
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasia
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66 Chs

The Tribunal [ A ] They Meet

"Father..." the scared girl with red hair in a jacket and blue jeans cried to her only family member who was still alive.

"Don't be scared. We'll find the help we need somehow." the father responded, and they hugged. They were crouching behind a rock to hide from the Tribunal officers, who were ruthless enforcers who show no mercy.

"Did you find them?" one of the superiors asked.

"Nope. They could be hiding anywhere."

"Then find them! I don't care what it takes."

"Yes sir!"

Loraine: "What now?"

"I'll create a diversion, and you run for it. Whatever you do, don't stop or look back. Got it?"

"What about you?"

"I might be able to escape if I'm lucky."

"What if you don't...then what?"

"Don't worry about me!" he said harshly. "The important thing is that you make it out of here without being captured. Once you reach the dimensional portal, you'll be safe."

"Right, father."



"Good." He got on top of the rock and yelled "Hey, I'm over here!" Then he drew his gun and started shooting like a drunk. He fired everywhere without aim or target. The T-troops shot his arm and attacked him. "Run, Loraine!"

She obeyed and ran as fast as she could, without looking back. Two of them held Harold by his arms, and the others ran for the girl. She ran at full speed, but those behind her seem to be catching up. She saw the canyon and reached its edge. Then she stopped. Below was the dimensional portal.

"There's no escape from us!" one of them said.

"Guess again!" she shouted, then jumped.

The troops fired at her as she fell, but they weren't even close. She fell right into the middle of the swirling pool and disappeared. The six T-troops followed, and five of them went into the portal, but unluckily for the last one, the portal disappeared and he fell into the river.

"Train's late again." Zell said as he stared at his new watch.

"What'd you expect? Nothing comes on time in the city. Especially the train." Terry said with frustration.

"That's it. This is the last time I'm coming to this place. It smells in here."

"Patience, Zell. It'll come eventually."

"I don't understand why we don't just fly outta here. It's faster. It's night time, so nobody's gonna see us."

"No. It might be night, but still...we can't have the risk of someone seeing us. If that does happen, we'll be in trouble."

"Right, of course." Zell sighed with a disapproving tone.

Near the staircase, a dimensional gateway opened and a screaming girl ran out, followed by the Tribunal troops. "Help me!" she screamed.

Terry: "Someone's in danger!"

Loraine ran into Zelfire. "Help! You have to help me!" Zelfire put her behind him as the troops approached.

"Hand over the girl."

Terry: "On whose authority?"

"Listen, we just want the girl. Hand her over and nobody gets hurt."

"Hey, that sounds like a threat." Zelfire said.

"I am running out of patience."

"Do you know who you're talking to? You're dealing with Terry Spade!"

"I don't care who you are, but if you insist in getting in our way then things won't be pleasant for you." He grabbed Terry's shirt. "Got it?"

"Got it." Pow! After he was ko'd, they started fighting.

There was only two of them, and four of the troops left, but Terry and Zeflire faced worse opponents. In no time at all, they beat the troops and Loraine was safe.

They decided to walk home instead of taking the train. At some point during the walk, Loraine was cold and Zelfire took off his jacket and gave it to her. She thanked him.

They took her to a diner so they could eat and she could tell them the whole story. Zelfire called Magarita on the pay phone and she came at once.

Margrit: "So, what did they want from you? Who are you?"

Loraine: "My name is Loraine. I, um, want to thank you for rescuing me."

Zell: "No problem. We can't let them bully on an innocent woman and get away with it."

Terry: "Who were those people anyway?"

Loraine: "Alright then. I'll tell you everything. They were the Tribunal forces, and I'm wanted so they were after me."

"Tribunal?" Terry asked blankly. "As in Tribunal Times, the newspaper company?"

"Uhhh...not exactly. You see...what I'm about to tell you might sound strange. You're not gonna believe me when I tell you. Trust me."

"Try me." Margrit said impatiently. "I've seen things no other person has seen before. And you have no idea what I've experienced."

Loraine: "Ok. I actually came from another dimension. Our world is split into many divisions, called dimensions, and the planet you see before you is only a small fraction compared to all the other dimensions."

"Uh-huh." Terry nodded, giving her the sign to continue.

"I came from the 56th parallel, a world ruled by the Tribunal. Until today no one knows exactly what the Tribunal really is. Some say it is an organization of some kind, ruled by three people. But what I do know is that the Tribunal has ruled my village for many years, and they want to spread their power throughout my world. We are living like slaves under them! We work and work and dare not disobey! If they ever find out anybody has any intentions of rebellion, we'll never see that person again."

Margrit: "That's terrible! Those terrorists!"

Loraine: "They're worse than terrorists."

Terry: "So is that why you left? Because the Tribunal was threatening your life, and your families and friends' lives?"

Loraine nodded while saying, "Mmm hmm." She was surprised these people are actually buying her story.

Zelfire: "What kind of cruel people can do such a thing to a peaceful village?"

Loraine: "Anyway, I'm looking for help around this dimension. Can I speak to your leader?"

Terry: "Our leader? The president of our country? Forget it. Even if we told him he probably won't believe us. Even if he does, he has no jurisdiction in another dimension.

Margrit: "We'll help you out."

Loraine: "You? The three of you? And what army?"

Zelfire: "We are our own army. Didn't you see the way we beat those guys who came after you?"

Loraine: "Yeah, you can fight well, but..."

"But what?" Margrit said confidently. "We've been through a lot, and believe me, we've seen everything. There's nothing that can stop us, especially this Tribunal, whatever it is."

Terry: "That's right. Our powers are nothing like you've ever seen, Loraine." He held up the finished plate and broke it in half without even trying. You can count on us."

Loraine was like wow. She had never seen such strength before. Maybe they could stand a chance after all...maybe...

"Alright then. I'll take your word for. And thank you so much for everything."

Margrit: "No problem. Now let's find the Tribunal and kick their butts!"

Loraine: "Right now?"

Zelfire: "That's right. We can't wait any longer."

Loraine: "Well, we can't now. You see, I just came into this world a few hours ago using the dimensional portal. We need to wait at least twelve hours in your time to use the gate again. To use it, we have to go to the place where I first came from."

Zelfire: "The train station?"

"Yes, I think it was staircase B." Terry added.

"Great!" Margrit said joyfully. "Then we'll go there tomorrow." she said hurriedly.

Zelfire: "I guess you don't have a place to live to here, so..."

Terry: "You can stay at our place tonight."

Loraine: "Sure."

Margrit: "C'mon. You must be tired. Let's get you cleaned up and warm."

Luckily for them, they had an extra bedroom. Terry and Margrit slept together as usual, and Loraine slept in the other room, which was full of boxes and old stuff. She didn't mind. She was lucky enough to have found such nice people here.

That night, Loraine slept comfortably. She didn't have such good sleep in a very long time. That night she didn't worry about the Tribunal capturing her, suddenly breaking into her home, or her neighbor's home. Yet, she still had one worry on her mind: her father. What is to become of him? He was captured. Could they make it in time to save him, or is he probably dead by now?

It was morning. It was time to go. Loraine woke up from a good night's sleep and yawned. She got dressed and went into the living room. Terry was waiting for her on the couch.

"Good morning." Terry waved.


Margrit came out of her bedroom, now fully dressed in her combat suit and life jacket. "It's time to go."

Terry: "Are you ready?"

Margrit: "I've been ready since last night."

Terry: "Great. Zell should be here any minute."

Coincidentally, the bell rang just as Terry finished. Margrit answered. Zelfire came in.

"You guys ready?"

"I've been ready since I was born." Terry said, copying what Margrit just said with exaggeration.

Margrit smiled.

Loraine: "Alright. Let's go back to my village."

They went back to the ghetto train station and Loraine tried to find the spot where she took her first step. Lucky for them, the station was empty except for them. The only noise they heard was a train passing by seconds ago.

As she predicted, the portal was there, floating just a few inches above the ground. They were only a little bit shocked to discover such a thing. Like Margrit said, they've seen almost everything in their adventures. Everything but a dimensional portal. Yep, this is a new one.

Loraine took a step forward. "This is it. My home is only one step away." She stepped into the swirling pool, then vanished. Margrit was second. Terry followed. Then finally, Zelfire. The second they were on the other side, they fell into the river. They were forced downstream by the current and tried to stay floating. When the stream slowed a little, they got back on land, all wet.

Terry twisted the bottom of his shirt and rinsed. Margrit was fixing her hair. Zelfire tried to wipe his wet face.

Terry: "Why didn't you tell us there was a river down here?"

Loraine: "I'm sorry. I forgot about it. I was so excited to come back here, I-"

Margrit: "Alright, where's the village?"

Loraine: "Just up these cliffs. It's not that long a walk."

Terry: "Something's wrong...I don't feel so well..."

Zelfire: "Me too..."

Margrit: "I feel it too...my body feels like two hundred pounds."

Loraine: "What is going on?! Are you guys ok?"

Terry: "I...can't move...my muscles aren't responding!"

The three of them stumbled, trying to regain balance.

Zelfire: "It must be the gravity here...it's really high!"

Margrit: "Yes...that explains this."

Zelfire collapsed. "Ahhh...my head feels like it's about to explode."

Margrit was next.

Then Terry.

Loraine: "Oh no, what do I do now?"

Terry woke up. He found himself in a strange bed in a strange room. The room was really old and dusty. Margrit and Zelfire were unconscious on other beds. The room had one small window on Terry's wall. It was hot and dry.

Terry moved his hand. It felt heavy, but not as heavy as before. He got up. It wasn't as painful before, but it was still difficult.

Margrit woke up. "Uhhh...where are we?"

Zelfire woke up: "Terry? Margrit?"

Terry: "Can you move without trouble?"

Margrit: "I still feel very heavy, but it's a bit better now."

Terry: "Good. Let's hope we get used to this high gravity before we get into any fights."

Loraine came in, holding a tray of refreshments. "Glad to see you're all awake. Drinks?"

Zelfire: "Thank you." He sipped his cup.

Margrit: "No thanks, I don't drink coffee."

Terry got his cup and gulped it all down.

Joneses: "So you are the people who saved my Loraine's life. Let me thank you for your heroic deeds."

Terry shook his hand. "No problem. And don't worry about it. Once we fully recover we'll find out what the Tribunal is."

Margrit: "And then destroy them!"

Joneses: "Yes, Loraine has told me about you. Ohhh where are my manners? Let me introduce myself. I am Joneses."

The heroes introduced themselves, and shook hands.

Loraine: "I hope we find my father soon."

Joneses: "Your father? He's probably dead by now. One thing you must know, whoever is accused of a crime by them, whether innocent or not, has never returned once they were captured. No one has ever escaped."

Terry: "That's terrible!"

Joneses: "And do you know what is worse? No one knows exactly what the Tribunal is. There are rumors, but nothing is for sure. Also, no one knows the location of the Tribunal headquarters. Only the troops know."

Zelfire: "I'm sure we can find it somehow."

They heard a man shouting from a distance. Loraine knew they were coming.

"The Tribunal troops are here! Quick, hide in the storage room!" Loraine went outside.

So the heroes hid under a blanket, peeping through the small crack on the wooden wall.

The villagers formed two straight lines, and the troops walked in between them. They examined each person carefully. The villagers stood still and remained silent.

Troop A: "Listen you insignificant insects, the Tribunal has something very important to announce." He turned his head and stopped walking. "Guess what?" He turned to the other direction. "Yesterday some of you tried to escape from the village."

Shocked reactions from villagers.

"A very foolish act indeed. But not to worry, we captured the criminals and imprisoned them." More shocked reactions.

Margrit: "Is he talking about Loraine?"

Terry: "Yes."

Zelfire: "Shhh. They'll hear us."

Troop A: "But someone named Loraine has escaped from us. Maybe she went to get help. So then, let's play a game called 'who knows where she is?' Any volunteers? Well?" Pause. "Who knows where Loraine is going to, huh?"

Joneses (whispering to Loraine): "I think you better hide."

Troop A: "Who was that? It's so rude to speak when someone else is speaking!"

Loraine turned her face to another side and pulled her jacket up to her nose.

"Was that you?"

Joneses: "I'm sorry about that."

"Sorry? Maybe next time you should learn to shut your mouth! How about we start with you? Do you know Loraine?"

"I've never heard of her."

Terry: "Oh no! Loraine is outside."

Troop A: "Are you sure about that?"

Joneses: "Yes. I never lie about anything. My parents always taught me to tell the truth no matter what the situation is."

Troop A: "I like that! Yes, being honest is a good thing." He noticed Loraine. "Hey you!" She shivered. "I'm talking to you! Why are you hiding yourself?" He tried to touch her face, but she resisted. "Why you! Where are your manners?" He pulled down the jacket and he gasped. "You're Loraine!"

"No I'm not! You must have...mistaken me for someone else."

Joneses: "That's right...she looks like Loraine. All my friends think so. Some times people have mistaken them for twin sisters...she's my cousin...Anna."

Troop A: "Stop lying. We've checked your files. You have no cousins. And she is Loraine. Get her!"

The troops advanced on her.

Terry: "We gotta stop them!"

The heroes got out of the house and walked towards the troops face to face. Two troops held Loraine by her arms and she struggled to get free.

"Stop!" Terry shouted.

Troop A: "Who in the name of holiness are you?"

Troop B (whispering to him): "I don't they're from around here, sir, judging by the way they dress."

Troop A: "Where are you from?"

Terry: "We came from Earth."

Margrit: "More accurately speaking, from another dimension."

Troop A: "Another dimension? Did you come from the canyon?"

Zelfire: "That's right."

Loraine: "Help!"

Terry: "Let her go."

Troop A: "And why should I listen to you, outsider? Do you know who I am?!"

Terry: "Do you know who I am?"

Troop A: "Do you realize you're speaking against the Tribunal? How dare you!"

Varied reaction from crowd. Some villagers were turning their heads, thinking what a stupid thing to do. Others smiled a bit, knowing these might be the only people willing to stand up against them. The troops all felt the same: these people need to be taught a lesson.

Terry: "I don't give a crap who or what the Tribunal is. Just let her go."

The troops grew upset. "Such language! How dare you talk about our organization in that way!" Troop A hollered.

"Hey, you heard him. Do it, or you'll get it real good." Margrit said.

Troop A: "Enough. Finish these loud-mouths."

The troops attacked. The heroes fought back confidently. But they forgot about the gravity, and only seconds after fighting, it got to them again.

Terry: "Oh no!" He could barely stand up.

One of the troops pounce his back, and he fell.

Margrit's movements were slow as heck, and it wasn't the fight she wanted. She chopped, missed, punched and missed, then got kicked, and punched in the face.

The same went for Zelfire.

Margrit layed still on the ground. "I...I can't lose because of this disability...I won't..." She fell unconscious.

The troops held Terry by the arms, lifting him up, forcing him to stand. "How pathetic. And here I was thinking it'd be a good fight." Troop #1 said. He punched his stomach. Terry spit blood as he was hit.

A lost girl being chased by hunters from another world. A man imprisoned for speaking out the truth. A merciless tribunal who passes judgment on those who rebel. All these spell disaster for our heroes, as they get sucked into another dimension where the Tribunal rules everything. To complicate matters further, they lose most of their powers because of the intense gravity. Will they heroes be able to destroy the Tribunal and get back home?

BenjaminLouiecreators' thoughts