
Guardian Of The End

"What kind of guardian would you want to be? the one who destroys everything or the one who protects everything?" Jason, one of the many casualties during a nuclear explosion gets the chance to reincarnate into another world due to his deeds during the war. He gets tossed to another world due to ending up with the Shadow god as his patron, something deemed impossible. With a system to guide him in the world of Clover and a family jinxed through the generations, his adventurous life in new world begin. --- Note: This novel is slow-paced till the 50s. It picks up pace after that. WC per chapter: 1600~2200 words Includes a few chaps with 1100~1300 words I don't own the cover

BlackFlamer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
275 Chs

I Might Smash Something

"Who are you again?" Kerwin asked with a frown as Issac took the initiative of introducing Jason.

"He is Michael's son." His lips curled up into a smile when he saw the expression of disbelief on Kerwin's face.

Four words were all it took to shake the demi-human prince and make him look at Jason in a new light. Jason once again wondered what kind of person his father was to have an effect like this.

"Then it's fair that he joins in too. The physical representation of mana will be based individually while the battle will be a tag team one," Kerwin announced while looking at the four children. "Is that clear to all of you?"

All of them nodded in understanding as Kerwin then headed out. His children followed him alongside Zara and Nora. Jason on the other stopped his grandparents from going out.

"Why did his expression and tone change when you mentioned father's name?" He inquired as both of his grandparents sighed in response.

"He wasn't afraid of your father. He was afraid of your other grandparents, more specifically Astryn. She had killed thousands of demi-humans in an event in the past and he knows that you have her blood." Issac explained.

"Then why didn't she kill all those demons in one blow a few years back?" Jason felt surprised or at least did his best to look so.

He already knew that something had restricted Astryn from using her powers so all he wanted was to hear the revelation.

"That was because she is connected to the demon king himself. The king of demons has a forced connection between him and all the powerhouses of his empire," Risa started explaining.

"Whenever any of them use more than 5% of their power, he knows about it and can also tell their location."

After hearing her words, Jason understood why Astryn had only helped them passively. He could imagine what kind of powerhouse she would've been otherwise.

[ She would be a one-woman army. ] The system stated.

'Thanks for stating that, captain obvious.' Jason replied while nodding his head in understanding.

Satisfied with the answer he got, Jason too moved out of the house with Issac and Risa. The three children had gathered around a tree with Kerwin standing in front of them. Jason also joined them just in time to hear Kerwin telling the rules.

"All of you will show the physical representation of mana in the three ways: compression, expansion, and gathering. I will be judging you off the small details of how you do it and how much time you take."

After stating the rules, Kerwin raised both of his hands and showed the first form of physical mana representation, compression.

[ Four seconds to make the mana appear in the palm of his hand. He is quite impressive.] The system commented as it had managed to record the time it took for Kerwin to summon a red mist ball of mana in his palm.

He then increased the size of the mana ball until it became a watermelon and then decreased it to the size of a marble ball. Once done with that, he made the red mist ball swirl around before making it vanish.

Compression was basically the first way of showing mana that Jason had learned.

"Your turn now." Kerwin placed his hands down and looked at the four children.

'This is so easy.' Jason stifled a yawn as he was the only one who looked unfocused. He casually raised his right hand in front of him and used his lightning mana.

A minute later, the mana had turned into a baseball-sized purple mist ball in his hands. Jason then decreased the size of the ball to that of a marble ball before increasing it to a watermelon's size.

Jason then vanquished the mana just in time to see, Aila summoning a red mist ball in her hand. She also showed the same things that Jason did before vanquishing her mana.

The two older siblings then looked at Felix and Nora who still hadn't summoned their balls of mana

The two demi-humans had their eyes closed in focus and did this for another minute. Both of them then opened their eyes at the same time as two flaring red balls of mana appeared in their hands.

Kerwin looked at their mana control for another minute before nodding at their performance.

"All of you passed stunningly and I can tell that there is no need for me to see the other ways. Let's move on to the battle." Kerwin explained. "The first party to knock out both of the members on the other side win."

Zara gritted her teeth after hearing this as she knew that neither Jason nor Nora had any fighting experience. Aila and Felix on the other hand would have received training from the best fighters in the demi-human kingdom.

'Not only that but Nora also didn't have his tail powers bloom out today. Jason, all of this depends on you.' Zara prayed.

Even though it was rare, some demi-humans didn't grow their tail permanently even after turning ten years old. Such demi-humans only unlocked their true powers when faced with a tearjerker of emotions or a life-ending situation.

Zara would've trained Nora a bit however, she couldn't do it. Her reason for not being able to do that was the same as to why Risa and Issac couldn't train either of their grandchildren. The same applied to Ray.

Kerwin somehow seemed to know this as he made the children stand in teams while having a smile on his face.

"Each team will only have one active fighter at a time. To tag your teammate, you have to clap their hands. If two people attack at the same time, it will be counted as a disqualification. Nora and Felix will be the starters."

After both sides had heard the rules, Aila walked up to Jason and Nora and bowed down a little.

"I am asking you nicely so please back down now. We won't be responsible if a few of your bones break down." She said politely while maintaining a poker face.

'Bich please, I have read this line so many times that it's almost registered in my head. You are not the main character here.' Jason thought about saying these words aloud but refrained.

After all, actions spoke more than words.

"We will ask you the same thing then except, I might smash something instead of just breaking it. So good luck in trying to save yourself." Jason replied with a calm smile as he extended his hand forward.

Aila glanced down at it with a disappointed expression yet she still shook it.

'He has a strong grip.' She noticed while shaking his hand as Jason withdrew and patted Nora's shoulder.

"We will keep things simple. If you see Felix go in for the tag, do the same. Don't fight her on your own." Jason whispered as Nora nodded and advanced.

On the other side, Felix also advanced with confidence. He raised his right hand in Jason's direction and pointed at him with his middle finger.

"How dare you touch my sister who every boy in the kingdom wants to marry?!" Suddenly, Felix's calm expression vanished and was replaced by a true sis-con that knew no bounds to what he should say. "I will break your PP for that."

Jason almost choked on air when he heard that line.

'What the hell… Why is this turning into a comedy Japanese isekai story?'

[ Maybe cause that's your destiny. ] The system joked.

'Good use of sarcasm system. Nice to know that you still have it.' Jason replied while wondering whether its words could be true or not.

He shook his head to get rid of such thoughts before giving Felix two middle fingers.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind a lightning bolt through your heart. First beat Nora, kid and then we will talk." Jason challenged aloud.

Kerwin coughed a little after hearing Jason's reply as he hadn't expected his son's sis-con side to suddenly pop out. He knew that there was no point in trying to say anything to Felix especially after he had made such a declaration.

"Felix, you won't get any chocolate for a month now." Kerwin declared as Felix's expression suddenly changed.

He made puppy eyes at his father but it didn't have any effect. Once Kerwin said something, he would not change his words, not even for his children.

"Enough. If anyone is in a near-death situation, their respective guardians or parents will save them. Now start the battle!"

Maybe I should make this novel a cliche cringe Japanese comedy story...

Joking xD

BlackFlamercreators' thoughts