


"Professor Shen? Are you alright?" Zhao asked with worry, when seen him fall over his own desk so suddenly. However, Shen Wei didn't respond to his call.

"Oh, no, no, no... Shen Wei!!!" Zhao yelled, hurriedly moving closer to the Professor and pulling him up, in his chair. With trembling fingers, he checked his neck for a pulse, and to his deep horror, the man that suddenly meant a world for him despite knowing him for less than twenty four hours, had none. Panic run over him, yet his body acted on instinct. He gently put Shen over the floor, so he could perform CPR on him, yet as he keep it up for more than two minute without any respond, his heart raced in terror.

"Damn it, Shen! You can't do this to me now! Come back, I will not let you die on me!!" He reached for his phone to call an ambulance, however, as soon as his hand touch it, it burst into flames, for which Zhao was forced to throw it into a corner.

"What the hell?" All of the sudden, Zhao begin to see things out of place. The whole room seem to be cover with a faint golden glow, quite similar to that of a barrier and looking down on Shen, he also was cover with some kind of black and golden mist. Also, there was some kind of small flame shining from inside his clothes, over his neck. It was then that Zhao realize, whatever happen to Shen was somehow related to the page he had shown him.

The room itself had been sealed by an unknown force, for which he could not take out his Professor, even if he had tried it by force, yet beyond the panic he had felt when Shen's heart had stopped beating, his body was clearly also being sealed away. Nevertheless, despite all his instinct screaming at him to keep on trying to save his beloved, deep down he knew that Shen was going to wake up soon, that he was going to come back from whatever place his essence had been transported.

So, Zhao took Shen's cold body in his arms, slightly kissing the crown of his head and waited for him to come back to the world of the living.

"I'll be waiting for you Xiao Wei..." He whisper in his ear, and pull him even closer, so his body at least could feel his warmth. There was nothing else he could do against the will of the gods.

-Shen Wei-

"Xiao Wei... Xiao Wei... wake up..." A voice he had missed for so long softly called for him in the distance, like if it being carried away by the winds. Shen open his eyes to find himself surrounded by darkness, with not a single trace of light nearby. However, having being born into the darkness, that was nothing new for him. However, the last thing he remember was being with Zhao Yunlan in his office discussing something about a text... something about Kunlun's writing. Wait... Kunlun? Zhao!!

"Yunlan!" Shen yelled sitting over the cold ground, when realizing the man was not with him, nor was he in the human realm any longer. Was he in the underworld instead? No, the feeling was familiar, yet somehow different. Then where was him?

"Xiao Wei... come..." The voice once again urged him and he unconsciously follow it and walked for what seems like hours in the dark void he was in. There seems to be some kind of distortion all around, like two things were trying to merge with each other. Also, looking at himself, he notice that he was wearing the same cloths he used thousands of years ago, with his black hair almost reaching the end of his back.

"Is this the past?" Shen asked himself when he finally was able to see a distant source of light, a fire, if he was seen correctly and walked toward it more hurriedly. However, perhaps because of the distortion, the small fire he was trying to reach, looked even farther with each step.

"No and yes..." The voice said and suddenly, he found himself right in front of a man with long hair, dressed in exquisite silk robes of light green and blue, sat by a dying fire. His eyes widened when he looked into his perfect features and instantly Shen was on his knees.

"Lord Kunlun..." Shen whisper.

"Rise Xiao Wei, there is no need for you to kneel before me." Kunlun said first.

"But you are a god, worthy of the highest respect." Shen simply said.

"That may be for others, not for you. Get up and sit beside me." Without any hesitation, Shen Wei did as he was told.

"What is this place? Am I dreaming?" Shen asked first out of pure curiosity.

"No, although your body is still inside your office, as I had left it." This is bad, Yunlan must be freaking out by now. Shen thought, almost sighing, which only make Kunlun laugh.

"He is indeed, as he should. This experience will pull him closer to you in no time, I assure you..."

"Kunlun... why I'm here?" He insisted.

"Ah... Many things that happen in the past went well, however, there were some who turned for the worse. What almost happen to you was just one of them. Actually, I should apologize now while I still have the time."

"What for? You had never wrong me before..." Shen protested, not remembering when such thing could had happed.

"I let you take a fatal wound it wasn't meant for you. Although, your brother would had rejoice in seen me suffer or worse, he will never dare to kill you with his own hands. His pain when you took the stab in my place was no fake and was one of the few reasons I spare his life afterwards. Still, I wasn't careful enough to not notice your brother sneaking out on me from behind. My apologies, you should had never been cursed like that, if I had been more focus on Ye Zun." Kunlun sadly said.

"I would had sacrifice myself for you ten thousand times over if necessary, you should now about that. My fate with Ye Zun had been decided since our birth. As he is darkness, I was meant to carry the light. We were the yin and yang force, keeping balance in the chaotic world in which we born. Our actions, although opposites, were also complementary and interconnected. What he hated, I love it and what he wanted to destroy, I save it with my own life."

"Which I wouldn't let you do, if I have known." He added with even more sadness.

"You did sacrifice your divinity to save me, for which my life is yours." Shen said

"Oh but Xiao Wei... I have been offering you, mine for centuries. Giving up my divinity to keep you from turning into ashes was not the only reason I went that far. I also did it because I wanted you to have the only thing you had always desire, yet never dare to ask for it."

"What do you mean?" Shen asked while titling his head.

"You devoted yourself to me for too long, never asking for something in return. All because you saw me as a god you could never be worthy of it. You were wrong, my love for you had never been less than yours, and to prove it, I became a human, so you could let me be yours. All my reincarnations had something in common. None of them ever married and that's because all of them felt the deep void of your absence. They obsessed themselves in finding you, one time after another..." Shen Wei's eyes widened in deep surprise, when hearing this.

"I'm actually glad that Ye Zun had bring you closer to Zhao Yunlan, although he may not be too thrilled with the decision later. He is truly the perfect one for you." Shen couldn't help but blush under Kunlun's gaze.

"How so? Since you have foreseen this much into the future before entering reincarnation, you should also know that I... I can't even be too close to him for long... you know, the curse..."

"Ah... that curse. The blade cursed by GongGong itself with a stolen spell. He used such a strong dark magic on his blade and a very old one on top of that. However, the reason I created the temple serving you and the Order of the Guardians if to free you from its grasp. I'm sure my other self will find a way to lift the curse from you soon enough."

"How? I have tried to find a way to do it for centuries. The only thing that seems to work for a while is for me to be in deep sleep for a few generations, but even after the long rest, the curse always come back full force within a few decades."

"The time will come. I may be dormant inside Zhao Yunlan, but he is still me, the same way I am him. He is not a normal human by any means, because he will always carried the soul of a god. Also, you carry with you my soul flame, which should help you decrease the effect of the curse when near Yunlan, when his third eye awaken. He will unconsciously use the flame then and one more thing. If everything else fail, go to the temple of Nuwa, when her descendants prepare the festival celebrating the creation of this world. Because you helped humans to survive the war so selflessly, you had already receive her blessing. Ask her to grant you freedom and she will comply. A goddess cannot be in your debt for all eternity, she will certainly repay your kindness." Kunlun said, half smiling, but soon his expression changed to one of concern and seriousness.

"That however is not the reason I have summon you to this memory, imbedded inside a page of the book I created a long time ago. I knew that eventually, one of my reincarnations will try to write your name in the pages, which only make my warning the more urgent. Seek for the Holy artifacts and strengthen the barrier between the realms. I'm afraid, the seal keeping demons trapped may soon be broken. You most hurry, otherwise, the human realm will face another war they are not prepare to fight." And then, everything begin to become blur to him.

"Wait, Kunlun... Kunlun!" Shen wake up suddenly, opening his eyes to find himself in Zhao's tight embrace. The close contact make his heart race more than never before, so he moaned in pain, making Zhao look at him with a mix of relief and worry.

"Guardian Zhao..." Shen whisper, not really minding the pain. Being in his love one arms was worth all the pain of the world. Zhao looked around for a second, seen that the seal had been lifted.

"Don't say anything now, you are going to have a visit to the closet hospital I can find. Then we talk." And so Zhao help him to stand. Everything was alright again and that was enough for him, for now.

AN: I thank all reader for supporting this work. To be honest, its my first BL one, so I don't honestly know if is building up well enough. I honestly loved the couple from the drama so much that I couldn't help myself but to tried to make them a world of my own. Thanks again. ^-^